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Centre Number Student Number 2001 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Beginners Written Examination Total marks 45 Section I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 2 hours Write using black or blue pen Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and pages 9 and 11 Pages 2 8 30 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Section II Page 9 12 15 marks This section has two parts, Part A and Part B Allow about 40 minutes for this section Part A 8 marks Attempt Question 6 Part B 7 marks Attempt Question 7 385 Section I Reading Skills 30 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Allow about 1 hour and 20 minutes for this section Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. Question 1 (6 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. Compito d italiano (Scadenza: 7 aprile) Parla di una tua amica. Ho deciso di parlare di Paola, un amica italiana. L ho conosciuta l anno scorso durante il suo soggiorno in Australia e, anche se ha due anni pi di me, siamo diventate molto amiche perch ci troviamo molto bene insieme. Ci piace molto tenerci in forma e quando era a Sydney andavamo spesso in palestra. Come a me, anche a Paola piace viaggiare e ha in programma di andare un giorno in Sud America. Per questo Paola ha cominciato a studiare lo spagnolo. Un altra sua passione il ballo ed ecco perch Paola va a un centro culturale sudamericano dove, fra l altro, ogni sabato sera si balla. Paola una persona creativa e ha molta fantasia, cos per finanziare i suoi viaggi disegna fumetti per un giornalino per bambini. Alice Burns Year 12 Question 1 continues on page 3 2 Marks Question 1 (continued) (a) 1 Why is Alice writing about Paola? ............................................................................................................................... (b) Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. 1 When and where did Paola and Alice meet? (A) Two years ago in Italy (B) Last year in Italy (C) Two years ago in Australia (D) Last year in Australia (c) What do Alice and Paola have in common? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) How does Paola s creative talent allow her to earn money? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 1 3 2 Marks Question 2 (4 marks) Read the advertisements, then answer the questions that follow. Posti di lavoro per tutti! (A) (C) (E) Societ di Roma cerca 1 centralinista per 3 giorni alla settimana, buona conoscenza francese, uso computer, giovane, dinamica, disponibile in futuro a lavorare a tempo pieno. Tel. 0677203670 (B) Azienda di Padova cerca 1 segretaria di direzione a tempo pieno. Giovane, diplomata o laureata, esperienza di segreteria, familiarit nell uso pc e ottima conoscenza del tedesco. Tel. 0498782456 (D) Ditta di Gravinia (Ba), specializzata nel servizio tecnico per bar, discoteche, ristoranti, alberghi, gelaterie, cerca in Italia e all estero 50 venditori per la promozione di birre e succhi di frutta. Requisiti: minima esperienza, et 18 40 anni, buon livello culturale, disponibilit a viaggiare. Tel. 080325892 Azienda di Torino, operante nel settore ferroviario, cerca 200 operai da impiegare per lavori sulla linea Torino Genova. Periodo dell incarico: da 3 a 6 mesi. Tel. 0115806095 (F) Azienda italiana di alta moda cerca sul territorio nazionale 250 commesse/i, bella presenza, et 25 45 anni, conoscenza di due lingue, esperienza nel settore della vendita di articoli di lusso, disponibilit a viaggiare e a lavorare per brevi periodi all estero. Tel. 0654220812 Azienda di Bergamo nord cerca 40 operai generici, et 21 40 anni, disponibili a lavorare di mattina o di sera e al sabato, con auto propria. Tel. 011266058 Which advertisement would most appeal to each job seeker? Write the letter (A, B, C, D, E or F) that corresponds to the appropriate advertisement in the space provided. (a) 1 A person who is willing to work overseas, has sales experience and speaks another language. .................. (b) A person who has his/her own car and can do shift work. .................. (c) A young woman who is seeking eventual full-time employment. .................. A person who wants a short period of employment. .................. (d) 4 1 1 1 Marks Question 3 (7 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. Firenze, 5 agosto. Caro Giovanni, finalmente ti scrivo. Sono qui da due mesi e sono proprio entusiasta dell Italia. Da quando siamo arrivate a Roma dove abbiamo preso un pullman per Firenze, Vittoria ed io ci siamo sentite in paradiso! Tutto cos bello e uno si trova totalmente immerso nella storia. Ti ricordi che la professoressa ci aveva detto che la Toscana una delle regioni pi romantiche dell Italia? proprio vero! Dopo i frenetici preparativi per il viaggio le colline verdi della campagna hanno avuto un effetto calmante su di noi. Stiamo frequentando un corso che un po difficile, ma sono sicura che il nostro italiano migliorer assai. Abbiamo fatto molte nuove amicizie e ci incontriamo spesso con loro, ogni fine settimana visitiamo qualche posto interessante nei dintorni di Firenze; ti assicuro che il paesaggio meraviglioso! Prima di tornare, avevamo intenzione di andare anche in Abbruzzo per fare canottaggio, ma, come capita spesso a molti viaggiatori, abbiamo speso pi di quello che ci aspettavamo e quindi abbiamo dovuto cambiare programma. Torneremo a casa prima del previsto. Ti racconter a viva voce le nostre avventure. Adesso ti lascio - devo scappare all universit . Un abbraccio. Tua Adelina (a) How do Adelina and Vittoria feel about Italy? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) How are they spending their time in Florence? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) What situation does Adelina find herself in at the end of her stay in Italy? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 5 3 Question 4 (7 marks) Read the texts, then answer the questions that follow. DOMANDE & RISPOSTE Chiedi all esperta: Scrivete a Maria Giulia Cara Maria Giulia, Cara Renata, sono una maestra elementare. Tra poco una cara collega a cui tutti vogliamo bene, andr in pensione. Ci piacerebbe organizzare una festa per salutarla e il direttore ci ha permesso di usare l aula magna della scuola. Ognuno di noi porter qualcosa da mangiare e da bere e un collega penser a decorare l aula. Vorrei sapere come rendere la festa particolarmente originale? (Renata) visto che ha a disposizione un aula magna, organizzi una festa da ballo con musica dal vivo. Non difficile trovare un gruppo musicale di ottimo livello. Pu chiedere ai ragazzi se conoscono un orchestrina, oppure si rivolga al municipio della sua citt che avr certamente un elenco di gruppi musicali che suonano per le feste del Comune. E importante che l orchestrina sappia suonare musica moderna, ma anche qualche pezzo classico che piacer agli insegnanti pi anziani. Sono sicura che la festa sar un successo, proprio perch metter insieme persone di diversa et che passeranno una serata memorabile e veramente originale. Vedr che la sua collega ve ne sar molto grata. Durante la fase dei preparativi non dica nulla alla sua collega, ma due o tre giorni primi la informi della festa, perch cos avr il tempo di scegliere con calma che cosa indossare. Question 4 continues on page 7 6 Marks Question 4 (continued) (a) Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. 1 Why is the party being organised for a colleague? (A) She has recovered from illness. (B) She is leaving to run a hotel. (C) She is going to another school. (D) She is retiring. (b) Why is Renata writing to this column? 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (c) Why is she directed to go to the local council? 1 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (d) What will make it a memorable evening for everyone? 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (e) Why should it NOT be a surprise party? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 4 7 2 Marks Question 5 (6 marks) Read the text, then answer the questions that follow. Forti multe per i maleducati da spiaggia Due milioni di multa perch il figlio giocava a pallone sulla spiaggia. E dato che i ragazzi erano sei, i genitori hanno pagato in tutto dodici milioni. accaduto a Deiva Marina, in provincia di La Spezia. Ma potrebbe succedere ancora e dovunque ci siano ombrelloni, mare, turisti. Perch le Capitanerie di Porto promettono che quest estate saranno veramente inflessibili su quello che non permesso fare sulla spiaggia e in mare, per rispettare la sicurezza e la tranquillit di tutti. Le proibizioni variano da Comune a Comune, ma sono numerose. Si va dall uso degli aquascooter alle radioline accese durante l ora della siesta, ai cani che sporcano il lungomare di Sestri e ai ragazzi che campeggiano sulle spiaggie della Romagna, alle persone che entrano in costume da bagno nei bar di Latina e a quelle che si cambiano o prendono il sole senza il costume sulla spiaggia di Maratea. (a) 2 What happened in Deiva Marina? ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) 1 What general warning is given? ............................................................................................................................... (c) Complete the table. For each of the following headings, write ONE activity that will be targeted by beach patrols. (i) Hygiene 1 (ii) Dress code 1 (iii) Noise 1 8 Board of Studies NSW 2001 200 1 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Centre Number Section II Writing Skills 15 marks Allow about 40 minutes for this section Student Number Part A 8 marks Attempt Question 6 Answer the question in the spaces provided. Marks Question 6 (8 marks) Respond to EACH of the following situations. (a) Write a message for your parent/guardian to wake you up early tomorrow morning. Give a reason. (Write approximately 20 words in ITALIAN.) 2 ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (b) Write a note to your friend to say that you cannot accept his/her invitation to the holiday and give a reason. (Write approximately 20 words in ITALIAN.) ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Question 6 continues on page 10 386 9 2 Marks Question 6 (continued) (c) Send an e-mail to your cousin who is coming to stay with you for a few days. Say that you cannot be home when he/she arrives and explain where you have put the key, and what you have organised for the evening. (Write approximately 35 words in ITALIAN.) ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... End of Question 6 10 Board of Studies NSW 2001 4 200 1 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFIC ATE EXAMINATION Italian Beginners Centre Number Section II (continued) Student Number Part B 7 marks Attempt Question 7 Answer the question in the spaces provided. Marks Question 7 (7 marks) Write approximately 100 words in ITALIAN on ONE of the following topics. (a) You have just finished your HSC exams. Write a diary entry expressing how you feel about leaving school. 7 OR (b) Write a letter to your friend overseas, telling him/her about your last year at school. Question attempted 7( 7 ) ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... Question 7 continues on page 12 387 11 Question 7 (continued) ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... End of paper 12 Board of Studies NSW 2001 Centre Number Student Number 2001 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Beginners Listening Skills General Instructions You may NOT open the examination paper until instructed to do so on the examination cassette Write using black or blue pen You may make notes in the column headed Candidate s Notes Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page 384 Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 13 Total marks 30 Attempt Questions 1 13 You will hear 13 texts in this examination. The question for each text will be read once before the first reading of the text. Each text will be read twice. There will be a short pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Listen carefully to each text and then answer the corresponding question in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. Marks Question 1 (2 marks) (a) 1 What is wrong with Stefano? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) Why is it important that Stefano looks after himself? 1 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Question 2 (2 marks) What information is given about the weather? 2 ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 3 (2 marks) Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. (a) 1 Where would you hear this dialogue? (A) In a restaurant (B) At the butcher s (C) On a farm (D) At a fete (b) 1 What is the lady s complaint? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 2 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 4 (2 marks) (a) Why does Michelina decline Piero s offer? 1 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) What will Michelina be able to do in January? 1 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Question 5 (3 marks) List THREE things Anna is told to do. (a) ..................................................................................................... 1 (b) ..................................................................................................... 1 (c) ..................................................................................................... 1 Question 6 (3 marks) (a) 1 What was Luigi trying to do? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) 2 What was the outcome? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 3 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 7 (1 mark) Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. 1 At whom is this advice directed? (A) People who work from home and want to keep fit (B) People who want to work out in front of the TV (C) People who are preparing for exams (D) People who are preparing for an intense workout Question 8 (2 marks) 2 How do Mario and Cristina differ? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Question 9 (2 marks) (a) What was the highlight of the evening? 1 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) 1 What was the result of the evening? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Question 10 (2 marks) (a) Why does the caller NOT find Signor Bonelli? 1 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) What conclusion does the caller come to? ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 4 1 Candidate s Notes Marks Question 11 (1 mark) Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. 1 What would the mother s reaction most likely be? (A) To prepare some fish (B) To offer Carlo some salad (C) To buy some chicken sausages (D) To put Carlo on a diet Question 12 (4 marks) (a) What prompted Giulio to place the advertisement? 2 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (b) Why was this a difficult decision? 2 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... Question 13 (4 marks) 4 Why is Franco annoyed? ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... End of paper 5 Candidate s Notes BLANK PAGE 6 BLANK PAGE 7 BLANK PAGE 8 Board of Studies NSW 2001 2001 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Beginners Transcript Question 1 Stefano: Oggi ho un raffreddore terribile, mi sento proprio male. Anna: Oh poverino, dove te lo sei preso? Stefano: Sai, ieri ho aspettato l autobus per un ora e c era un vento gelido. Anna: Allora, curati bene perch dobbiamo uscire sabato sera. Question 2 Anna: Guarda che nuvole e adesso comincia anche a piovere! Stamattina il cielo era sereno. Gabriele: E s s , hai proprio ragione, ed per questo che non ho portato l ombrello. Anna: Allora, torniamo subito a casa! Question 3 Macellaio: Buon giorno signora. Desidera? Signora: Domani la festa di mio marito e voglio cucinare qualcosa di speciale. Vorrei una dozzina di uova fresche e un arrosto di maiale da mezzo chilo. Non troppo grasso, mi raccomando! Perch l ultima volta la carne non era molto magra. Macellaio: Guardi com bello questo pezzo. Question 4 Piero: Michelina, cosa fai da queste parti? Che bello vederti! Perch non andiamo a prendere un caff insieme? Michelina: Mi piacerebbe molto Piero, ma stavolta non posso. Sai, devo ancora fare le valige e luned parto per l Italia. Piero: Fantastico avrai l opportunit di fare spese durante i saldi di gennaio. Michelina: Ah, si, vero. Question 5 Lui: Pronto, buongiorno. Agenzia Postiperigiovani. Anna: Pronto. Sono una studentessa e cerco un lavoro durante le vacanze estive. Cosa devo fare? Lui: Allora, ci sono quattro cose che deve fare. Deve iscriversi alla nostra agenzia, poi deve prendere un appuntamento per un intervista, pagare ventimila lire all agenzia, e riempire un modulo con i suoi dati personali. Anna: Va bene, grazie. 2 Question 6 Maria: Oh ciao Luigi, dove sei stato? Luigi: Sono stato all agenzia di viaggi. Volevo organizzare la mia settimana bianca in Nuova Zelanda. Sai quanto mi piace sciare. Maria: Hai trovato il volo che volevi? Luigi: Purtroppo no. Ho dovuto rimandare la partenza alla fine del mese perch non ci sono posti liberi. Maria: Spero che ci sar ancora neve! Question 7 Ragazzi, ecco alcuni suggerimenti per tenervi in forma durante questo periodo di intenso lavoro che dovete passare sui libri. Bevete acqua e spremute di arancia, quando vi viene sete. Camminate almeno 40 minuti al giorno o fate ginnastica in camera, piuttosto che guardare la televisione. Non parlate di come va la vostra preparazione. Coraggio ragazzi! Pensate che tra poco tutto sar finito. Question 8 Mario: Sono cos felice! Ho finito l ultimo esame. Che libert ! Cristina: E adesso cosa farai? Hai dei progetti per le vacanze estive? Mario: Forse mi trover un piccolo lavoro, ma prima ho tanta voglia di riposarmi. Vorrei passare delle giornate intere a leggere un buon romanzo, a scrivere lettere alla mia amica in Italia. Cristina: Davvero? Io, invece, preferisco stare all aria aperta e fare lunghe passeggiate o giocare a pallavolo. Question 9 Giuseppe: Ciao Marta, cosa hai fatto ieri sera? Marta: Ieri sera sono andata ad un nuovo ristorante in centro. Ho avuto la piacevole sorpresa di incontrare un vecchio compagno di scuola. Non ci vedevamo da sette anni. Abbiamo chiacchierato tutta la sera e poi, alla fine, abbiamo deciso di fissare una data per una riunione della nostra classe. 3 Question 10 Angela: Pronto parlo con l Albergo Smeraldo? Portiere: Si, signora, mi dica. Angela: Vorrei parlare con il Signor Bonelli; mi sembra che stia nella camera 18. Portiere: Mi dispiace Signora, il signor Bonelli partito due giorni fa. Aveva prenotato per una settimana ma invece dopo tre giorni se n andato. Angela: Mi sa dire se tornato a casa? Portiere: No signora, non lo so. Angela: Dev essere successo qualcosa. Grazie lo stesso. Question 11 Mamma: Su Carlo, dai. Vieni a tavola ho preparato il tuo piatto preferito, una bistecca alla fiorentina. Carlo: No, non ne ho proprio voglia. Sai mamma, oggi voglio mangiare leggero. Anzi, per questa settimana preparami soltanto pasta e verdura. Question 12 Antonia: Giulio cosa c ? Giulio: Eh... sto pensando di mettere un inserzione sulla rivista Calcio Illustrato . Sai, ho bisogno urgente di soldi. Ma perch ? Antonia: Giulio: Voglio fare un bel regalo alla mia ragazza per il suo compleanno. Durante questo campionato ho fatto delle foto splendide di giocatori delle varie squadre. Vorrei tanto tenerle ma non posso. Question 13 Pronto, pronto Filippo, sono Franco, dai rispondi se sei a casa! Accidenti dove sei? Ogni volta che ci dobbiamo vedere sempre cos . Perch non mi hai lasciato un messaggio sul cellulare. un sacco che ti aspettiamo. Adesso basta, noi ce ne andiamo. Il concerto comincia tra un quarto d ora e se ti aspettiamo ancora lo perdiamo. Forse ci vediamo durante l intervallo. 4 Board of Studies NSW 2001 2001 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Italian Beginners Speaking Skills (Candidate s Copy) General Instructions Preparation time 15 minutes The examination should take approximately 10 minutes The examination will be recorded on cassette. The cassette recorder should NOT be stopped or paused until the whole examination is completed You are NOT permitted to make written notes You are NOT permitted to ask the examiner for help with Italian expressions You must state your Student Number and Centre Number in ENGLISH at the beginning of the examination 014 Total marks 25 Section I Page 2 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Section II Page 3 10 marks Attempt Question 6 Section I Situations 15 marks Attempt Questions 1 5 Respond in ITALIAN to each situation. State the question number in ENGLISH at the beginning of each question. Question 1 (2 marks) You are asking for directions. Say that you cannot find the supermarket. Repeat the directions you are given. Question 2 (2 marks) You are in a CD shop in Rome. Say that you would like to buy a present for a friend. Say what type of music your friend prefers. Question 3 (3 marks) You are organising a birthday dinner at a restaurant. Book a table for six people for tomorrow night. Say in which part of the restaurant you would like to sit. Ask if you can bring the birthday cake. Question 4 (3 marks) You are talking to a friend about a night out. Say where you went last night. Say that you did NOT enjoy yourself. Explain why. Question 5 (5 marks) You are organising a holiday with your friends. Say where you would like to go and explain why. Organise a day and time to meet at the travel agency. Say that you know that they give good discounts to students. 2 Section II Conversation 10 marks Attempt Question 6 The examiner is to state the question number in ENGLISH at the beginning of the question. Question 6 (10 marks) Respond in ITALIAN to the questions asked by the examiner. End of paper 3 BLANK PAGE 4 Board of Studies NSW 2001

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