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2004 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Speaking Skills (Candidate s Copy) General Instructions Preparation time 5 minutes The examination should take 10 15 minutes The examination will be recorded on cassette. The cassette recorder should NOT be stopped or paused until the whole examination is completed You are NOT permitted to make written notes You are NOT permitted to ask the examiner for help with Arabic expressions You must state your Student Number and Centre Number in ENGLISH at the beginning of the examination 001 Total marks 10 Section I Page 2 5 marks Attempt Question 1 Section II Page 3 5 marks Attempt Question 2 Section I Reading 5 marks Attempt Question 1 Question 1 (5 marks) Read the text aloud in ARABIC. UA F UM? b F uK W? d w U ]q w K zU? l L b d? d I ]r W?]O b? L d H W? b L s b UM Q? W K zUF q L F s w l ]b W]O u O ]r u e? H K= W? U?? vK U??H _ Z d U??G?=B w u? b U??A u M I? b?? vK? ]w u? O ]w? d? F q ? K ? L? U? F? O? ?L? b U?? A u]M d v p bF V c ]r W]O d F WOzUC H ] 2 Section II Conversation 5 marks Attempt Question 2 The conversation examination MUST be conducted in MODERN STANDARD ARABIC. Question 2 (5 marks) Respond in ARABIC to the questions asked by the examiner. End of paper 3 BLANK PAGE 4 Board of Studies NSW 2004 Centre Number Student Number 2004 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination cassette Write using black or blue pen You may make notes in the column headed Candidate s Notes Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 305 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 12 Total marks 35 Attempt Questions 1 12 You will hear 12 texts. Each text will be read twice. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. Marks Question 1 (1 mark) 1 Where is this announcement taking place? (A) At an Arabic sweets shop (B) At a gift shop (C) At a children s clothes shop (D) At an adults clothes shop Question 2 (2 marks) What are the reasons for Ghassan s and Salma s excitement when they meet at the shop? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 2 2 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 3 (2 marks) 2 Complete the following table. Number of rooms Location Three bedrooms House 1 Large lounge room Three bedrooms House 2 Separate living room and lounge room Question 4 (1 mark) What do passengers wanting to go to North Sydney need to do? 1 (A) Wait 5 minutes and catch the next train to North Sydney. (B) Go to platform 5 and catch the next train to Central Station. (C) Go to platform 7 and catch the train to Central Station. (D) Wait 7 minutes and catch the next train to Central Station. Question 5 (3 marks) What makes this trip to Australia such a special event for Rima? Give details. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 3 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 6 (3 marks) What factors influence Bassem s and Sarah s decision? 3 ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 7 (4 marks) 4 What will Sanaa do next? Give details. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 8 (1 mark) 1 What sort of report is this? (A) Accident report (B) News report (C) Snow report (D) Weather report 4 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 9 (4 marks) (a) 1 Why is Danni upset with his sister? .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... (b) How does Danni show his love and appreciation for his mother? Give details. 3 .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... Question 10 (4 marks) 4 Explain the problem and how it occurred. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 5 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 11 (5 marks) How does Ziyad try to persuade Wedad to go out with the group? 5 ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Question 12 (5 marks) 5 Why is Rasha so upset? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. End of paper 6 Candidate s Notes BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2004 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Listening Skills Transcript Familiarisation Text 5L=K FL W d w UN { d F q C _ s U W u]K c q L U vL K lO??L? l?OD ? w? UM U??N? {d? r? ]d W? L=K F? ? w M X K? b? I w U UN b UA D d J M UB U vLK VFK] s c?O? d U?M l M b I? r F D L V? U UM W M? UN] ? w U r I c w Question 1 U b u UM]K uK uK]C? H U U d J UM M zU r J N d >q = w t b W] u ]A W]O H O]B UH _ W lOL vK W *U uF f L s L] w iOH W]O d F U u K ( s W F D W L=O W b vK uK B W L d ] u b M s uK u UF 2 Question 2 W K u ]b c M r U d vL K U p U n O WK OL ' W b^B c U U vL K U b N =q w UM 5K F H U d J d O U U ??O? b?O? WK H? u?C? ( w?M ? b? I? vK O w ?? I b? B? W] b d? ? wM] vL K UI X ] u d A l U UC wM b I K W b^BK U U W K H( w UM F u u bOF u Q W KOL W b UN] U I vL K UM UF L U w C I v M L b bOF UC U U bOF WK O wC L M X ] u Q UM vL K UI=K v U 3 Question 3 dO ) U u ]e p b lOD UL u M U W H] u * u]MK d s ]u J U b U O b wM] u ]e d??O? ? U?? ? I? ? W? d? u?]MK d? s ]u J ? ] _ U? ? O U?M ] b W H] u * u]MK d s U?C ]u J O w U? X O U > U? U vK l I tM J ] u s V d u U K B HM U I W d uK W d t s J s O O lOD v UM u ]e 4 Question 4 w U v U U ]d d O ) U s c U ^d? ` B M p c T UH? q D W O? X O G b? W F? U W U? UD W K ] UD I? u? r n?O? ]d v? t?^ u? w b??O? U??L? W]D? ? v U? ]c u v W? ^ u? ] rN??O K UM o?zU? b? F q B? O? c] d?? M W]D? ? v t? = u? * w bO UL W]D v t= u * UD I u d r nO d ] WK O? u? w? b?O? UD W J ? A r? U?O? ? vK r d J? A T U?H * d?O?O? G? ? c?N n Q r J I M 5 Question 5 U1 W p n] u * b O U d J U1 U * wM?=O? p? q U??O? d?? ? ? U s b d? p] c p ? K w d? ? wM] n] u * U =e c N UO I s b d W? U??{ U? UM w L? W? M d? u??C? w b?? O? w wzU d? ? U b U1 UO d w WO UO r UF * U v ] UO d w U UC s b d w ]b * w U n] u * w w L? ? WM d? U??L? U?M n O? ]B W K? D U??C? b d? N? ? W U1 ] UI uO u d e s s d A F s U q s UO d q n] u * r F U1 uO u d e s d A F s U O a U n] u * U? ? b? c? U?F? s O? ? ? UM? *U U?H? ? W? Fz W? d? uJ ? rF U1 w UF =wzUN=M U d I p L K F M U d p q B] M U1 W d J n] u * b=O U p d J U1 6 Question 6 p U n O U r U X d O U u _ W UN w 5K F H U d O r U V q? b? U?? f? I]D U?? d? ? ? T U?? v U? ]c w d=J? wM] U ^ wF w Q ` ?B? O? d?O?G? ?O? f ID? ] Q W =u? ' d? A]M? w X F? L? wM?]M J p ^V r U ] ] ] UD _ n u F i F UM uJ UL] U UL MO v U ]c w p U U I U b UA M c r KOH u U q C d J c r U X ] u d F O U bO u UL KO ] Q b UM I b s X F L b I U dO W] bO uJ _ ^V U Q lz c r U UI=K v U O H U p q B] Q UM U UI=K v r U 7 Question 7 N _ b M n] u * d B* rOK rOK bO l ]b wM M J L q UM wL u UM X q b? ? F r t]MJ? s O? u cM? d? rOK b??O? ? n d?? B * r?OK n] u * UC U ( l b t { d c Q O h s Y UM] t W d w q B] w b b I WO uH K t *UJ d E wM] t OD U UM ] vH A * q U O U ( d F t] X F L b I n] u * ] vH A = w p b v wN U UM wI K I d O u UH=A vH A n] u * vH A * w e M tO Q q B] Q UM UH=A t v M L n] u * UI=K v p d J UI p q B] Q W K F U UM 8 Question 8 5F L * wz e q ?' v UN? I d w w U? O vK d?O ? d ? X F? U b M d? d q q ? V ? U?N?]K U? ? _ ]e b b? W? H? U? V? ? U? O? vK d? ?]A? X D I? b? U?? b? M n^ u? ] ? U?? O? ? lD ? ? r d? O?D d^D X? K F? w ? d e?? G? UD _ s U L? WO? {U* W K O]K UN=K? WO K ' W? I D M * w j I? b Z K] U? d ]A o?zU ] o d D uD W UM?F w u W? ]O? d?? W?]O?K L? t X d? vH?? A? ? * v q I b? ` d?? ' U?? e] d * 9 Question 9 U d w w w b d ' w d A q w W U W uG A X M W H ?O? b?O 5?L K F U?Lz 5K F? H U?L? ]r N * d? _ c wK= R p K C? s w UM= ? b? s d? ? F? u K Q? U?H? U?N UM ] b uJ? b d d? ? b? UM= = UN U d b I w d A M b d U w U l ]D U u q U u? w w ? w ? w t? b? ? ? c d u?O? ? L J U?N? w ] w {U w V p] U?L p? y d { d u?O ? L J d? U U?L N? F q? F H? U? ^ ] UNz d A dO d] b p d? A U? C U* i F d? ] b? I? p n? J r d? d] b Q? ^r N w UF W K H ( dC M w M u UM] V UM W] b = 10 Question 10 w b O u lzU w iO??H? ? u??I r JK] ? ] Q ?? w u? u?I r? u? ? U?? W u ]e U p U? W]OzU? M f * lOL? vK W *U 5 ?L W? M U?F _ = U U ? * q C? s? UM^K ? b W U?? U ? S u??I s ? w b?=O? U lzU W I D M * w iOH ] s Q u W UD vK u J * d F= ] W u ]e b? d??A? W? ? u U? ? ? H K ]wK _ d? F?= ] w b?=O? U n lzU d?F?= ? V U? .b?I d? F?= d? UM? O K 5 ? v d? F? i=H? t M b d X U q UM D K c wM c d ]d n U i]H * U t]M J wM UM u dO t u X b I W u ]e 11 Question 11 p U n O u U d J d O U U u d? ? u?? W d?D* w U?? B l? d? O? ? J? d D * W? K H? ? X F? ? L? ? q U UI X ] W]O d F W w p X F L r F vK U?? I b?? ]B U?? b? ? _ s W? u?? L? ? U?? F? w? ? U UM? I? H] b? ? I U U? ? wC?? L M W K H? ( w U?M F? p b d p M u? Q? ? r N^K W K? H? ( u??C? UF UF L q W]O d W K H d C r r K F UL W]O d G H ( q=C wM] d? N? v?K U??N? O? 5? ]d? F? U W? ? d? U??N] w b? M s d * c? w =d? U lOD ? s d?O? L? UM I b?? _ b z W? UD U?M b UM w W d? D d D ] ] u?? p c X? F? O b? W K H? ( U?? UD ]q? X F? L? wM] U??L? u??C? ( ] W d H c wF=O C ] b Q _ U X ] b f O s J p v M L UC WK H ( w UM F uJ O bO u Q w L N U 12 Question 12 J wM b U b _ i F b M w M X ]b p] Q? XFL b I U U d U u U d UM uD s K F u UM] Q dO t K c r u{ u * c w p? F b ]b r U Q? U uK F * c N X? O s s d U ] e? u? U? ^V wM] d? F X? e e? U?I b? d? ? ? wM] _ p? M p l u ] w X ? C? wM? ? ? C? w ? U? U?? c q ? l? L? b W? U?I? W M] dO WI b B w d u ] d _ `={ u w q B] d U U p M u p M U O{ u b b W {U U =d 13 Board of Studies NSW 2004 Centre Number Student Number 2004 HI G HER S CHOO L CER T I FI CA T E EXA MINATION Arabic Beginners Written Examination Total marks 55 General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and page 17 306 Section I Pages 2 14 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Section II Pages 17 18 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 6 8 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Section I Reading Skills 45 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour and 35 minutes for this section Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question 1 (5 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. U F W I U u{ u? W U J w? b b w d? F ^DK W? I U s? U ]M W?]O F L? s K F = _ s u UO d s O U F s v B H W]O d F W GK^ U W I U L e z u ZOK ) d O s vK b h A j _ d]A v WK v _ ezU' u { W]K w b W M ]b L yw U d W O U ezU' W L=O W]O d V W uL W U ezU' ] WO F L ' =d I v U U J q d q IL d N]A W UN q WO d F n ^B w Z zU ]M s K F ] Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Marks Question 1 (continued) (a) 2 Who is this competition for? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) 3 What are the main prizes? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 1 Please turn over 3 Question 2 (7 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. U b U _ l W O U W K UI L W b * W]K d U b U d O ) U r d r d W d O ) U U b W? {U =d ] U??L U? = b? p ? H? B W? b? L W]K ? w =d? ? wM] rK ? F U?L? r d q UM? ? I D M b?? L = u? M] =w {U =d? U?? d? N? L K U? L=E M U?M ? b? w p K C s U d N L c b z u s UM L KF p M J L U r N? ? b? L ^D U? W u? I U?N M d?O? ? b z u? U? d? N? L? c? N U b UF _ n K w W]O {U =d r N UN d N E U b M r N H Q r N I UI U L c w U d F ^D UA q r d u t d? ? ? F r N= S? d? U? j? I? d? F ^D i F d? ? A n U b u UA W K D U d N L w W UA L vK ^D lO A uK F H U r d ez u?? s X M K U??L? s? d? {U?? ( =q J W? ]O U? ? U d?? A? l u? U ]d? b? I U b d?? { s? W? ? b? ? L? d? ? A? w ^D? w U X? L K s? e zU?? H?K W? ? L? ? O? ? = p s W]O d F W w X ]b UL UI U L w W UA L U b U d J r d Question 2 continues on page 5 4 Marks Question 2 (continued) (a) (A) School magazine (B) Sports magazine (C) School bulletin (D) (b) 1 Where is this interview published? P and C report According to the interviewee, what are the benefits of having a sports carnival? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) What measures are taken to ensure that all students attend? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 2 5 4 Question 3 (10 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. Back Search Favourites Address http://www. uK=C H U ]A rE F ] U b s b UA L U H b F Z U d .b I ATV UM w U ]d p c W b _ b UA u q b b r KOH U{ d s]L C d N]A c N > U b b ] W] bO uJ _ b b UA _ u lOD c J Z d v W U{ W]O M _ W]O d F W]O UO W]O UL w U _ dO UA L UI q W]O NO d] Z d U U F L UNO UA b UA L K s J L w ] UI U L U s b W u L W]O U Z d d q u M UL = _ r b K a U e F s c] =s= W]O dF UL MO U U d N lOL w D G UM] Q ATV w d H UL _ U U d N UC o A U d d UI U d N q vK UC d b M U UJ _ U d N q W]O *UF Z d _ lOL WL d s b UA L K U b .b I o]K F U =q w t b b UA L K U W d =b I W]O M _ U r d U UB= s UM I U ] =w d J b d vK t Question 3 continues on page 7 6 History Marks Question 3 (continued) (a) What does the new program provided by ATV this month cover? (A) Movies (C) Quizzes (D) (b) Music (B) 1 Celebrity interviews Apart from entertainment programs, what does ATV provide for its viewers? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) What categories of viewers are especially targeted by ATV? 3 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (d) What strategies has ATV put in place to ensure that it offers the best service possible? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 3 7 4 Question 4 (10 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. New Reply Reply All Forward Send & Receive r d s b MO v V K u{ u L b M} U d U W K H ( dOC ] w dO W uG A U Q q p O W U J b vK W H _ w W]O UO= s U _ U e w UJ X u ] b uJ v M L w U w dO W d ^d L X u ]s J WK H K qOL U s Y u _ w ]u U w{UL u _ c M t d w _ W UM W] b W]OzUM G d U U dN uC ( U e b I w U b b L w d=J wM] b MO wL=K F u c w M W K b W L=K F b X I d b L U X K B] b I d b L U wK B] W b L w wK L d b wM] _ w UO ]b w uH q F Q U =d _ 5 u ]w K U ]b I d J UI=K v r d Question 4 continues on page 9 8 Question 4 (continued) New Reply Reply All Forward Send & Receive b MO s r d v y u{ u L r d w e e UF L U u wC I v M L b u pO W K H o r W K w U O U wM] _ W b L u{ u w p b lOD W H U r d U 5 u b F u s W KzUF l (Queensland) b e M u w wM c F r d U u t d pO _ ]w UN w wG=K U d UI=K v b MO Question 4 continues on page 10 9 Marks Question 4 (continued) (a) 1 Why is Mariam in Jordan? .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (b) Why does Mariam want to extend her stay? 2 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) What does Mariam do for a living? Give details. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Question 4 continues on page 11 10 2 Marks Question 4 (continued) (d) What do you think Mariam is going to do next? Justify your answer. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 4 Please turn over 11 5 Question 5 (13 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. d O ) U ^D wzU b W? =b U u?? N? W? O? =L? s W? b U??O? I W? b? L w? M X K b? I? u?L? K F U??L? Z U d w U? u O ^ r N?O U W b? L b M W]O K ? I ? L U u?L^D W =b c Z zU r J O K d rOK F] u q L? F U u?? N W? =b s q J? h]B? ? L ? X u ^D U U?? d? N b? I > W ] u? _U U U A U ]A U? UL U? UL U O? u U U u X O? U s J U? ]M w W ? ]d lOL? b Y O? W]O K ? I ? ? L U u?L^D W =b U u? N W =b s UN b F r z q L vK uB q b N U?G u U? U b M? F r J U U? s U ? { U? ? w U _ lO?L U U? d N b? oOI? W =bK U U? fL q UI U? O u W U U u? N K h]B L X u ]b? F U W O U? W X KC? b p b F q L? F vK uB K W?]O F U W? =b W F U ? U ]M ] U??L? X?O? w U??I? W? =b W? F U?? ? b? u? O ]s? N UM ?? U?N? ] _ s W K zUF UH _U Y O? W]O?{U =d r N U? UL? w s d? U?N L d? O? s uH K ? b? I d? U?N L U U? F UN UL s b u eH K W U vK W {U =d W F U vK e] d d L U dO G d]O G b UM F L ] W IOI b= R w U _ ^D U U ] ] r J zUG d J Question 5 continues on page 13 12 Marks Question 5 (continued) (a) On what occasion is this report being presented? 1 .............................................................................................................................. (b) What issues are being discussed in the report? 3 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. (c) Compare and contrast the attitudes of migrant and non-migrant parents as portrayed in the report. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Question 5 continues on page 14 13 3 Marks Question 5 (continued) (d) Describe the attitude of the younger generation to the issues presented in this report, comparing it to that of parents. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. End of Question 5 14 6 BLANK PAGE 15 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2004 2 0 0 4 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T IF I C A T E E X A M I N A T I O N Arabic Beginners Centre Number Section II Writing Skills 10 marks Attempt ONE question from Questions 6 8 Allow about 25 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the question in the space provided. Write approximately 100 words in MODERN STANDARD ARABIC. Question 6 (10 marks) Write a letter to your friend/relative overseas explaining that you are trying to buy a present to send for his/her birthday. Describe the problems you are having in finding a suitable present. OR Question 7 (10 marks) You have just seen an advertisement for a movie that your friend would like to see. Write the script of the conversation between you and your friend where you discuss the movie and make plans to go and see it together. OR Question 8 (10 marks) Write a story to go with the following picture. Question continues on page 18 17 307 Question attempted ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... End of paper 18 Board of Studies NSW 2004

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate Arabic Beginners 2004
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