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Centre Number Student Number 2010 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Aboriginal Studies Total marks 100 S ection I Pages 2 10 60 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and page 17 Part A 20 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 35 minutes for this part Part B 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 2 7 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this part S ection II Pages 12 15 30 marks Attempt either Question 8 or Question 9 Allow about 55 minutes for this section S ection III Pages 17 18 10 marks Attempt Question 10 Allow about 20 minutes for this section 1001 Section I 60 marks Part A 20 marks Attempt Question 1 Allow about 35 minutes for this part Answer the question in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. Question 1 Social Justice and Human Rights Issues A Global Perspective (20 marks) Use Sources A and B and your own knowledge to answer parts (a) (d). Source A Awaiting copyright Danny Eastwood s View The Koori Mail, 8 April 2009 *A Basics Card replaces Centrelink payments and must be used to buy food and other essentials. Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Question 1 (continued) Source B: Extract from an article on Australia s support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration sets out basic standards for the recognition and protection of Indigenous peoples rights worldwide, including identity, land and resources, self-determination, freedom from discrimination, culture, traditions and language. It was formally adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13th September, 2007. Ms Macklin (The Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister) said The Declaration gives us new impetus* to work together in trust and good faith to advance human rights and close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Speaking after Minister Macklin, Australian of the Year, Professor Mick Dodson, said the existence of human rights and human rights standards was not the source of Indigenous disadvantage. Human rights do not dispossess people, he said Human rights do not cause their poverty and they don t cause gaps in life expectancy and other life outcomes. It is the denial of rights that is the largest contributor to these things. The value of human rights is not in their existence; it is in their implementation**. The standards have been set. It is up to us to meet them. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre s State Secretary, Nala MansellMcKenna said For any real outcomes to be made for Aboriginal people, the Declaration must be legislated and passed through Parliament so that it can be made a law of Australia. Adapted from The Koori Mail 8 April 2009 * impetus: motive/incentive ** implementation: putting into practice Question 1 continues on page 4 3 Question 1 (continued) (a) Using Source A, list TWO ways that Aboriginal people are disadvantaged. 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) From Source B, outline TWO opinions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 1 continues on page 5 4 4 Question 1 (continued) (c) Using Source B and your own knowledge, explain the ways in which denial of human rights contributes to the poor socioeconomic status among Indigenous peoples. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 1 continues on page 6 5 6 Question 1 (continued) (d) Using Sources A and B and your own knowledge, assess the significance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples worldwide. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 1 6 8 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2010 2 010 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Aboriginal Studies Section I (continued) Part B 40 marks Attempt TWO questions from Questions 2 7 Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this part Answer each question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question communicate using concepts and terms relevant to the comparative studies present a sustained, logical and cohesive response Question 2 Health (20 marks) (a) Describe ONE government health program or strategy to address Aboriginal health issues. 3 (b) Why is it important for government health programs or strategies to be culturally appropriate? 5 (c) Analyse the social and political changes necessary to improve Indigenous peoples health standards. In your answer, you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 12 Question 3 Education (20 marks) (a) 3 (b) How do Aboriginal peoples promote their culture through education? 5 (c) 1002 What do statistics show about Aboriginal peoples participation in education? Compare educational issues for Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples. In your answer, you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 9 12 Question 4 Housing (20 marks) (a) Describe ONE government housing program or strategy to address Aboriginal housing issues. 3 (b) What social and political changes are needed to improve Aboriginal housing? 5 (c) Evaluate the importance of culturally appropriate housing programs for Indigenous peoples. In your answer, you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 12 Question 5 Employment (20 marks) (a) Describe ONE government employment program or strategy to address Aboriginal employment issues. 3 (b) Explain the link between Aboriginal employment and lifestyle factors. 5 (c) Analyse the social and political changes necessary to improve Indigenous employment. In your answer, you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 12 Question 6 Criminal Justice (20 marks) (a) How do Aboriginal peoples maintain law and order? 3 (b) Explain the role of lifestyle factors in Aboriginal peoples involvement in the criminal justice system. 5 (c) Compare criminal justice issues for Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples. In your answer, you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 12 Question 7 Economic Independence (20 marks) (a) Describe ONE way in which Aboriginal peoples use the environment to support their economic systems. 3 (b) What social and political changes are needed to improve Aboriginal economic independence? 5 (c) Evaluate the significance of social justice for Indigenous peoples in achieving economic independence. In your answer you must refer to an Australian Indigenous community and an international Indigenous community. 12 10 BLANK PAGE 11 Section II 30 marks Attempt either Question 8 or Question 9 Allow about 55 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question use the information provided and your Local Aboriginal Case Study communicate using relevant concepts and terms present a sustained, logical and cohesive response Question 8 Aboriginality and the Land (30 marks) Source C: Extract from an article on Kowanyama traditional owners regaining land. Awaiting copyright Adapted from The Koori Mail 4 November 2009 Question 8 continues on page 13 12 Question 8 (continued) Source D: Information from New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council website Awaiting copyright Using Sources C and D and your own knowledge, explain how government decisions on land and water rights and native title affect traditional owners. 10 (b) To what extent does ownership of land and water by Aboriginal people contribute to their achievement of equality in society? Refer to your Local Aboriginal Case Study in your answer. 20 (a) OR 13 In your answers you will be assessed on how well you: demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question use the information provided and your Local Aboriginal Case Study communicate using relevant concepts and terms present a sustained, logical and cohesive response Question 9 Heritage and Identity (30 marks) Source E: Extract from an article on the Indigenous All Stars football team. Awaiting copyright Adapted from The Daily Telegraph 12 February 2010 * apprehensive: nervous, worried Question 9 continues on page 15 14 Question 9 (continued) Source F Awaiting copyright The Sydney Morning Herald 13 14 February 2010 (a) Using Sources E and F and your own knowledge, explain how the media can influence public opinion about Aboriginal peoples. 10 (b) Evaluate the contribution of Aboriginal culture to Australian identity. Refer to your Local Aboriginal Case Study in your answer. 20 End of Question 9 15 BLANK PAGE 16 Board of Studies NSW 2010 2 010 HIGHER SCHOOL CER TIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Aboriginal Studies Centre Number Section III 10 marks Attempt Question 10 Allow about 20 minutes for this section Student Number Answer the question in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. Question 10 Research and Inquiry Methods Major Project (10 marks) (a) Explain how you decided on the most appropriate ways to present the information for your Major Project. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 10 continues on page 18 1003 17 4 Question 10 (continued) (b) Describe the ways in which you demonstrated empathy with Aboriginal peoples when undertaking your Major Project. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of paper 18 Board of Studies NSW 2010 6

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Tags : new south wales higher school certificate aboriginal studies 2010, nsw hsc online aboriginal studies, nsw hsc aboriginal studies syllabus, aboriginal studies model exam papers, aboriginal studies solved sample papers, aboriginal studies course., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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