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IIT JEE Class 11 2019 : Chemistry

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Mayank Kumar Singh
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POLARISING POWER AND POLARISABILITY Now when we talk of polarising power and polarisability we are just talking about molecules and not any thing else. So now coming to the points First of all this is the Fajans rules means its was simply known as Fajans rules. Now let s discuss it simply so that its not required to learn the concepts(mugup) See every molecule which is formed by either covalent bond or ionic bond or metallic bond .(in this rule we will discuss just about the covalent and ionic bonds)Each molecule whether formed from covalent bonds or ionic bond is made up of ions.Now consider two ions A+ and B-. See but how we would know that they would form which type of can be ionic or covalent. When the both ions are brought closer to have check in general what would happen???? It would happen as the positive charged ion attract the electrons of negative charged ion and at same time repel the nucleus and the negative ion does the same treatment with the positive ion. See now considering their size for checking who will be the winner out of the two.if cation has small size its charge will be distributed in small area and it would be more effective in pulling the electrons so the smaller the size the greater damage it cause to the anion . Similarly if anion is small then it would win. Now if anion is large it would get largely attracted by the positive charge as it doesn t have control over himself. Nos one would say that anions may also be small see their might be exceptions but in general cations are small and anions are large. Coming to the conclusion: speaking in general for larger anion S and smaller cations . The anions will attract POSTIVE ion but due to is large size will be unable to have full control means it can t pull the positive charge effectively whereas the cations being small has a full control over themselves(as they being small their charge is distributed on a small area and hence effective) and can pull the anion effectively. Now what is polarizing power its just ability of cation to change the shape of anion and what is polarizability it s the ability of anion to get distaurted. Haan one question which I had put ag beginning how to identify on the basis of polarising power whether the two ions have combined by ionic or covalent bond. The answer to it is ,if the polarising power is high then what will have cation will attract the electrons of anions towards itself and the electrons of anions will come in between the two nucleus thereby one would say that the total charge is nullified and hence the bondso formed is covalent .so smaller the cation larger the anion greater is the covalency. Now if it has less polarising power means the compound will be ionic .see I can explain it but I don t nt to spoo. Feed every thing so u use ur brainand find out the reason of formation of ionic bond(one hint I can give is that it is formed when when polarising power of cation is less means its power to attract the electrons is less). Now the one more important thing which I shall not miss is that if the cation is stable or it has noble gas configuration then polarization and hence covalency is unfavoured. See covalency means ability of ions two form covalent bonds and polarization is less covalent bonds will not form or I should it would lead to form bond with more ionic character and so covalency will be unfavoured.

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