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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (Holy Trinity Church School (HTCS), Ghaziabad)

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PRE-BOARD EXAMMINATION 2024 -25 Class -X SUBJEC-PHYSICS Time: Maximunu Marks: s0 hrs Note -A:mpt c qaestion fream Sectom Aani amy torquesticm from Section BAll working inclating rought work mst N icari saown.aN0 Mst Ae dome on the same sheet asthc rst of the answer mission of essential workingwill result in ioss ef m.rks The intended marks for questions or rts of ue'stions are gien in brackets | J Section'A(40 MAR S) Q.1 (Attempt allquestions from this section) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do notcopy the question, write the correct answer only.) Assertion(A): When the displacement is zero, then the work is zero. So, if the work done is zero. then it necessarily means the displacement is zero. Reason (R): Work done is calculated bv the relation W = FScose (a) A and R are true, and R is the reason for A. (b) A and R are true, and R is not the reason for A. (c) A is true, butR is false. (d) A is false, but R is true. (ii) (ii) colours are When light enters from air to glass, it bends toward the normal. If red. blue. and vellow the value of colour. forwhich then allowed to enter the same glass block at the same angle of incidence, Li- Lr. be greater? (c) blue (d) yellow (a) Green (b) red Which of the following diagrams shows the correct path of light through the lens? (a) Covex (c) vex 2F 2F 2F (d) (b) Con ave Concav 2F 2F (iv) In the diagram four cones are depicted, each with a gravity height of i2em. The position of the center of 4cm, and is indicated by dots located at 9cm, Scn, of these 3em from the apex of each cone. Which cones is completely solid? (a) 9cn (b) 8cm (c) 4cm (d) 3em a. b. C. d. (V) The given tigure depicts the graph of work done vs. displacement under aconstant forceof 1ON. Which 200 of the tollowing statements is true? (a) Foree is acting at an angle of 0"with the displacement. (b)Forcc is actimg at an angle of 45" with the displacement. work 150 in J 100 50 () Tore is acting at an angle of 60" with the displacement. 10 (d) Force is acting at an angle of 90 wvith the displacenment. (\) of UV 20 30, 4o, displacement in m of microwaves The quantity suitable for filling in both the blanks is: (a) specd in vacuum (vii) (b) speed in glass (c) frequency Sumit, a teenager, enjoys playing his music loudly. However. his grandmother consistently lowers the (d) wavelength D volume of the music player. Analyse the wave to identify which characteristic of the wave has been altered when the grandmother reduces the volume. A (a) The length PS becomes more. R (b) The length SR becomes less. (c) The length QR becomes less. (d) The length PR becomes less. (i) Data: mass =10g quantity of heat supplied =120 J N DISTANCE rise in temperature = 10 C STATEMENT A: The heat capacity of the substance is 12 J/g. STATEMENT B:The specific heat capacity of the substance is 12 J/g K. (a) Only statement A is correct. (b) Only statement B is correct. (c) Both statements A and B are correct. . (d) Both statements A and B are incorrect. {ix) Which of the equations on the right are correctly balanced'? (a) Only D (b) Onlv C (c) Both A & B x A. -Y + tHe B. Y+He C. D. q-4z p-74 9-x + 2-' p-5 (d) Both C& D the (X) Three metals, A, B and C, are supplied with the same quantity of heat. Their masses are inbe capacities will thermal their of ratio ihe If they show the samerise in the lemperature, then (d) 2:3:I (c) 2:3:4 (b)4:3:2 very close to the )A magnetic compass is present on a small table. wall ina room A man enters observes that the needle n t and switches on the Air Conditioner fitted near the ceiling. He shows immediate deflecuon. Identify the mnost probable reason for the deflection. (a) Air blow ing in the room. (b) Current starts flowing through AC wire concealed in the adjacent wall. (c) Vibrations are produced when the Man starts talking to his wife in the kitchen. (d) Vibrations were produced due to a file in his hand that fellon the ground. (xi) During his experiments with a single movable pulley. Shubham determined the effort. mechanical adv antage nd efficiency as X. Y & Z. respectively. Subsequently. after lubricating the pulley thoroughly. he recalculated the effor. MA and efficiency as x. Y &Z respectively. Which of the following relationships accurately represents the scenario? (a) X>X (b)Y'< Y (c) Z> Z - (d) Z'=Z. (xii) Which of the following statement is CORRECT? The frequency of a stretched string is: (a) directly proportional to its length but inversely proportional to the tension of the wire. (b) inversely proportional to its length but directly proportional to the tension of the wire. (c) directly proportional to the square root of its length but inverselv proportional to the tension of the wire. (d) inversely proportional to its length but directly proportional to the square root of the tension of the wire. medium of (xiv) A ray of light passes obliquely from an optical medium of refractive index 1.33 to another refractive index 1.5. While passing from the first medium to the second. the light ray will: (a) bend towards the normal. (b) bend away from the normal. (c) move along the normal. (d) suffer total internal reflection. (xv) Which of the following combinations correctly shows the charges on the particles.? + 1.6 X 10-19 C -1.6 X10-19 C +3.2 X 10-19 C alpha particle (a) proton neutron (b) alpha particle electron neutron (c) (d) proton electron electron Proton alpha particle alpha particle Question 2: (i) Read the excerpt from a story and answer the questions that follow: to electricity. I summoned a On stage. a soft iron box sits atop a hidden copper coiled platform. conductive him to lift the iron box. man who fancied himself a modern-day Hercules onto the stage and challenged activated. Isaid. "I'm switch hidden With ease. he lifted it up. Then, with a wave of my magic wand and a struggled. unable to budge it. going to take awav your strength." When I asked him to lift the box again. he (a) Explain the secret behind the magic. diagram. (b) If vou are asked to design the same magic in your science lab. give the necessarycircuit principle. (c) Give any one device that works on the same during theirouting at the ( ) Anuand Amy purchased ice creams in plastic balls and cones. respectively. thev ofwhether science fair. After consuming their ice creams, Anu statedthat regardless remain were filled with ice cream or empty, the centre of gravity of the objects would Why? Anu? unchanged. Do you agree with drum with equal (i i) When Shyam. the band leader. struck both the bass drum and the kettle drum produce a kettle the whereas 120dB. force. the bass drum emittedasound measuring Sound of 90dB. Explain this discrepancy in the loudness. tree. (iv) The picture below shows a boy climbing a rope ladder hanging trom the branch of awhere axis the about turns it as The boy in the picture finds it difficult to climb the ladder he is holding. The instructor tells the boy to stretch the bodv with the hands stretched up and makc the body parallel to the ladder and climnb ta) Which force caused the ladder to turn? th) How does keeping the body parallel to the ladder make climbing casier? 21 Study (a) (00Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from thebracket: class lelass ll/Class | | lever will always have M.A. >L (a) A |4| th) In a block and tackle system, increase in the weight of the movable block (decreases, does not atlect. increases)the efficiency of the pulley system. ()l the nmass as well as the velocity of abody is doubled then the kinetic energy of the body |isdoubled/becomes cight times/becomes four times] the initial kinetic energy, (d) Unit of power used in mechanical engineering is [Watt /horse power/erg per second| () The twometals A and B have their specific heat capacities in the ratio 2:3. If they are supplied the same [2] amount of heat, then (a) Which metal piece will show a greater rise in temperature if their masses are the same? (bCalculate the ratio in which their temperatures rise, if the mass ratio of metalAand metal B is 3:5. Question 3: i) Seismicwaves have different frequencies. During carthquakes, why are short-length buildings more prone [2] to damage caused by high-frequency seismic waves? a) Convert to SI unit: 1J/g "F b) Why does lg of water at 0'C have 336J more heat energy than lg of ice at 0' C? iii) Redran the diagram by linking points A, B, and C to ii) points X, Y. and Z on the socket. ivy You are given three resistors of magnitude 3 2 cach. You can join them either in a series or in a parallel 240v 240 V B Jov combination. How will you arrange them so that the cquivalernt resistance would become: [2] (a) maximum (b) minimum (lour uner must be mathema'ical calculations) accompanied by proper )On a hot summer day, we often put ice cubes to cool the water. Whi? (2] SECTION - B (Question 4: (4tempt uny four) Which one of the Switches, SI. S2 or S3, should be pened so that fa)totai resistance is equal to 4 ohms. (h:the total resistance is cqual 3 ohms. ic)the current thtourh 4 ohms is , " of the total current. 6 a 2n 100 Study the diagam and answer the (a) tb) (C) following following pendulurns natural/ frcqucncses according If is initsated (use Pendulum which pendulum among theinto oscillation. will exhibit the highest amplitude others of vsbration' GIVe reasons for yOur Arange to ther thc wcter aswer 1) hc graph of prot onsillustratcs the corrclation betwcen the numnber (x-axis) and the number of for clement C in the (-axis) periodic table neutrons The clement is denoted by letters rather than their conventional symbols. the When element C depicted in undergoes radioactive decay. it releases radioactivegraph. rays. (4] (a) Write the chemical symbol along with the mass 150 neutronyas number and atomic number for the clemert denoted as C (b) Plot on the graph. 1 The daughter clement after the radiation by the element C. emission of beta ioof protors 1. The daughter element. as indicated in the previous answer. if it undergoes alpha decay Question 5 D The adjacent diagram shows four solid plastic balls with wires fitted on a wooden base A person shakes the wooden base to and fro (forward and A! C backward) periodicaliy. It is observed that even the balls start vibrating. It is also observed that all balls vibrate. but only one ball vibrates [4] igorously. (a) Explain xhy onlyone balil vibrates vigorously (by If fa. fa. fc. and fo are the natural frequencies of vibration of the wires, then arrarnge them in the increasing order of their frequencies and give reasons for thc same. B Wooden base F2 Aroller with a diameter of 0.2m is raised over a pavement AB by applying forces Fl and F2 as shown in the diagram. A (31 1f the magnitude of both forces is 20 . then compare the magnitudes of the torques produced by the two forces. ABC is a glass block whose two sides. AB and BC. are at rueht angies to cach other A ray of light is incident on the surface AB as shown in the dtagram, and suffers total interna! reflection before fall1ng on the surface B inally, the light rav 31 CInerges out along the surface B 4a) What is thc aigle of incidence at the surtace AB? tb What is the criticalangle for the glass block B? uhat wold happen to the critcal angle if the temperature of the la +B Fil B 132* D C heat A Question 6 blocks of materials labelled various grams, laboratory, 50 to physics T0 grams capacities. ) In the masses ranging from heat witlh respective cach and B, their relationship determine to depict the materials, as to are utilised plotted is the Subsequently. a graph and the mass of capacity [3| heat the between A Juestio 8 n capacity ( iI )n the B me mass mass relationship between the shown. show illustrating the (a) Plot agraph heatcapacity of materials A and B. andspecific conductor? better is a relatively (b) Which material diagram illustrates a circuit i) The above two copper wires copper bar placed on base placed stretched over a wooden magnets. This entire between two poles ofcompression balance, setup is placed on a (3] Copper bar N Switch base which shows a weight of 0.4 kgf. observation of the (a) What will be the close compression balance when we 0.4 kgf Weight the switch? change, (b) How will this observation current in the kgf when we increase the circuit? Compression balance come to the (c) Nanme the rule used to conclusion in (a). ofa critical angle 420. [4] ii) The diagram shows a glass prism path of the light ray (a) Redraw the diagram and complete the PQ till it emerges out of the prism. ray PQ deviation of the (b) Also, calculate the net angle of when it emerges from the prism. Question 7 i) refraction of light in your You are doing an experiment on the ray of light A Q Critical angle -42 48 B Physics laboratory. ABCD is a rectangular block. A [4] is incident obliquely on the surface AB. show how it emerges from the block. also and block glass the through (a) Draw the path of the ray of light displacement suffered by the ray.] (The diagram should show the lateral same during the experiment? light, which colour willsuffer (b) Which two pairs of angles remain thefirst with red and then with blue performed (c) If the same experiment is greater lateral displacement? diagra1) with a constant ii) Ablock of mass 30 kg is pulled up a slope (see the slope. A and B are the speed by applying a force of 200 N parallel to Calculate the force of friction initial and final positions of the block. offered by the surface AB. iii) An element P emits one a-particle and then two B-particles consecutively to form an element Q. (a) Show all the transformations by means of equations only. (b) What are P and ) called? |3| |31 3 2 0 0 N L5 fQuestion 8 (i) In the given diagram, two transparent optical media are D shown. The rarer medium is air, while the denser medium is water. Redraw the diagram by showing the paths of the rays after striking the surface of separation AD for the incident rays OA, OB, 0C and OD. respectively. (Critical angle for the denser medium 14| 48) ii) Observe the electriccircuit diagram and answer the questions below. (a) Ifwe increase the current in the above circuit using increase? a rheostat, will the reading of the voltmeter decrease or (b) Give a reason for your answer in 'a'. 2V, and the current in the (c) The present reading of the voltmeter is the current in the circuit is 0.8A. Calculate the potential drop when circuit becomes IA. Given E =3V. water at the bottom and the (iii) The difference between the temperature of height of the waterfall. [g = 10 N top of a waterfallis 0.2 "C. Calculate the + Cell Rheostat Switch 'C] kg.Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg towards Question 9 the Echo after 4s. On moving 150 m hears He gun. fires a cliff vertical (i) Aman standing in front of 3.6s. Calculate the cliff. he fires again and hears after from the initial position of nan. (3] a) distance of cliff sound. of Speed b) (ii)The nucleus Ploses c) one B-particle b) one a-particle and express cach change by reaction. Write the symbol of the newnucleus in each case be polychromatic in nature? Electromagnetic (iii) a) Why is white light considered to wave in a glass slab in which frequency of Electromagnetic of speed the Calculate b) [21 a) One proton is 500 nm. wave is 4 x 10* Hz and wavelength spectrum of ultraviolet light. Name a prismrequired for obtaining a

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