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IIT JEE 2019 : Select

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Mayank Kumar Singh
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Inductive effect. )it is an effect which causes polarisation of bond .it depends on distance. )there are two types of inductive effect (+I and -I) . )+I inductive effect is shown by those groups who are likable donate and not seek electrons more easily.(-T>-D>-H). )-I effect is shown by those who attract electron density(it is the more perfect word ) towards itself . See in all these case they are similar to mesomeric or resonance but the only difference is here original electrondensity gets disturbed or changed and valid for only sigma electrons but in resonance phi electrons are involved.all other things are same only involvement of phi electrons makes it more dominant than inductive effect. )+I effect increases the stability of carbocations as +I effect causes electron density shifting towards from the carbocation.and +I effect decreases the stability of carboanion. )-I effect decreases the stability of carbocation and increases the stability of carboanion. )-R and+R effect is independent of the position or distance as all resonating structure are equal(and they contribute to resonance hybrid unless and until there are other factors which causes one or more structure uninvolvment(may be due to great shifting of opposite charges or due to incomplete octet or due to + charge on electronegative and - charge on electropositive groups or atoms)). )+I as well as -I effect is dependent on the distance.The examples which I did yesterday,I could hardly remember but yet (name it as FIG 1). See in this FIG1.I ll send this additional so that if face problem in seeing as the image here is quite lessmagnified and if I am facing problem at seeing here it is understood that u might too face. Coming to the point.) See a line is drawn and one side 1)(i)(ii).2.)(i)(ii). Before going to the point I want to make a note that +R -R and -I and -I and H(hyperconjugation) is shown only if the groups(which are electron withdrawing or donating) if they are present at ortho or para position. In 1i)ii) Groups ortho position and in same part subpart 2nd diagram(ii) diagram in para position shows-I effect and it decreases the stability of carbocation now among two in which more -I effect is shown as oxygen is more electronegative than carbon therby causing the polarising of bond and attracting electron density towards it(gropus showing -I). So the more it is closer to carbocation the more danger it is causing to carbocation. It is closer to carbocation only when it is at ortho and least close when it is at para position so least stable structure of these would be 1(i). )) Now coming to the (2n. Part) subpart (i) ( ii) here CH3 although it s is least amon its homologous series to see + I effect.but it will show because no other dominant is there.(I have another question If there was dominant mean 1degree or 2 degree or 3 degrees and Ch3 wasalso their then if they were showing +I effect from same side then I think it would not have caused any problem means if both were present on same side of benzene ring but if it were on opposite then it might had caused problem as it would have lead to net loss in +I effect). From the diagram of 2nd part ch3 group in diagram 1 shows least +I as its away from carbocation so it is going to be least stable but In diagram 2(ii) it is close to carbocation so it is more stable.

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