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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane)

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Madhavakripa English Nursery and Higher Primary School, Udupi
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HIRANANDANI FOUNDATION SCHOOL, THANE First Preliminary Examination -November, 20~4 Subject: English II (Literature) Std:X Date: 18/11/2024 Time: 2 hours Max. marks: 80 Note: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first JO minutes. This time Is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given'at the head ofthe paper is the time allowed/or writing the answers. This paper has 4 sections. Section A is compulsory- All questions in Section A must be attempted You must attempt one question.from Section B, C and D and one other question.from any section ofyour choice. The intended marks for questions are given in brackets []. This paper consists of five printed pages. SectionA (Attempt all questions from this section) I . Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response given below. (Please do not copy the question - simply write in correct serial order the appropriate (16) word or phrase) (i) "O world, thou were the forest to this hart, and this indeed, 0 world, the heart of thee." Which of the following uses the same literary device as given above? (a) The bees buzzed around the flower-filled garden. (b) Her eyes are buttons. (c) She caught the scent of mothballs in the abandoned home. (d) Broken pencils are pointless. (ii) How does Brutus address the citizens in his speech? (a) Friends, Romans, lovers! (b) Romans, countrymen, and lovers! (c) Friends, countrymen, and lovers! (d) Romans, friends, and countrymen! (iii) What is Antony's concJuding line of his speech to the citizens? (a) 'Hear was a Caesar! when comes such another?' (b) 'Bring me to Octavius.' (c) 'Hear me with patience.' (d) 'Now let it work.' (iv) What dream did Cinna, tljte poet, have? (a) He was feasting with Cae$81'. (b) He was killed by Caesar. (c) He was pelted by the crowd. (d) He got an award for his poems. (v) What does the fourth citizen ask Cinna, the poet? (~) His name . (b) Whether he is a bachelor or married (c) His address (d) Where he is going (vi) Who kisses Caesar's hand to support Metellus' request? (a) Marcus Brutus (b) Cinna (c) Metellus Cimber (d) Decius Brutus / (vii) Who reported to Brutus that Cassius met him 'not with such familiar instances? (a) Lucius , (b) Lucilius (C) Pindarus (d) None of the above (viii) Why does Antony want to see Caesar's will again? (a) To see how much Caesar owns. (b) To reduce the amount of money left by Caesar to others. (c) To calculate. the amount left by Caesar to others. (d) To keep all of Caesar's wealth for himself. (ix) ~ch of th,e given ~ptions contains the _figure of speech in the following l~e from Leigh Hunts poem The Glove and the Lions': 'Ramped and roared the lions'? (a) 'Your eyes are like the diamond bright.' . (b) 'Suddenly the black night showed its teeth in a flash of lightning': (c) 'Rich gifts of raiment or grain or gold.' (d) 'Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.' (x) What kind of emotions are evoked by the phrase 'hurtful clarity' in the poerii 'When Great Trees Fall'? (a) sadness and sorrow (b) joy and anger (c) anger and sorrow (d) anger and anguish (xi) In Robert Frost's poem 'A Considerable Speck', what did the mite symbolise? (a) The amazing world of microscopic creatures. (b) Man's dominance over all the species. (c) The capacity to think. (d) The inferiority of tiny organisms. I (xii) Select the option that shows the correct relationship between Statements {i) and (11) from H. W. Longfellow's poem 'Haunted Houses'. ' Statement I: The souls who depart from Earth still linger in their former living spaces. Statement Il: The ghosts seek to claim on their former living spaces by haunting them. (a) I is true and Il is false. : (b) II is true and I is false. (c) I is the cause for II. (d) I and II are independent of each other. (xiii) Choose the option that lists the sequence of events from Alphonse Daudet's short story 'The Last Lesson' in the correct order. (i) But, when he arrived at school, Franz was dismayed to find his classmates already seated quietly and solemnly in their places. . (ii) Franz hurried to school that morning he was very_ late and dreaded being scolded by M. Hamel, the teacher. . (iii) After he had settled at hif desk, he noticed something really odd: the back benches of the classroom were occupied by adults from the village! i (iv) He hoped to slip into the classroom unnoticed, under cover of the bustle arld noise of a typical school day morning. (a) (i), (iii), (ii) and (iv) (b) (iii), (i), (iv) and (ii) (c) (ii), (iv), (i) and (iii) (d) (iv), (ii), (iii) and (i) (xiv) What animal does Martin compare the fat lady to in the short story, 'The Elevator'? (a) Pig (b) Elephant (c) Walrus (d) Alligator 2 I (xv) What award did Ad oa . . (a) Best all-rounder juni~ ;m tn the short story, 'The Girl Who Can'? (b) Best all-rounder seni~: ath1ete (c) Best junior girl athlete a ete (d) Best senior athlete (xvi) What best de 'be R (a) A Dream sen s ay Bradbury's short story 'The Pedestrian'? (b) A Sci-fl Story (c) A Dystopian Tale (d) A Horror Story Section 'B' (Answer one or more questions from this Section) DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Question2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Antony: "Ye~ stay awhile; Thou shalt not back till I have borne this corpse Into the marketplace: there shall I try, In my oration, how the people take The cruel issue of these bloody men. (i) To whom is Antony speaking? What is the purpose of the listener's visit? Where does (ii) What had Antony said to the listener before telling him to 'stay awhile'? Why? How did the listener help Antony? (iii) Explain the meaning of 'oration'. What does this extract reveal to us about what Antoriy proposed to do? (iv) What does Antony consider as a 'cruel issue'? What was his view on the 'cruel issue'? (v) Draw a character sketch ofAntony. [3] [3] [3] (4) Question3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Brutus: You wrong'd younelfin such a case. Cassius: In such a time as this it is not meet That every nice, offence should bear his comment. (i) Where are Brutus and Cassius? What charge is levelled by Brutus against Cassius? (ii) Why was Cassius angry with ~rutus? What does Brutus mean by 'You wrong'd yourself in such a case'? (iii) Why does Cassius feel they shoulq not argue in 'such a time'? What qualities of Cassius are showcased through this argument? (iv) What does Brutus accuse Cassius of after this extract? How did Cassius react to this accusation? (v) What does Brutus teJI Cassius to remember and reflect upon to prove bribery is wrong? 3 [3] [3] [3] (3] [4] Section 'C' (Answer ont or n,ort questions from this Section) PROSE: SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest: A Collection of ICSE poems and short stories) Question 4 Read the extract given below ~d answer th~ questions that follow: "Now she knows I live on seventeen", he thought. "Have you ever noticed a strange lady in the elevator?" he asked his fatJier that' evening. "Can't say I have", he replied, not looking away trom the televiaion. (i) Who is refetred to as 'he' in the above extract? Why does 'he' not want her to know where he lived? (ii) How did 'he' feel about the 'strange lady' in the elevator? (iii) Why was the 'elevator' mentioned in the extract unpleasant to use? (iv) Why was 'he' not able to tell his 'father' about his problems? What was the father's attitude towards him? What does this say about his father? (v) Do you think the fears of 'he' in the story were irrational? How do you think he could have overcome them? [3] [3) [3) (3) [4) Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: While I was thinking of all this, I heard my name called. It was my tum to recite. (i) Who is referred to as 'I' in the above extract? Who called out his name? What is the setting of the story? (ii) What was 'I' thinking of when he heard his name been called out? (iii) What was 'I' asked to 'recite'? Hpw did he feel after his recitation? . (iv) How did 'I' expect the person who called out his name to respond? How did the person who called his name respond in reality? (v) Describe the appropriateness of the title of the story 'The Last Lesson'. Question 6 [3] [3) [3) [3] [4] Section 'D' (Answer one or more questions from this Section) Poetry (freasure Chest: A Collection ofICSE poems and short stories) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Our souls, dependent upon their nurture, now shrink, wizened. Our minds, formed and informed by their radiance, fall away. (i) Who is referred to as 'their' in the above extract? Explain how 'Our souls' ~epend on 'their nurture'? (ii) Explain how the loss of 'their' can lead to existential crisis in people. (iii) Explain how the above lines draw parallels between the reaction of nature and human beings when they experience prof~und changes. (iv) Identify and explain the figure of speech used in the line 'Our minds fonned/ and infonned by their/ radiance'. In what state of mind are we thrown when 'their' die? (v) Explain and discuss the themes of the poem 'When Great Trees Fall'. ' 4 [3) . [3] [3] (3) [4] Question 7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that, follow: 'It faltered: I could see it hesitate; Then in the middle of the open sheet Cower down in desperation to accept Whatever I accorded it -,t fate. I have none of the tenderer-than-thou Collectivistic regimenting lov-, With which the modem world is being swept'. (i) Who is referred to as 'If in the above extraqt? Why did 'It' hesitate? In what state (ii) Explain the line 'Coflectivistic regimenting love~. ' [3] (iii) Explain the attitude of the poet towards 'It' in the extract. (31 (iv) What is the meaning of 'Cower down'? Do you think 'It' made the right decision by cowering down? Do you think it had a choice? Why? (v) What is the truth of the 'modem world' according to the poet? What flaws does he find in the mindset of people? [3] [4] ' ( 5

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