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2009 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E E X A M I N AT I O N Software Design and Development Total marks 100 S ection I General Instructions Reading time 5 minutes Working time 3 hours Write using black or blue pen Draw diagrams using pencil Pages 2 9 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 35 minutes for this section S ection II Pages 10 17 60 marks Attempt Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour and 50 minutes for this section S ection III Pages 18 21 20 marks Attempt either Question 24 or Question 25 Allow about 35 minutes for this section 450 Section I 20 marks Attempt Questions 1 20 Allow about 35 minutes for this section Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for Questions 1 20. 1 The more society depends on computer software for its day-to-day functioning, the greater the risk if that software fails. To what aspect of software development is this quotation referring? (A) Reliability (B) Authorship (C) Copyright laws (D) Code of conduct 2 What is the output from the following segment of code? X = 4 Y = X Z = X Y PRINT Z (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32 3 Which control structure is used in the following algorithm? WHILE health > 0 playGame ENDWHILE (A) Binary selection (B) Multiway selection (C) Post-test loop (D) Pre-test loop 2 4 Which method of implementation is shown in the diagram below? New System Old System Time (A) Direct Cut Over (B) Parallel (C) Phased (D) Pilot 5 A student downloads a file from the internet. She discovers that her version of the application software will not open the file. Which of the following solutions to the problem is NOT legal? (A) Downloading a trial copy of the new version of the application (B) Installing a borrowed copy of the new version of the application (C) Installing open-source software that is capable of opening the file (D) Emailing the file to a friend who has bought the new version of the application and can convert it to a compatible file type 3 6 Consider the following job advertisement. Our client is seeking an experienced person to work within a team on the implementation of a large web-based administration system. The right person will have communication, facilitation and report writing skills, and the ability to understand the project, its environment and related issues. The work will involve: Developing data models and schemas Convening workshops of user representatives to identify operational and statistical reporting requirements Developing business requirements and specification documentation What job is being advertised? (A) Document writer (B) Hardware engineer (C) Systems analyst (D) Web programmer 7 Which of the following occurs in a CPU when a subroutine is called? (A) The accumulator is incremented by 1. (B) The program counter is incremented by 1. (C) The accumulator is set to the start address of the subroutine. (D) The program counter is set to the start address of the subroutine. 8 Which of the following is true of Dynamically Linked Libraries (DLLs)? (A) They can only be used by one program. (B) They are secure programs, free of viruses. (C) They are included when a program is compiled. (D) They can be loaded into memory while a program is executing. 4 9 Where is a stub most often used? (A) In subprograms to flag errors (B) In programs to replace incomplete code (C) In flowcharts to represent a sub-procedure (D) In storyboards to design a screen interface 10 insert is a function which acts on strings. insert(string1,string2,n) inserts string2 after the nth character in string1 For example: insert(football,goal,4) returns footgoalball What would be the output from the following algorithm? BEGIN a = cat b = fish FOR k = 1 TO 2 a = insert(a,b,k) NEXT k PRINT a END (A) catfish (B) cffishishat (C) cfishfishat (D) catcatfishfish 5 11 A company keeps its secure customer details in a file. Each record has the following structure. name id password What is the most appropriate fragment of algorithm to access a record from the file? (A) READ (B) WRITE name(k); id(k); password(k) (C) READ (,, customer.password) (D) FOR k = 1 to 3 WRITE customer (k) NEXT k 12 Which of the following is an advantage of programs written in assembler over programs written in higher level languages? (A) Assembler programs can execute faster. (B) Assembler programs are easier to read. (C) Assembler programs are more transportable. (D) Assembler programs can allow for the faster development of large software solutions. 13 A student enters a number into a calculator and keeps multiplying the number by 10 until the calculator displays an error message. What type of error is this? (A) Syntax (B) Logical (C) Division by zero (D) Arithmetic overflow 6 Use the following structure diagram to answer Questions 14 and 15. M1 a e b M2 M3 c d M4 14 What does item e represent? (A) A breakpoint (B) A decision (C) A flag (D) A stub 15 What is the first line in the pseudocode of module M2 ? (A) BEGIN SUBPROGRAM M2 (a,b) (B) BEGIN SUBPROGRAM M2 (a,d) (C) BEGIN SUBPROGRAM M2 (c,d) (D) BEGIN SUBPROGRAM M2 (a,b,c,d) 16 EBNF syntax definitions for a language are given below. char = A|B|C digit = 1|2|3 op = +| operand = <char>{<char>}<digit> statement = <op><operand><operand>{<op><operand>} Which of these is a legal statement in this language? (A) +ABC (B) A2BC3 (C) +A1BC23 AB (D) +BC32A1 A2 7 Use the following algorithm to answer Questions 17 and 18. BEGIN MAINPROGRAM num1 = 10 num2 = 3 calc (num1,num2) END MAINPROGRAM BEGIN SUBPROGRAM calc (first,second) IF first > second THEN greater = TRUE ELSE greater = FALSE ENDIF PRINT greater END SUBPROGRAM 17 What is the scope of the variable first ? (A) External (B) Global (C) Local (D) Numeric 18 Which of the following IPO diagrams best describes SUBPROGRAM calc? (A) INPUT first, second (B) INPUT first, second, greater (C) INPUT first, second (D) INPUT first, second, greater PROCESS Tests if first is larger; Prints whether larger or not PROCESS Tests if first is larger; Prints whether larger or not PROCESS Tests if first is larger PROCESS Tests if first is larger 8 OUTPUT message OUTPUT message OUTPUT first, second OUTPUT first, second Use the following algorithm to answer Questions 19 and 20. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 19 BEGIN GET target index = 1 WHILE index < = lengthOfArray (dataArray) IF dataArray [index] = target THEN PRINT Target value found ENDIF index = index + 1 ENDWHILE END What type of search algorithm is this? (A) Binary (B) Bubble (C) Linear (D) Random 20 A new line is to be inserted between lines 60 and 70 to improve the algorithm when searching for a target in an array of unique values. Which of the following best does this? (A) found = TRUE (B) target = index (C) PRINT Target NOT found (D) index = lengthOfArray (dataArray) 9 Section II 60 marks Attempt Questions 21 23 Allow about 1 hour and 50 minutes for this section Answer each question in the appropriate writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Question 21 (20 marks) Use the Question 21 Writing Booklet. (a) A software company is developing a large scale, multi-million dollar system for a client. The project timeline is two years. The client is unsure of some of the requirements for the new system and they would like to see working models to further refine their ideas and add other requirements. (i) Recommend a software development approach that would be suitable for this situation and justify your recommendation. 3 (ii) In undertaking this project the software company makes use of a software tool that represents the relationships between the different modules of the system. As the project progresses, the software tool automatically updates this representation. 3 Describe benefits of using this tool in this situation. (b) A computerised security system is being developed for use at sporting and entertainment venues. Security guards will use handheld devices to scan the fingerprints of people entering the venue. The fingerprint images will be transmitted to a remote location where they will be compared against a police database. (i) Outline technical constraints that would need to be considered during the feasibility study. 2 (ii) Discuss social and/or ethical issues that could arise from the operation of this system. 3 Question 21 continues on page 11 10 Question 21 (continued) (c) The purpose of using live test data is to assess the performance of complete software solutions. 3 Describe the performance issues that could be identified by using live test data. (d) Despite improvements in software technology, the development of successful software projects remains a significant issue. (i) Identify a common cause for the failure of software projects. 1 (ii) Identify consequences for end-users of inappropriately developed software. 2 (iii) Outline the responsibilities of software developers. How does meeting these responsibilities contribute to successful software projects? 3 End of Question 21 11 Question 22 (20 marks) Use the Question 22 Writing Booklet. (a) Consider the following diagram. Input from swipe card Input of PIN by keypad Compare ID and password Display of welcome or error ID and password database (i) What is the representational tool shown in the diagram? 1 (ii) Why would a systems analyst use this tool? 2 Question 22 continues on page 13 12 Question 22 (continued) (b) In the sorting algorithm shown, the subprogram swap exchanges two elements of the array names . BEGIN ORDER position = 1 end = lengthOfArray (names) WHILE position < end current = position+1 maximum = position WHILE current <= end IF names [current] > names [maximum] THEN maximum = current ENDIF current = current+1 ENDWHILE swap (names,maximum,position) position = position+1 ENDWHILE END ORDER (i) Desk check the ORDER algorithm using the test data below. names: index 4 1 element 2 3 4 Smith Farelli Wu Andrews (ii) Identify the standard algorithm for sorting used in the ORDER algorithm. Justify your answer. 2 (iii) Write an algorithm for the swap subprogram. 3 Question 22 continues on page 14 13 Question 22 (continued) (c) A school is implementing an electronic assignment submission system which will allow students to submit their assignments via the school s website. When submitting an assignment, a student will enter their: unique student identification number and teacher s name. The student will receive: a receipt number. The teacher will receive: an alert message informing them that an assignment is waiting to be marked and the receipt number of the assignment which has been submitted. The student identification number, teacher name, receipt number and the assignment are then stored in a central database. The teacher uses the receipt number to access the assignment. (i) Draw a data flow diagram of the electronic assignment submission system. 4 (ii) Construct a data dictionary for the electronic assignment submission system. 4 End of Question 22 14 Question 23 (20 marks) Use the Question 23 Writing Booklet. (a) Modifications to the code of an existing software solution are often required. Frequently those modifications are not made by the original software developer. (i) Identify reasons for changing the code of an existing software solution. 2 (ii) Explain how different types of documentation could be used to identify sections of code that need to be modified. 3 Question 23 continues on page 16 15 Question 23 (continued) (b) A system is being developed to accurately time swimming events. The following algorithm describes a part of the system: 100 110 120 130 140 150 BEGIN MAINPROGRAM swimmer_start_time = 1.000 swimmer_time = 1.000 starters gun fired timeRace(swimmer_start_time, swimmer_time) END MAINPROGRAM 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 BEGIN SUBPROGRAM timeRace(swimmer_start_time, swimmer_time) WHILE startBlockOccupied = TRUE swimmer_start_time = getTimerValue ENDWHILE WHILE touchPad = TRUE swimmer_time = getTimerValue ENDWHILE END SUBPROGRAM Note: The system has a timer which starts at zero when the starter s gun is fired getTimerValue returns the current value of the timer startBlockOccupied returns a boolean value of TRUE when the swimmer is on the starting block touchPad returns a boolean value of FALSE until the swimmer touches the touch pad at the end of the lane (i) There is an error in the subprogram timeRace. Describe this error. 2 (ii) swimmer_start_time is used in the detection of a false start (that is, when the swimmer leaves the starting block before the starter s gun is fired.) 2 How is swimmer_start_time used to detect a false start? (iii) The system needs to display the swimmer s time only when the swimmer has finished the race. (Currently the system does not display the swimmer s time.) What modification needs to be made to the algorithm to achieve this? Question 23 continues on page 17 16 2 Question 23 (continued) (c) A biology student writes a program to store information for 100 different organisms. The program stores Kingdom, Class, Latin Name and Common Name for each organism. The following segment of code is used to store the data for the first organism. organismDB[1].kingdom = Animalia organismDB[1].class = Mammal organismDB[1].latin_name = Panthera leo organismDB[1].common_name = Lion (i) Identify the data structure used for organismDB. 1 (ii) The following segment of code is designed to print out the common names of all mammals that are stored in organismDB. 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 BEGIN i=1 WHILE i < 100 IF organismDB[i].class = Mammal THEN PRINT organismDB[i].common_name ENDIF ENDWHILE END Identify and describe the impact of TWO errors in this code. (iii) The organismDB structure has been filled with 100 different organisms belonging to three of the kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae and Fungi. Assuming that no two kingdoms have the same number of organisms, write a subprogram called maxKingdom that will print: the name of the kingdom with the most organisms, and the number of organisms in that kingdom. End of Question 23 17 5 Section III 20 marks Attempt either Question 24 or Question 25 Allow about 35 minutes for this section Answer the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available. If you include diagrams in your answer, ensure that they are clearly labelled. Question 24 Evolution of Programming Languages (20 marks) (a) Consider the following segment of code which has been written using the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. class PERSON { private id_no: integer firstname: string surname: string dob: date gender: character public getFullName(id_no): return firstname & surname } sub class STUDENT { is a PERSON private year_group: integer public getYearGroup (id_no): return year_group } (i) Identify a method in the code. 1 (ii) Based on the code, define a subclass TEACHER of PERSON which has the attributes of staffroom (string), phonenumber (integer) and permanent (boolean). 2 (iii) Explain why inheritance is an important concept of the OOP paradigm. Support your answer using the above segment of code. 3 Question 24 continues on page 19 18 Question 24 (continued) (b) Consider the following segment of code. T1(X) = X X T2(X) = 3 X T3(X) = T1(T2(X)) (i) 2 (ii) (c) Identify the paradigm illustrated by this code. Justify your choice. Evaluate T2(T3(X)) when X = 2, showing all working. 3 All programming paradigms have characteristics that impact on programmer productivity. (i) 2 (ii) (d) Outline what is meant by the term programmer productivity. Other than a need for greater productivity, describe historical reasons for the development of different paradigms. 3 A car manufacturer develops a software program to assist its sales team to match customer preferences to different car models. Customer preferences are collected for features such as price range, safety features, colour choices and engine size. 4 These preferences are entered into the software program which then compares customer preferences to the features of different cars sold by the manufacturer. The software then prints out a recommended list of cars that best match customer preferences. Select an appropriate paradigm to use in developing this software program. Justify your selection. End of Question 24 OR 19 Question 25 The Software Developer s View of the Hardware (20 marks) (a) (i) Show that the decimal number 9 is equivalent to the 8-bit binary number 00001001. 1 (ii) Use two s complement to perform the arithmetic operation: 2 9 + ( 2) (iii) (b) Explain why floating point representation is used to store real world numerical data. Use examples to support your answer. 3 A joystick controls a robotic arm that moves along two axes (left-right and forward-backward). The direction of movement of the robotic arm corresponds to the direction of movement of the joystick. A processor inside the joystick sends a data stream to the processor controlling the robotic arm. The data stream consists of 2-byte packets in the following format. Header Start bits Data Unused bits L/R bits F/B bits Trailer Unused bits Unused bits Stop bits The L/R bits represent movement along the left-right axis, 01 to move left, 10 to move right and 00 for no movement. The F/B bits represent movement along the forward-backward axis, 01 to move forward, 10 to move backward and 00 for no movement. (i) Describe the movement of the joystick which generates the following data packet. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (ii) The system is to be improved so that the amount that the joystick is moved from its centre position, along either axis, determines the corresponding speed of movement of the robotic arm. Explain how the packet could be modified to make this improvement. Question 25 continues on page 21 20 2 3 Question 25 (continued) (c) Outline the purpose of a flip-flop. 2 (ii) (d) (i) Describe the operation of a flip-flop with two inputs and two outputs. 3 Consider the following circuit. A C B 4 D E H F Z G Design a simplified version of this circuit which performs the same function. Justify your design using truth tables. End of paper 21 BLANK PAGE 22 BLANK PAGE 23 BLANK PAGE 24 Board of Studies NSW 2009

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Additional Info : New South Wales Higher School Certificate S/w Design and Development 2009
Tags : new south wales higher school certificate software design and development 2009, nsw hsc online software design and development, nsw hsc software design and development syllabus, software design and development model exam papers, software design and development solved sample papers, software design and development course., australia new south wales, nsw hsc online, nsw hsc past papers, nsw hsc papers, nsw hsc syllabus, nsw board of studies, higher school certificate new south wales, nsw australia, hsc syllabus, nsw hsc exams, nsw hsc question papers, nsw hsc solved question papers, nsw hsc previous exam papers, nsw university.  

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