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ISC Class XI Notes 2024 : Mathematics (Vidyatree Modern World College - The Modern School, Lucknow)

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Navya Verma
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1. Linear Function Example: f(x) == mx + c. Graph: A strai ght line with slope m and y-inte rcep t c. Domain and Range: Both are all real numbers (JR). 2. Quadratic Function f (x) 2 == ax +bx + c. Example: Graph: A parab ola, which open s upwa rds if a Dom ain: All real numb ers. > 0 and down ward s if a < 0. rds, the range is [k, oo ); Range: Depe nds on the vertex. If the parab ola open s upwa inate of the if it open s down ward s, the range is ( -oo, k], where k is they- coord verte x. 3. Expo nent ial Function f ( x) == ax (with a > 1). Exam ple: aches zero for negative Grap h: A curve that increases rapid ly for positive x and appro x. Dom ain: All real numbers. Range: (0, oo ). 4. Loga rithm ic Func tion J(x) == loga( x). Example: aches negat ive infinit y Graph: A curve that increa ses slowl y for positi ve x and appro as x appro aches zero from the right. (0, CX) ). Doma in: Rang e: All real numb ers.

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