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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : History and Civics (The Frank Anthony Public School (FAPS), New Delhi) : Pre board

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The Frank Anthony Public School, New Delhi Pre-Boards Examination 2020-2021 Class - 10 Subject- History Max Marks: 80 Time: 2 hrs+15 mins (Reading time) _______________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM PART I(COMPLUSORY). A TOTAL OF FIVE QUESTIONS ARE TO BE ATTEMPTED FROM PART II TWO OUT OF THREE QUESTIONS FROM SECTION A AND THREE OUT OF FIVE QUESTIONS FROM SECTION B. FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES ARE TO BE SPENT IN READING THE QUESTION PAPER ONLY YOU WIL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WRITE DURING THIS TIME. PART I (30 MARKS) ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS PART. QUESTION 1 (1*10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How are the members of the Lok Sabha elected? Name any two parliamentary procedures of the parliament. Who is the presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha? What is the composition of the electoral college for the election of the President of India? Mention any one function of the Prime minister in relation to the council of ministers. What is meant by the discretionary powers of the president of India? What is meant by the collective responsibility of the council of ministers? What is meant by the supreme court being the court of record? State any one emergency power of the president of India. What is judicial review? Question 2 (2*10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pg. 1 What is meant by the doctrine of lapse? Give any two contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Name any two precursors of the Indian National Congress. Mention any two objective of the Muslim league. What was the Rowlett Act? Give any two objectives of the forward bloc. Define Nationalism and Imperialism in relation to the first world war. Give the expansion of the following abbreviations i) UNICEF ii) UNESCO. Give any two objectives of the UNO Name the five members of the security council. PART II (50 Marks) SECTION A (CIVICS) Question 4 (3+3+4) With reference to the Union Executive answer the following: 1. How is the President of India elected? Explain the composition of the electoral college. 2. How can the President of India be removed? Explain the process. 3. Mention any four legislative power of the President. Question 5 (3+3+4) With reference to the judiciary answer the following: 1. Give any three qualifications required for a person to become a judge of a Supreme Court. 2. What is original jurisdiction explain by giving any two examples. 3. What is the Appellate Jurisdiction? explain by giving examples. Section B (History) Attempt any three questions from this section. Question 6 (3+3+4) With reference to the first war of independence & the first phase of the Indian national movement answer: 1. Explain any three political causes that antagonised the Indian rulers for the revolt of 1857. 2. Explain any three economic causes that caused unrest among the Indians for 1857. 3. Give two contributions each of Dada Bhai Naoroji and Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Question 7 (3+3+4) With reference to mass phase of the national movement answer: 1. Explain any three impacts of the Non-Cooperation movement. 2. Explain any three causes of the Civil Disobedience movement. 3. Discuss the causes of the Quit India movement. pg. 2 Question 8 (3+3+4) With reference to the Partition of India answer the following: 1. Who was the last viceroy of India? Why was he sent to India? 2. How did he plan to solve the communal problem existing in India? 3. Why did the congress accept the plan? State three reasons to justify its acceptance. Question 9 (3+3+4) With reference to the contemporary world answer the following: 1. Discuss the causes of the first world war. 2. Discuss the causes of the second world war. 3. Discuss the terms of the treaty of Versailles. Question 10 (3+3+4) With reference to the United Nations answer the following: 1. Discuss any three functions of the General Assembly. 2. Discuss any three functions of the Security Council. 3. Name the principal judicial organ of the UNO and explain its composition. pg. 3

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