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CHAPTER 5 POWER SYSTEMS YEAR 2012 MCQ 5.1 The bus admittance matrix of a three-bus three-line system is R 13 10 5V W S Y = j S 10 18 10W S 5 10 13W W S T between theX two buses is represented by an If each transmission line equivalent -network, the magnitude of the shunt susceptance of the line connecting bus 1 and 2 is (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 MCQ 5.2 (D) 0 A two-phase load draws the following phase currents : i1 (t) = Im sin ( t 1), i2 (t) = Im cos ( t 2). These currents are balanced if 1 is equal to. (A) 2 (B) 2 (C) ( /2 2) MCQ 5.3 ONE MARK (D) ( /2 + 2) The figure shows a two-generator system applying a load of PD = 40 MW , connected at bus 2. The fuel cost of generators G1 and G2 are : C1 (PG1) = 10000 Rs/MWh and C2 (PG2) = 12500 Rs/MWh and the loss in the 2 line is Ploss (pu) = 0.5PG1 (pu), where the loss coefficient is specified in pu on a 100 MVA base. The most economic power generation schedule in MW is (B) PG1 = 22, PG2 = 20 (A) PG1 = 20, PG2 = 22 (C) PG1 = 20, PG2 = 20 MCQ 5.4 (D) PG1 = 0, PG2 = 40 The sequence components of the fault current are as follows : I positive = j 1.5 pu, I negative = j 0.5 pu, I zero = j1 pu . The type of fault in the system is GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 228 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 (A) LG (B) LL (C) LLG (D) LLLG YEAR 2012 MCQ 5.5 TWO MARKS For the system below, SD1 and SD2 are complex power demands at bus 1 and bus 2 respectively. If V2 = 1 pu , the VAR rating of the capacitor (QG2) connected at bus 2 is (A) 0.2 pu (C) 0.312 pu MCQ 5.6 (B) 0.268 pu (D) 0.4 pu A cylinder rotor generator delivers 0.5 pu power in the steady-state to an infinite bus through a transmission line of reactance 0.5 pu . The generator no-load voltage is 1.5 pu and the infinite bus voltage is 1 pu . The inertia constant of the generator is 5 MW - s/MVA and the generator reactance is 1 pu . The critical clearing angle, in degrees, for a three-phase dead short circuit fault at the generator terminal is (A) 53.5 (B) 60.2 (C) 70.8 (D) 79.6 YEAR 2011 MCQ 5.7 ONE MARK A nuclear power station of 500 MW capacity is located at 300 km away from a load center. Select the most suitable power evacuation transmission configuration among the following options GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.8 POWER SYSTEMS A negative sequence relay is commonly used to protect (A) an alternator (B) an transformer (C) a transmission line MCQ 5.9 PAGE 229 (D) a bus bar For enhancing the power transmission in along EHV transmission line, the most preferred method is to connect a (A) Series inductive compensator in the line (B) Shunt inductive compensator at the receiving end (C) Series capacitive compensator in the line (D) Shunt capacitive compensator at the sending end YEAR 2011 MCQ 5.10 A load center of 120 MW derives power from two power stations connected by 220 kV transmission lines of 25 km and 75 km as shown in the figure below. The three generators G1, G2 and G 3 are of 100 MW capacity each and have identical fuel cost characteristics. The minimum loss generation schedule for supplying the 120 MW load is P1 = 80 MW + losses (A) P2 = 20 MW P3 = 20 MW MCQ 5.11 TWO MARKS P1 = 60 MW (B) P2 = 30 MW + losses P3 = 30 MW P1 = 40 MW P1 = 30 MW + losses (C) P2 = 40 MW (D) P2 = 45 MW P3 = 40 MW + losses P3 = 45 MW The direct axis and quadrature axis reactances of a salient pole alternator are 1.2 p.u and 1.0 p.u respectively. The armature resistance is negligible. If this alternator is delivering rated kVA at upf and at rated voltage then its GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 230 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 power angle is (A) 30c (C) 60c MCQ 5.12 (B) 45c (D) 90c A three bus network is shown in the figure below indicating the p.u. impedance of each element. The bus admittance matrix, Y -bus, of the network is R 15 R 0.3 0.2 0 V 5 0V W W S S (B) j S 5 (A) j S 0.2 0.12 0.08W 7.5 12.5W S 0 12.5 2.5 W S 0 0.08 0.02W W W S S X XV T T R0.1 0.2 R 10 5 0W 0V W S S (C) j S0.2 0.12 0.08W (D) j S 5 7.5 12.5W S 0 0.08 0.10 W S 0 12.5 10W W W S S X X T T Statement For Linked Answer Questions : 13 & 14. MCQ 5.13 Two generator units G1 and G2 are connected by 15 kV line with a bus at the mid-point as shown below G1 = 250 MVA , 15 kV, positive sequence reactance XG = 25% on its own base G2 = 100 MVA , 15 kV, positive sequence reactance XG = 10% on its own base L1 and L2 = 10 km , positive sequence reactance XL = 0.225 /km 1 2 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.14 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 231 In the above system, the three-phase fault MVA at the bus 3 is (A) 82.55 MVA (B) 85.11 MVA (C) 170.91 MVA (D) 181.82 MVA YEAR 2010 MCQ 5.15 ONE MARK Power is transferred from system A to system B by an HVDC link as shown in the figure. If the voltage VAB and VCD are as indicated in figure, and I 2 0 , then (A) VAB 1 0,VCD < 0,VAB > VCD (B) VAB 2 0,VCD 2 0,VAB 1 VCD (C) VAB 2 0,VCD 2 0,VAB > VCD (D) VAB 2 0,VCD < 0 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 232 MCQ 5.16 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Consider a step voltage of magnitude 1 pu travelling along a lossless transmission line that terminates in a reactor. The voltage magnitude across the reactor at the instant travelling wave reaches the reactor is (A) 1 pu (C) 2 pu MCQ 5.17 (B) 1 pu (D) 3 pu Consider two buses connected by an impedence of (0 + 5j) . The bus 1 voltage is 100+30c V, and bus 2 voltage is 100+0c V. The real and reactive power supplied by bus 1 respectively are (A) 1000 W, 268 VAr (B) 1000 W, 134 VAr (C) 276.9 W, 56.7 VAr (D) 276.9 W, 56.7 VAr YEAR 2010 MCQ 5.18 A three-phase, 33 kV oil circuit breaker is rated 1200 A, 2000 MVA, 3 s. The symmetrical breaking current is (A) 1200 A (B) 3600 A (C) 35 kA MCQ 5.19 TWO MARKS (D) 104.8 kA Consider a stator winding of an alternator with an internal high-resistance ground fault. The currents under the fault condition are as shown in the figure The winding is protected using a differential current scheme with current transformers of ratio 400/5 A as shown. The current through the operating coils is (A) 0.1875 A (B) 0.2 A (C) 0.375 A (D) 60 kA GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 233 MCQ 5.20 The zero-sequence circuit of the three phase transformer shown in the figure is MCQ 5.21 A 50 Hz synchronous generator is initially connected to a long lossless transmission line which is open circuited at the receiving end. With the field voltage held constant, the generator is disconnected from the transmission line. Which of the following may be said about the steady state terminal voltage and field current of the generator ? (A) The magnitude of terminal voltage decreases, and the field current does not change. (B) The magnitude of terminal voltage increases, and the field current does not change. (C) The magnitude of terminal voltage increases, and the field current increases (D) The magnitude of terminal voltage does not change and the field current decreases. MCQ 5.22 Consider a three-phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV distribution system. Each of the conductors is suspended by an insulator string having two identical porcelain insulators. The self capacitance of the insulator is 5 times the shunt capacitance between the link and the ground, as shown in the figures. The voltages across the two insulators are GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 234 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 (A) e1 = 3.74 kV, e2 = 2.61 kV (C) e1 = 6.0 kV, e2 = 4.23 kV MCQ 5.23 (B) e1 = 3.46 kV, e2 = 2.89 kV (D) e1 = 5.5 kV, e2 = 5.5 kV Consider a three-core, three-phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV cable whose conductors are denoted as R, Y and B in the figure. The inter-phase capacitance(C1 ) between each line conductor and the sheath is 0.4 F . The per-phase charging current is (A) 2.0 A (C) 2.7 A MCQ 5.24 (B) 2.4 A (D) 3.5 A For the power system shown in the figure below, the specifications of the components are the following : G1 : 25 kV, 100 MVA, X = 9% G2 : 25 kV, 100 MVA, X = 9% T1 : 25 kV/220 kV, 90 MVA, X = 12% T2 : 220 kV/25 kV, 90 MVA, X = 12% Line 1: 200 kV, X = 150 ohms Choose 25 kV as the base voltage at the generator G1 , and 200 MVA as the MVA base. The impedance diagram is GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 235 YEAR 2009 MCQ 5.25 ONE MARK Out of the following plant categories (i) Nuclear (ii) Run-of-river (iii) Pump Storage (iv) Diesel The base load power plant are (A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii) (C) (i), (ii) and (iv) (D) (i), (iii) and (iv) GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 236 MCQ 5.26 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 For a fixed value of complex power flow in a transmission line having a sending end voltage V , the real loss will be proportional to (A) V (B) V 2 (C) 12 (D) 1 V V YEAR 2009 MCQ 5.27 For the Y-bus matrix of a 4-bus system given in per unit, the buses having shunt elements are R 5 2 2.5 0 V S W S 2 10 2.5 4 W YBUS = j S 2.5 2.5 9 4 W S W S0 4 4 8W T X (A) 3 and 4 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 2 MCQ 5.28 TWO MARKS (D) 1, 2 and 4 Match the items in List-I (To) with the items in the List-II (Use) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-I List-II a. improve power factor 1. shunt reactor b. reduce the current ripples 2. shunt capacitor c. increase the power flow in line 3. series capacitor reduce the Ferranti effect a " 2, b " 3, c " 4, d " 1 a " 2, b " 4, c " 3, d " 1 a " 4, b " 3, c " 1, d " 2 a " 4, b " 1, c " 3, d " 2 4. series reactor d. (A) (B) (C) (D) MCQ 5.29 Match the items in List-I (Type of transmission line) with the items in ListII (Type of distance relay preferred) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-I List-II a. Short Line 1. Ohm Relay b. Medium Line 2. Reactance Relay c. Long Line 3. Mho Relay (A) a " 2, b " 1, c " 3 (C) a " 1, b " 2, c " 3 MCQ 5.30 (B) a " 3, b " 2, c " 1 (D) a " 1, b " 3, c " 2 Three generators are feeding a load of 100 MW. The details of the generators GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 237 are Rating (MW) Efficiency (%) Regulation (Pu.) ( on 100 MVA base) Generator-1 100 20 0.02 Generator-2 100 30 0.04 Generator-3 100 40 0.03 In the event of increased load power demand, which of the following will happen ? (A) All the generator will share equal power (B) Generator-3 will share more power compared to Generator-1 (C) Generator-1 will share more power compared to Generator-2 (D) Generator-2 will share more power compared to Generator-3 MCQ 5.31 A 500 MW, 21 kV, 50 Hz, 3-phase, 2-pole synchronous generator having a rated p.f = 0.9, has a moment of inertia of 27.5 # 103 kg-m2 .The inertia constant ( H ) will be (A) 2.44 s (B) 2.71 s (C) 4.88 s (D) 5.42 s YEAR 2008 MCQ 5.32 ONE MARK A two machine power system is shown below. The Transmission line XY has positive sequence impedance of Z1 and zero sequence impedance of Z0 An a phase to ground fault with zero fault impedance occurs at the centre of the transmission line. Bus voltage at X and line current from X to F for the phase a , are given by Va Volts and Ia amperes, respectively. Then, the impedance measured by the ground distance relay located at the terminal X of line XY will be given by (B) ^Z0 /2h (A) ^Z1 /2h (C) (Z0 + Z1) /2 MCQ 5.33 (D) ^Va /Ia h An extra high voltage transmission line of length 300 km can be approximate by a lossless line having propagation constant = 0.00127 radians per km. Then the percentage ratio of line length to wavelength will be given by (A) 24.24 % (B) 12.12 % (C) 19.05 % (D) 6.06 % GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 238 MCQ 5.34 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 A-3-phase transmission line is shown in figure : Voltage drop across the transmission line is given by the following equation : VR V VR R S3 Va W S Zs Zm Zm WSIa W S 3 Vb W = SZm Zs Zm WSIb W S 3 V W SZ Z Z WSI W S c W S m m s WS c W XT X XT T Shunt capacitance of the line can be neglect. If the has positive sequence impedance of 15 and zero sequence impedance of 48 , then the values of Zs and Zm will be (A) Zs = 31.5 ; Zm = 16.5 (B) Zs = 26 ; Zm = 11 (C) Zs = 16.5 ; Zm = 31.5 (D) Zs = 11 ; Zm = 26 YEAR 2008 MCQ 5.35 TWO MARKS Voltages phasors at the two terminals of a transmission line of length 70 km have a magnitude of 1.0 per unit but are 180 degree out of phase. Assuming that the maximum load current in the line is 1/5th of minimum 3-phase fault current. Which one of the following transmission line protection schemes will not pick up for this condition ? (A) Distance protection using ohm relay with zoen-1 set to 80% of the line impedance. (B) Directional over current protection set to pick up at 1.25 times the maximum load current (C) Pilot relaying system with directional comparison scheme (D) Pilot relaying system with segregated phase comparison scheme MCQ 5.36 A loss less transmission line having Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) of 2280 MW is provided with a uniformly distributed series capacitive compensation of 30%. Then, SIL of the compensated transmission line will be (A) 1835 MW (B) 2280 MW (C) 2725 MW (D) 3257 MW GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.37 POWER SYSTEMS A loss less power system has to serve a load of 250 MW. There are tow generation ( G 1 and G 2 ) in the system with cost curves C1 and C2 respectively defined as follows ; 2 C1 (PG1) = PG1 + 0.055 # PG1 2 C2 (PG2) = 3PG2 + 0.03 # PG2 Where PG1 and PG2 are the MW injections from generator G 1 and G 2 respectively. Thus, the minimum cost dispatch will be (A) PG1 = 250 MW; PG2 = 0 MW (B) PG1 = 150 MW; PG2 = 100 MW (C) PG1 = 100 MW; PG2 = 150 MW MCQ 5.38 PAGE 239 (D) PG1 = 0 MW; PG2 = 250 MW A loss less single machine infinite bus power system is shown below : The synchronous generator transfers 1.0 per unit of power to the infinite bus. The critical clearing time of circuit breaker is 0.28 s. If another identical synchronous generator is connected in parallel to the existing generator and each generator is scheduled to supply 0.5 per unit of power, then the critical clearing time of the circuit breaker will (A) reduce to 0.14 s (B) reduce but will be more than 0.14 s (C) remain constant at 0.28 s (D) increase beyond 0.28 s MCQ 5.39 Single line diagram of a 4-bus single source distribution system is shown below. Branches e1, e2, e3 and e4 have equal impedances. The load current values indicated in the figure are in per unit. Distribution company s policy requires radial system operation with GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 240 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 minimum loss. This can be achieved by opening of the branch (B) e2 (A) e1 (C) e3 (D) e4 Data for Q.40 and Q.41 are given below. Solve the problems and choose the correct answers. Given that: Vs1 = Vs2 = 1 + j0 p.u ; The positive sequence impedance are Zs1 = Zs2 = 0.001 + j0.01 p.u and ZL = 0.006 + j0.06 p.u 3-phase Base MVA = 100 voltage base = 400 kV(Line to Line) Nominal system frequency = 50 Hz. The reference voltage for phase a is defined as V (t) = Vm cos ( t). A symmetrical three phase fault occurs at centre of the line, i.e. point F at time t 0 . The positive sequence impedance from source S1 to point F equals 0.004 + j0.04 p.u. The wave form corresponding to phase a fault current from bus X reveals that decaying d.c. offset current is negative and in magnitude at its maximum initial value, Assume that the negative sequence impedances are equal to positive sequence impedance and the zero sequence impedances are three times positive sequence impedances. MCQ 5.41 The instant (t0) of the fault will be (A) 4.682 ms (B) 9.667 ms (C) 14.667 ms MCQ 5.40 (D) 19.667 ms The rms value of the component of fault current (If ) will be (A) 3.59 kA (B) 5.07 kA (C) 7.18 kA MCQ 5.42 (D) 10.15 kA Instead of the three phase fault, if a single line to ground fault occurs on phase a at point F with zero fault impedance, then the rms of the ac component of fault current (Ix) for phase a will be (A) 4.97 p.u (B) 7.0 p.u (C) 14.93 p.u (D) 29.85 p.u GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 241 YEAR 2007 MCQ 5.43 ONE MARK Consider the transformer connections in a part of a power system shown in the figure. The nature of transformer connections and phase shifts are indicated for all but one transformer Which of the following connections, and the corresponding phase shift , should be used for the transformer between A and B ? (A) Star-star ( = 0%) (C) Delta-star ( = 30%) MCQ 5.44 (B) Star-Delta ( = 30%) (D) Star-Zigzag ( = 30%) The incremental cost curves in Rs/MWhr for two generators supplying a common load of 700 MW are shown in the figures. The maximum and minimum generation limits are also indicated. The optimum generation schedule is : (A) Generator A : 400 MW, Generator B : 300 MW (B) Generator A : 350 MW, Generator B : 350 MW (C) Generator A : 450 MW, Generator B : 250 MW (D) Generator A : 425 MW, Generator B : 275 MW GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 242 MCQ 5.45 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Two regional systems, each having several synchronous generators and loads are inter connected by an ac line and a HVDC link as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements is true in the steady state : (A) Both regions need not have the same frequency (B) The total power flow between the regions (Pac + Pdc) can be changed by controlled the HDVC converters alone (C) The power sharing between the ac line and the HVDC link can be changed by controlling the HDVC converters alone. (D) The directions of power flow in the HVDC link ( Pdc ) cannot be reversed MCQ 5.46 Considered a bundled conductor of an overhead line consisting of three identical sub-conductors placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle as shown in the figure. If we neglect the charges on the other phase conductor and ground, and assume that spacing between sub-conductors is much larger than their radius, the maximum electric field intensity is experienced at (A) Point X (B) Point Y (C) Point Z (D) Point W YEAR 2007 MCQ 5.47 TWO MARKS The figure below shows a three phase self-commutated voltage source converter connected to a power system. The converter s dc bus capacitor is marked as C in the figure. The circuit in initially operating in steady state with = 0 and the capacitor dc voltage is equal to Vdc0 . You may neglect all GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 243 losses and harmonics. What action should be taken to increase the capacitor dc voltage slowly to a new steady state value. (A) Make positive and maintain it at a positive value (B) Make positive and return it to its original value (C) Make negative and maintain it at a negative value (D) Make negative and return it to its original value MCQ 5.48 The total reactance and total suspectance of a lossless overhead EHV line, operating at 50 Hz, are given by 0.045 pu and 1.2 pu respectively. If the velocity of wave propagation is 3 # 105 km/s, then the approximate length of the line is (A) 122 km (B) 172 km (C) 222 km MCQ 5.49 (D) 272 km Consider the protection system shown in the figure below. The circuit breakers numbered from 1 to 7 are of identical type. A single line to ground fault with zero fault impedance occurs at the midpoint of the line (at point F), but circuit breaker 4 fails to operate ( Stuck breaker ). If the relays are coordinated correctly, a valid sequence of circuit breaker operation is (A) 1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 5 (C) 5, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2 MCQ 5.50 (B) 1, 2, 5, 5, 7, 3 (D) 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 A three phase balanced star connected voltage source with frequency rad/s is connected to a star connected balanced load which is purely inductive. The instantaneous line currents and phase to neutral voltages are denoted by (ia, ib, ic) and (Van, Vbn, Vcn) respectively, and their rms values are denoted by V and I . GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 244 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 R 1 1 S0 3 3 S 1 S 1 If R = 8Van Vbn Vcn B 0 S 3 3 S1 1 0 S 3 3 S T of R is (A) 3VI (C) 0.7VI MCQ 5.51 V WR V W Sia W W Sib W , then the magnitude of WS W W Sic W WT X W X (B) VI (D) 0 Consider a synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus by two identical parallel transmission line. The transient reactance x of the generator is 0.1 pu and the mechanical power input to it is constant at 1.0 pu. Due to some previous disturbance, the rotor angle ( ) is undergoing an undamped oscillation, with the maximum value of (t) equal to 130% .One of the parallel lines trip due to the relay maloperation at an instant when (t) = 130% as shown in the figure. The maximum value of the per unit line reactance, x such that the system does not lose synchronism subsequent to this tripping is (A) 0.87 (C) 0.67 MCQ 5.52 (B) 0.74 (D) 0.54 Suppose we define a sequence transformation between a-b-c and p-n-o variables as follows : RV VR V R S fa W S 1 1 1W S fp W 2 S fb W = k S 2 1W S fn W where = e j 3 and k and is a constant Sf W S 2 1W S f W S cW WS oW S VR V RV RV R RV TX XT X T Sia W SVp W S0.5 0 0 W Sip W SVa W Now, if it is given that : SVn W = S 0 0.5 0 W Sin W and SVb W = Z Sib W then, Si W SV W S 0 0 2.0 W Si W SV W WS 0W S cW S oW S S cW VT X T R RTX X T X 1.0 0.5 0.5 V X T W S 1.0 0.5 0.75 W S (A) Z = S0.75 1.0 0.5 W (B) Z = S0.5 1.0 0.5 W S 0.5 0.75 1.0 W S0.5 0.5 1.0 W W W S S X X T T GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.53 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 245 V V R R 1.0 0.5 0.5 W S 1.0 0.75 0.5 W 2S (C) Z = 3k2 S 0.5 1.0 0.75 W (D) Z = k S 0.5 1.0 0.5 W 3S S0.75 0.5 1.0 W W W S S 0.5 0.5 1.0 W X X T two power systems shown in figure A below, which are initially T Consider the not interconnected, and are operating in steady state at the same frequency. Separate load flow solutions are computed individually of the two systems, corresponding to this scenario. The bus voltage phasors so obtain are indicated on figure A. These two isolated systems are now interconnected by a short transmission line as shown in figure B, and it is found that P1 = P2 = Q1 = Q2 = 0 . The bus voltage phase angular difference between generator bus X and generator bus Y after interconnection is (B) 25c (A) 10c (C) 30c MCQ 5.54 (D) 30c A 230 V (Phase), 50 Hz, three-phase, 4-wire, system has a phase sequence ABC. A unity power-factor load of 4 kW is connected between phase A and neutral N. It is desired to achieve zero neutral current through the use of GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 246 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 a pure inductor and a pure capacitor in the other two phases. The value of inductor and capacitor is (A) 72.95 mH in phase C and 139.02 F in Phase B (B) 72.95 mH in Phase B and 139.02 F in Phase C (C) 42.12 mH in Phase C and 240.79 F in Phase B (D) 42.12 mH in Phase B and 240.79 F in Phase C MCQ 5.55 An isolated 50 Hz synchronous generator is rated at 15 MW which is also the maximum continuous power limit of its prime mover. It is equipped with a speed governor with 5% droop. Initially, the generator is feeding three loads of 4 MW each at 50 Hz. One of these loads is programmed to trip permanently if the frequency falls below 48 Hz .If an additional load of 3.5 MW is connected then the frequency will settle down to (A) 49.417 Hz (B) 49.917 Hz (C) 50.083 Hz (D) 50.583 Hz YEAR 2006 MCQ 5.56 ONE MARK The concept of an electrically short, medium and long line is primarily based on the (A) nominal voltage of the line (B) physical length of the line (C) wavelength of the line (D) power transmitted over the line MCQ 5.57 Keeping in view the cost and overall effectiveness, the following circuit breaker is best suited for capacitor bank switching (A) vacuum (B) air blast (C) SF6 MCQ 5.58 (D) oil In a biased differential relay the bias is defined as a ratio of (A) number of turns of restraining and operating coil (B) operating coil current and restraining coil current (C) fault current and operating coil current (D) fault current and restraining coil current MCQ 5.59 An HVDC link consist of rectifier, inverter transmission line and other equipments. Which one of the following is true for this link ? (A) The transmission line produces/ supplies reactive power (B) The rectifier consumes reactive power and the inverter supplies reactive GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 247 power from/ to the respective connected AC systems (C) Rectifier supplies reactive power and the inverted consumers reactive power to/ from the respective connected AC systems (D) Both the converters (rectifier and inverter) consume reactive power from the respective connected AC systems YEAR 2006 MCQ 5.60 TWO MARKS The A , B , C , D constants of a 220 kV line are : A = D = 0.94+1c, B = 130+73c, C = 0.001+90c If the sending end voltage of the line for a given load delivered at nominal voltage is 240 kV, the % voltage regulation of the line is (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 16 MCQ 5.61 (D) 21 A single phase transmission line and a telephone line are both symmetrically strung one below the other, in horizontal configurations, on a common tower, The shortest and longest distances between the phase and telephone conductors are 2.5 m and 3 m respectively. The voltage (volt/km) induced in the telephone circuit, due to 50 Hz current of 100 amps in the power circuit is (A) 4.81 (B) 3.56 (C) 2.29 MCQ 5.62 (D) 1.27 Three identical star connected resistors of 1.0 pu are connected to an unbalanced 3-phase supply. The load neutral is isolated. The symmetrical components of the line voltages in pu. are: Vab = X+ 1 , Vab = Y+ 2 . If all the pu calculations are with the respective base values, the phase to neutral sequence voltages are (A) Van = X+ ( 1 + 30c),Van = Y ( 2 30c) 1 1 2 (B) Van = X+ ( 1 30c),Van = Y+ ( 2 + 30c) (C) Van = 1 X+ ( 1 30c),Van = 1 Y+ ( 2 30c) 3 3 1 X+ ( 60c),V = 1 Y+ ( 60c) (D) Van = 1 an 2 3 3 A generator is connected through a 20 MVA, 13.8/138 kV step down transformer, to a transmission line. At the receiving end of the line a load is supplied through a step down transformer of 10 MVA, 138/69 kV rating. A 0.72 pu. load, evaluated on load side transformer ratings as base values , is supplied from the above system. For system base values of 10 MVA and 69 kV in load circuit, the value of the load (in per unit) in generator will be 1 2 1 2 1 MCQ 5.63 2 2 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 248 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 (A) 36 (C) 0.72 MCQ 5.64 (B) 1.44 (D) 0.18 The Gauss Seidel load flow method has following disadvantages. Tick the incorrect statement. (A) Unreliable convergence (B) Slow convergence (C) Choice of slack bus affects convergence (D) A good initial guess for voltages is essential for convergence Data for Q. 65 and Q. 66 are given below. Solve the problems and choose the correct answers. A generator feeds power to an infinite bus through a double circuit transmission line. A 3-phase fault occurs at the middle point of one of the lines. The infinite bus voltage is 1 pu, the transient internal voltage of the generator is 1.1 pu and the equivalent transfer admittance during fault is 0.8 pu. The 100 MVA generator has an inertia constant of 5 MJ/MVA and it was delivering 1.0 pu power prior of the fault with rotor power angle of 30c . The system frequency is 50 Hz. MCQ 5.65 The initial accelerating power (in pu) will be (A) 1.0 (B) 0.6 (C) 0.56 MCQ 5.66 (D) 0.4 If the initial accelerating power is X pu, the initial acceleration in elect-deg/ sec, and the inertia constant in MJ-sec/elect-deg respectively will be (A) 31.4X , 18 (B) 1800X , 0.056 (C) X/1800 , 0.056 (D) X/31.4 , 18 Data for Q.67 and Q.68 are given below. Solve the problems and choose the correct answers. For a power system the studies are as follows. R S j8.75 Ybus = S j1.25 S j2.50 S T admittance and impedance matrices for the fault V j1.25 j2.50 W j6.25 j2.50 W W j2.50 j5.00 W X Z bus V R S j0.16 j0.08 j0.12 W = S j0.08 j0.24 j0.16 W S j0.12 j0.16 j0.34 W W S X T The pre-fault voltages are 1.0 pu. at all the buses. The system was unloaded prior to the fault. A solid 3-phase fault takes place at bus 2. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.67 POWER SYSTEMS The post fault voltages at buses 1 and 3 in per unit respectively are (A) 0.24, 0.63 (B) 0.31, 0.76 (C) 0.33, 0.67 MCQ 5.68 (D) 0.67, 0.33 The per unit fault feeds from generators connected to buses 1 and 2 respectively are (A) 1.20, 2.51 (B) 1.55, 2.61 (C) 1.66, 2.50 MCQ 5.69 PAGE 249 (D) 5.00, 2.50 A 400 V, 50 Hz, three phase balanced source supplies power to a star connected load whose rating is 12 3 kVA, 0.8 pf (lag). The rating (in kVAR) of the delta connected (capacitive) reactive power bank necessary to bring the pf to unity is (A) 28. 78 (B) 21.60 (C) 16.60 (D) 12.47 YEAR 2005 MCQ 5.70 The p.u. parameter for a 500 MVA machine on its own base are: inertia, M = 20 p.u. ; reactance, X = 2 p.u. The p.u. values of inertia and reactance on 100 MVA common base, respectively, are (A) 4, 0.4 (B) 100, 10 (C) 4, 10 MCQ 5.71 (D) P/4 The insulation strength of an EHV transmission line is mainly governed by (A) load power factor (B) switching over-voltages (C) harmonics MCQ 5.73 (D) 100, 0.4 An 800 kV transmission line has a maximum power transfer capacity of P . If it is operated at 400 kV with the series reactance unchanged, the new maximum power transfer capacity is approximately (A) P (B) 2P (C) P/2 MCQ 5.72 ONE MARK (D) corona High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission is mainly used for (A) bulk power transmission over very long distances (C) inter-connecting two systems with same nominal frequency (C) eliminating reactive power requirement in the operation (D) minimizing harmonics at the converter stations GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 250 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 YEAR 2005 MCQ 5.74 The parameters of a transposed overhead transmission line are given as : Self reactance XS = 0.4 /km and Mutual reactance Xm = 0.1 /km The positive sequence reactance X1 and zero sequence reactance X0 , respectively in /km are (A) 0.3, 0.2 (B) 0.5, 0.2 (C) 0.5, 0.6 MCQ 5.75 (D) 0.3, 0.6 At an industrial sub-station with a 4 MW load, a capacitor of 2 MVAR is installed to maintain the load power factor at 0.97 lagging. If the capacitor goes out of service, the load power factor becomes (A) 0.85 (B) 1.00 (C) 0.80 lag MCQ 5.76 TWO MARKS (D) 0.90 lag The network shown in the given figure has impedances in p.u. as indicated. The diagonal element Y22 of the bus admittance matrix YBUS of the network is (A) j19.8 (C) + j0.2 MCQ 5.77 (B) + j20.0 (D) j19.95 A load centre is at an equidistant from the two thermal generating stations G1 and G2 as shown in the figure. The fuel cost characteristic of the generating stations are given by F1 = a + bP1 + cP12 Rs/hour 2 F2 = a + bP2 + 2cP2 Rs/ hour Where P1 and P2 are the generation in MW of G1 and G2 , respectively. For most economic generation to meet 300 MW of load P1 and P2 respectively, are (A) 150, 150 (B) 100, 200 (C) 200, 100 (D) 175, 125 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 MCQ 5.78 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 251 Two networks are connected in cascade as shown in the figure. With usual notations the equivalent A, B, C and D constants are obtained. Given that, C = 0.025+45c, the value of Z2 is (A) 10+30c (C) 1 MCQ 5.79 (B) 40+ 45c (D) 0 A generator with constant 1.0 p.u. terminal voltage supplies power through a step-up transformer of 0.12 p.u. reactance and a double-circuit line to an infinite bus bar as shown in the figure. The infinite bus voltage is maintained at 1.0 p.u. Neglecting the resistances and suspectances of the system, the steady state stability power limit of the system is 6.25 p.u. If one of the double-circuit is tripped, then resulting steady state stability power limit in p.u. will be (A) 12.5 p.u. (B) 3.125 p.u. (C) 10.0 p.u. (D) 5.0 p.u. Data for Q.80 and Q.81 are given below. Solve the problems and choose the correct answers At a 220 kV substation of a power system, it is given that the three-phase fault level is 4000 MVA and single-line to ground fault level is 5000 MVA Neglecting the resistance and the shunt suspectances of the system. MCQ 5.80 The positive sequence driving point reactance at the bus is (A) 2.5 (B) 4.033 (C) 5.5 MCQ 5.81 (D) 12.1 The zero sequence driving point reactance at the bus is (A) 2.2 (B) 4.84 (C) 18.18 (D) 22.72 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 252 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 YEAR 2004 MCQ 5.82 ONE MARK Total instantaneous power supplied by a 3-phase ac supply to a balanced R-L load is (A) zero (B) constant (C) pulsating with zero average (D) pulsating with the non-zero average MCQ 5.83 The rated voltage of a 3-phase power system is given as (A) rms phase voltage (B) peak phase voltage (C) rms line to line voltage MCQ 5.84 (D) peak line to line voltage The phase sequences of the 3-phase system shown in figure is (A) RYB (C) BRY MCQ 5.85 (B) RBY (D) YBR In the thermal power plants, the pressure in the working fluid cycle is developed by (A) condenser (B) super heater (C) feed water pump MCQ 5.86 For harnessing low variable waterheads, the suitable hydraulic turbine with high percentage of reaction and runner adjustable vanes is (A) Kaplan (B) Francis (C) Pelton MCQ 5.87 (D) turbine (D) Impeller The transmission line distance protection relay having the property of being inherently directional is (A) impedance relay (B) MHO relay (C) OHM relay (D) reactance relay YEAR 2004 MCQ 5.88 TWO MARKS A 800 kV transmission line is having per phase line inductance of GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 253 1.1 mH/km and per phase line capacitance of 11.68 nF/km. Ignoring the length of the line, its ideal power transfer capability in MW is (A) 1204 MW (B) 1504 MW (C) 2085 MW MCQ 5.89 A 110 kV, single core coaxial, XLPE insulated power cable delivering power at 50 Hz, has a capacitance of 125 nF/km. If the dielectric loss tangent of XLPE is 2 # 10 - 4 , then dielectric power loss in this cable in W/km is (A) 5.0 (B) 31.7 (C) 37.8 MCQ 5.90 (D) 246.30 kV A new generator having pu. [equivalent to Eg = 1.4+30c (1.212 + j0.70) pu] and synchronous reactance 'XS ' of 1.0 pu on the system base, is to be connected to a bus having voltage Vt , in the existing power system. This existing power system can be represented by Thevenin s voltage Eth = 0.9+0c pu in series with Thevenin s impedance Zth = 0.25+90c pu. The magnitude of the bus voltage Vt of the system in pu will be (A) 0.990 (B) 0.973 (C) 0.963 MCQ 5.93 (D) 2900 kV The generalized circuit constants of a 3-phase, 220 kV rated voltage, medium length transmission line are A = D = 0.936 + j0.016 = 0.936+0.98c B = 35.5 + j138 = 142.0+76.4c C = ( 5.18 + j914) # 10 - 6 If the load at the receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV with a power factor of 0.9 lagging, then magnitude of line to line sending end voltage should be (A) 133.23 kV (B) 220.00 kV (C) 230. 78 kV MCQ 5.92 (D) 189.0 A lightning stroke discharges impulse current of 10 kA (peak) on a 400 kV transmission line having surge impedance of 250 The magnitude of transient over-voltage travelling waves in either direction assuming equal distribution from the point of lightning strike will be (A) 1250 kV (B) 1650 kV (C) 2500 kV MCQ 5.91 (D) 2606 MW (D) 0.900 A 3-phase generator rated at 110 MVA, 11 kV is connected through circuit breakers to a transformer . The generator is having direct axis sub-transient reactance X''d = 19% , transient reactance X'd = 26% and synchronous reactance =130%. The generator is operating at no load and rated voltage when a three phase short circuit fault occurs between the breakers and GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 254 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 the transformer . The magnitude of initial symmetrical rms current in the breakers will be (A) 4.44 kA (B) 22.20 kA (C) 30.39 kA MCQ 5.94 (D) 38.45 kA A 3-phase transmission line supplies 3 -connected load Z . The conductor c of the line develops an open circuit fault as shown in figure. The currents in the lines are as shown on the diagram. The +ve sequence current component in line a will be (A) 5.78+ 30c (C) 6.33+90c MCQ 5.95 (B) 5.78+90c (D) 10.00+ 30c A 500 MVA, 50 Hz, 3-phase turbo-generator produces power at 22 kV. Generator is Y-connected and its neutral is solidly grounded. It sequence reactances are X1 = X2 = 0.15 pu and X 0 = 0.05 pu.It is operating at rated voltage and disconnected from the rest of the system (no load). The magnitude of the sub-transient line current for single line to ground fault at the generator terminal in pu will be (A) 2.851 (B) 3.333 (C) 6.667 MCQ 5.96 A 50 Hz, 4-pole, 500 MVA, 22 kV turbo-generator is delivering rated megavolt-amperes at 0.8 power factor. Suddenly a fault occurs reducing in electric power output by 40%. Neglect losses and assume constant power input to the shaft. The accelerating torque in the generator in MNm at the time of fault will be (A) 1.528 (B) 1.018 (C) 0.848 MCQ 5.97 (D) 8.553 (D) 0.509 A hydraulic turbine having rated speed of 250 rpm is connected to a synchronous generator. In order to produce power at 50 Hz, the number of poles required in the generator are (A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 24 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 255 YEAR 2003 ONE MARK Bundled conductors are mainly used in high voltage overhead transmission lines to (A) reduces transmission line losses MCQ 5.98 (B) increase mechanical strength of the line (C) reduce corona (D) reduce sag A power system consist of 300 buses out of which 20 buses are generator bus, 25 buses are the ones with reactive power support and 15 buses are the ones with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow analysis in the system using NewtonRaphson method. The size of the Newton Raphson Jacobian matrix is (A) 553 # 553 (B) 540 # 540 MCQ 5.99 (C) 555 # 555 MCQ 5.100 (D) 554 # 554 Choose two appropriate auxiliary components of a HVDC transmission system from the following P. D.C line inductor Q. A.C line inductor R. Reactive power sources S. Distance relays on D.C line T. Series capacitance on A.C. line (A) P and Q (C) Q and S MCQ 5.101 (B) P and R (D) S and T A round rotor generator with internal voltage E1 = 2.0 pu and X = 1.1 pu is connected to a round rotor synchronous motor with internal voltage E2 = 1.3 pu and X = 1.2 pu. The reactance of the line connecting the generator to the motor is 0.5 pu. When the generator supplies 0.5 pu power, the rotor angle difference between the machines will be (A) 57.42c (B) 1c (C) 32.58c MCQ 5.102 (D) 122.58c The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is the period between the instant of (A) initiation of short circuit and the arc extinction on an opening operation (B) energizing of the trip circuit and the arc extinction on an opening operation (C) initiation of short circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 256 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 (D) energizing of the trip circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts YEAR 2003 MCQ 5.103 The ABCD parameters of a 3-phase overhead transmission line are A = D = 0.9+0c, B = 200+90c and C = 0.95 # 10 - 3 +90% S . At no-load condition a shunt inductive, reactor is connected at the receiving end of the line to limit the receiving-end voltage to be equal to the sending-end voltage. The ohmic value of the reactor is (A) 3 (B) 2000 (C) 105.26 MCQ 5.104 (D) 1052.6 A surge of 20 kV magnitude travels along a lossless cable towards its junction with two identical lossless overhead transmission lines. The inductance and the capacitance of the cable are 0.4 mH and 0.5 F per km. The inductance and capacitance of the overhead transmission lines are 1.5 mH and 0.015 F per km. The magnitude of the voltage at the junction due to surge is (A) 36.72 kV (B) 18.36 kV (C) 6.07 kV MCQ 5.105 TWO MARKS (D) 33.93 kV A dc distribution system is shown in figure with load current as marked. The two ends of the feeder are fed by voltage sources such that VP VQ = 3 V. The value of the voltage VP for a minimum voltage of 220 V at any point along the feeder is (A) 225.89 V (C) 220.0 V MCQ 5.106 (B) 222.89 V (D) 228.58 V A 3-phase 11 kV generator feeds power to a constant power unity power factor load of 100 MW through a 3-phase transmission line. The line-to line voltage at the terminals of the machine is maintained constant at 11 kV. The per unit positive sequence impedance of the line based on 100 MVA and 11 kV is j0.2 . The line to line voltage at the load terminals is measured to be less than 11 kV. The total reactive power to be injected at the terminals of the load to increase the line-to-line voltage at the load terminals to 11 kV is GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 257 (A) 100 MVAR (C) 100 MVAR MCQ 5.107 (B) 10.1 MVAR (D) 10.1 MVAR The bus impedance matrix of a 4-bus power system is given by Rj0.3435 j0.2860 j0.2723 j0.2277 V S W S j0.2860 j0.3408 j0.2586 j0.2414 W Z bus = S j0.2723 j0.2586 j0.2791 j0.2209 W S W S j0.2277 j0.2414 j0.2209 j0.2791 W T X A branch having an impedance of j0.2 is connected between bus 2 and the reference. Then the values of Z22,new and Z23,new of the bus impedance matrix of the modified network are respectively (A) j0.5408 and j0.4586 (B) j0.1260 and j0.0956 (C) j0.5408 and j0.0956 (D) j0.1260 and j0.1630 MCQ 5.108 A 20-MVA, 6.6-kV, 3-phase alternator is connected to a 3-phase transmission line. The per unit positive-sequence, negative-sequence and zero-sequence impedances of the alternator are j0.1, j0.1 and j0.04 respectively. The neutral of the alternator is connected to ground through an inductive reactor of j0.05 p.u. The per unit positive-, negative- and zero-sequence impedances of transmission line are j0.1, j0.1 and j0.3 , respectively. All per unit values are based on the machine ratings. A solid ground fault occurs at one phase of the far end of the transmission line. The voltage of the alternator neutral with respect to ground during the fault is (A) 513.8 V (B) 889.9 V (C) 1112.0 V MCQ 5.109 (D) 642.2 V Incremental fuel costs (in some appropriate unit) for a power plant consisting of three generating units are IC1 = 20 + 0.3P1, IC2 = 30 + 0.4P2, IC3 = 30 Where P1 is the power in MW generated by unit i for i = 1, 2 and 3 . Assume that all the three units are operating all the time. Minimum and maximum loads on each unit are 50 MW and 300 MW respectively. If the plant is operating on economic load dispatch to supply the total power demand of 700 MW, the power generated by each unit is (A) P1 = 242.86 MW; P2 = 157.14 MW; and P3 = 300 MW (B) P1 = 157.14 MW; P2 = 242.86 MW; and P3 = 300 MW (C) P1 = 300 MW; P2 = 300 MW; and P3 = 100 MW (D) P1 = 233.3 MW; P2 = 233.3 MW; and P3 = 233.4 MW GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 258 POWER SYSTEMS MCQ 5.110 CHAP 5 A list of relays and the power system components protected by the relays are given in List-I and List-II respectively. Choose the correct match from the four choices given below: List-I List-II P. Distance relay 1. Transformers Q. Under frequency relay 2. Turbines R. Differential relay 3. Busbars S. Buchholz relay 4. Shunt capacitors 5. Alternators 6. Transmission lines Codes: (A) (B) (C) (D) MCQ 5.111 P 6 4 5 6 Q 5 3 2 4 R 3 2 1 5 S 1 1 6 3 A generator delivers power of 1.0 p.u. to an infinite bus through a purely reactive network. The maximum power that could be delivered by the generator is 2.0 p.u. A three-phase fault occurs at the terminals of the generator which reduces the generator output to zero. The fault is cleared after tc second. The original network is then restored. The maximum swing of the rotor angle is found to be max = 110 electrical degree. Then the rotor angle in electrical degrees at t = tc is (A) 55 (B) 70 (C) 69.14 MCQ 5.112 (D) 72.4 A three-phase alternator generating unbalanced voltages is connected to an unbalanced load through a 3-phase transmission line as shown in figure. The neutral of the alternator and the star point of the load are solidly grounded. The phase voltages of the alternator are Ea = 10+0c V, Eb = 10+ 90c V, Ec = 10+120c V . The positive-sequence component of the load current is GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 259 (A) 1.310+ 107c A (C) 0.996+ 120c A MCQ 5.113 (B) 0.332+ 120c A (D) 3.510+ 81c A A balanced delta connected load of (8 + j6) per phase is connected to a 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply lines. If the input power factor is to be improved to 0.9 by connecting a bank of star connected capacitor the required kVAR of the of the bank is (A) 42.7 (B) 10.2 (C) 28.8 (D) 38.4 YEAR 2002 MCQ 5.114 ONE MARK Consider a power system with three identical generators. The transmission losses are negligible. One generator(G1) has a speed governor which maintains its speed constant at the rated value, while the other generators(G2 and G3) have governors with a droop of 5%. If the load of the system is increased, then in steady state. (A) generation of G2 and G3 is increased equally while generation of G1 is unchanged. (B) generation of G1 alone is increased while generation of G2 and G3 is unchanged. (C) generation of G1, G2 and G3 is increased equally. (D) generally of G1, 0.5 : 0.25 : 0.25. MCQ 5.115 G2 and G3 is increased in the ratio Consider the problem of relay co-ordination for the distance relays R1 and R2 on adjacent lines of a transmission system. The Zone1 and Zone-2 settings for both the relays are indicated on the diagram. Which of the following indicates the correct time setting for the Zone-2 of relays R1 and R2 . (A) TZ2 R1 = 0.6 s, TZ2 R2 = 0.3 s (B) TZ2 R1 = 0.3 s, TZ2 R2 = 0.6 s (C) TZ2 R1 = 0.3 s, TZ2 R2 = 0.3 s (D) TZ2 R1 = 0.1 s, TZ2 R2 = 0.3 s YEAR 2002 MCQ 5.116 TWO MARKS A three phase thyristor bridge rectifier is used in a HVDC link. The firing angle (as measured from the point of natural commutation) is constrained GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 260 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 to lie between 5c and 30c. If the dc side current and ac side voltage magnitudes are constant, which of the following statements is true (neglect harmonics in the ac side currents and commutation overlap in your analysis) (A) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 5c (B) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 30c (C) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 15c (D) Reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when = 15c MCQ 5.117 A power system consist of 2 areas (area 1 and area 2) connected by a single tie-line. It is required to carry out a load-flow study on this system. While entering the network data, the tie-line data (connectivity and parameters) is inadvertently left out. If the load flow program is run with this incomplete data (A) The load-flow will converge only if the slack bus is specified in area 1 (B) The load-flow will converge only if the slack bus is specified in area 2 (C) The load-flow will converge if the slack bus is specified in either area 1 or area 2 (D) The load-flow will not converge if only one slack is specified. MCQ 5.118 A transmission line has a total series reactance of 0.2 pu. Reactive power compensation is applied at the midpoint of the line and it is controlled such that the midpoint voltage of the transmission line is always maintained at 0.98 pu. If voltage at both ends of the line are maintained at 1.0 pu, then the steady state power transfer limit of the transmission line is (A) 9.8 pu (B) 4.9 pu (C) 19.6 pu MCQ 5.119 (D) 5 pu A generator is connected to a transformer which feeds another transformer through a short feeder (see figure). The zero sequence impedance values expressed in pu on a common base and are indicated in figure. The Thevenin equivalent zero sequence impedance at point B is (A) 0.8 + j0.6 (C) 0.75 + j0.25 MCQ 5.120 (B) 0.75 + j0.22 (D) 1.5 + j0.25 *A long lossless transmission line has a unity power factor(UPF) load at the GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 261 receiving end and an ac voltage source at the sending end. The parameters of the transmission line are as follows : Characteristic impedance Zc = 400 , propagation constant = 1.2 # 10 3 rad/km, and the length l = 100 km. The equation relating sending and receiving end questions is Vs = Vr cos ( l) + jZc sin ( l) IR Compute the maximum power that can be transferred to the UPF load at the receiving end if Vs = 230 kV MCQ 5.121 *Two transposed 3-phase lines run parallel to each other. The equation describing the voltage drop in both lines is given below. R R V VR V S0.15 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIa1W S Va1W S0.05 0.15 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIb1W S Vb1W S S V W WS W S c1W = j S0.05 0.05 0.15 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIc1W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.05WSIa2W S Va2W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.15 0.05WSIb2W S Vb2W S S W WS W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.15WSIc2W S Vc2W T T X XT X Compute the self and mutual zero sequence impedance of this system i.e. compute Z 011, Z 012, Z 021, Z 022 in the following equations. V01 = Z 011 I 01 + Z 012 I 02 V02 = Z 021 I 01 + Z 022 I 02 Where V01, V02, I 01, I 02 are the zero sequence voltage drops and currents for the two lines respectively. MCQ 5.122 *A synchronous generator is to be connected to an infinite bus through a transmission line of reactance X = 0.2 pu, as shown in figure. The generator data is as follows : xl = 0.1 pu, El = 1.0 pu, H = 5 MJ/MVA , mechanical power Pm = 0.0 pu, B = 2 # 50 rad/s. All quantities are expressed on a common base. The generator is initially running on open circuit with the frequency of the open circuit voltage slightly higher than that of the infinite bus. If at the instant of switch closure, = 0 and = d = init , compute the maximum dt value of init so that the generator pulls into synchronism. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 262 POWER SYSTEMS Hint : Use the equation CHAP 5 # (2H/ B) d + Pe d = 0 YEAR 2001 MCQ 5.123 ONE MARK A lossless radial transmission line with surge impedance loading (A) takes negative VAR at sending end and zero VAR at receiving end (B) takes positive VAR at sending end and zero VAR at receiving end (C) has flat voltage profile and unity power factor at all points along it (D) has sending end voltage higher than receiving end voltage and unity power factor at sending end YEAR 2001 MCQ 5.124 A 3-phase transformer has rating of 20 MVA, 220 kV(star)-33 kV (delta) with leakage reactance of 12%. The transformer reactance (in ohms) referred to each phase of the L.V. delta-connected side is (A) 23.5 (B) 19.6 (C) 18.5 MCQ 5.125 (D) 8.7 A 75 MVA, 10 kV synchronous generator has Xd = 0.4 pu. The Xd value (in pu) to a base of 100 MVA, 11 kV is (A) 0.578 (B) 0.279 (C) 0.412 MCQ 5.126 TWO MARKS (D) 0.44 A star-connected 440 V, 50 Hz alternator has per phase synchronous reactance of 10 . It supplies a balanced capacitive load current of 20 A, as shown in the per phase equivalent circuit of figure. It is desirable to have zero voltage regulation. The load power factor would be (A) 0.82 (C) 0.39 MCQ 5.127 (B) 0.47 (D) 0.92 A 240 V single-phase source is connected to a load with an impedance of 10+60c . A capacitor is connected in parallel with the load. If the capacitor supplies 1250 VAR, the real power supplied by the source is (A) 3600 W (B) 2880 W GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS (C) 2400 W MCQ 5.128 (D) 1200 W A 50 Hz alternator is rated 500 MVA, 20 kV, with Xd = 1.0 per unit and X md = 0.2 per unit. It supplies a purely resistive load of 400 MW at 20 kV. The load is connected directly across the generator terminals when a symmetrical fault occurs at the load terminals. The initial rms current in the generator in per unit is (A) 7.22 (B) 6.4 (C) 3.22 MCQ 5.129 PAGE 263 (D) 2.2 Consider the model shown in figure of a transmission line with a series capacitor at its mid-point. The maximum voltage on the line is at the location (A) P1 (C) P3 MCQ 5.130 (B) P2 (D) P4 A power system has two synchronous generators. The Governor-turbine characteristics corresponding to the generators are P1 = 50 (50 f), P2 = 100 (51 f) where f denotes the system frequency in Hz, and P1 and P2 are, respectively, the power outputs (in MW) of turbines 1 and 2. Assuming the generators and transmission network to be lossless, the system frequency for a total load of 400 MW is (A) 47.5 Hz (B) 48.0 Hz (C) 48.5 Hz MCQ 5.131 (D) 49.0 Hz *A 132 kV transmission line AB is connected to a cable BC. The characteristic impedances of the overhead line and the cable are 400 and 80 respectively. Assume that these are purely resistively. Assume that these are purely resistive. A 250 kV switching surge travels from A to B. (a) Calculate the value of this voltage surge when it first reaches C (b) Calculate the value of the reflected component of this surge when the first reflection reaches A. (c) Calculate the surge current in the cable BC. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 264 POWER SYSTEMS MCQ 5.132 MCQ 5.133 MCQ 5.134 CHAP 5 *For the Y-bus matrix given in per unit values, where the first, second, third, and fourth row refers to bus 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, draw the reactance diagram. R V S 6 2 2.5 0 W S 2 10 2.5 4 W YBus = j S W S2.5 2.5 9 4 W 4 4 8W S0 T X *A synchronous generator is connected to an infinite bus through a lossless double circuit transmission line. The generator is delivering 1.0 per unit power at a load angle of 30c when a sudden fault reduces the peak power that can be transmitted to 0.5 per unit. After clearance of fault, the peak power that can be transmitted becomes 1.5 per unit. Find the critical clearing angle. *A single line-to-ground fault occurs on an unloaded generator in phase a positive, negative, and zero sequence impedances of the generator are j0.25 pu, j0.25 pu, and j0.15 pu respectively. The generator neutral is grounded through a reactance of j0.05 pu. The prefault generator terminal voltage is 1.0 pu. (a) Draw the positive, negative, and zero sequence network for the fault given. (b) Draw the interconnection of the sequence network for the fault analysis. (c) Determine the fault current MCQ 5.135 A power system has two generators with the following cost curves Generator1: C1 (PG1) = 0.006P2G1 + 8PG1 + 350 (Thousand Rupees/Hour) Generator2: C2 (PG2) = 0.009P2G2 + 7PG2 + 400 (Thousand Rupees/ Hour) The generator limits are 100 MW # PG1 # 650 MW 50 MW # PG2 # 500 MW A load demand of 600 MW is supplied by the generators in an optimal manner. Neglecting losses in the transmission network, determine the optimal generation of each generator. *********** GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 265 SOLUTION SOL 5.1 Option (B) is correct. For bus admittance matrix, Y11 + (Y12 + yline) + Y13 = 0 j13 + (j10 + yline) + j 5 = 0 yline = j 2 Magnitude of susceptance is + 2 SOL 5.2 Option (A) is correct. i1 (t) = Im sin ( t 1) i2 (t) = Im cos ( t 2) We know that, cos ( 90c) = sin So, i1 (t) can be written as i1 (t) = Im cos ( t 1 90c) i2 (t) = Im cos ( t 2) Now, in phasor form I1 = Im 1 + 90c I 2 = Im 2 Current are balanced if I1 + I 2 = 0 Im 1 + 90c + Im 2 = 0 Im cos ^ 1 + 90ch + jIm sin ^ 1 + 90ch + cos 2 + j sin 2 = 0 Im 8cos ^ 1 + 90ch + j sin ^ 1 + 90chB + Im 6cos 2 + j sin 2@ = 0 Im 8cos ^ 1 + 90ch + cos 2B + jIm 8sin 2 + sin ^ 1 + 90chB = 0 or, SOL 5.3 cos ^ 1 + 90ch + cos 2 = 0 cos ^ 1 + 90ch = cos 2 = cos ^ + 2h 1 + 90c = + 2 1 = + 2 2 Option (A) is correct. Let penalty factor of plant G , is L1 given as 1 L1 = P 1 2 L 2G P 1 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 266 POWER SYSTEMS 2 PL = 0.5PG 2 L = 0.5 (2P ) = P P G G 2G P 1 So, L1 = 1 PG Penalty factor of plant G2 is 1 L2 = =1 2PL 1 2PG For economic power generation CHAP 5 1 1 1 2 2 P 2L ca 2 G = 0 m P 2 2 C1 # L1 = C 2 # L 2 where C1 and C2 are the incremental fuel cost of plant G1 and G2 . So, (10000) b 1 l = 12500 # 1 1 PG 4 = 1 P G 5 PG = 1 pu 5 It is an 100 MVA , so PG = 1 # 100 = 20 MW 5 2 Loss PL = 0.5 b 1 l = 1 pu 5 50 or PL = 1 # 100 = 2 MW 50 2 2 2 2 PL = PG + PG PL 40 = 20 + P2 2 PG = 22 MW Total power, 1 2 2 SOL 5.4 Option (C) is correct. For double line-to-ground ( LLG ) fault, relation between sequence current is I positive = ^I negative + I zeroh Gives values satisfy this relation, therefore the type of fault is LLG . SOL 5.5 Option (B) is correct. Complex power for generator SG = SD1 + SD2 = 1 + 1 = 2 pu Power transferred from bus 1 to bus 2 is 1 pu, so V1 V2 sin ( 1 2) 1= X 1 = 1 # 1 sin ( 1 2) 0.5 (Line is lossless) V1 = V2 = 1 pu X = 0.5 pu GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 267 0.5 = sin ( 1 2) 1 2 = 30c 2 = 1 30c = 30c ( 1 = 0c) So, V1 = 1 0c V V2 = 1 30c V 1 0c 1 30c Current, I12 = V1 V2 = = (1 j 0.288) pu j 0.5 Z ) Current in SD is I2 , SD = V2 I2 1 = 1 30c I2) I2 = 1 30c pu Current in QG , IG = I2 I12 = 1 30c (1 j 0.288) = 0.268 120c VAR rating of capacitor, 2 2 2 QC = V2 VG = 1 # 0.268 = 0.268 pu SOL 5.6 Option (D) is correct. Total reactance, X = j1 + j 0.5 = j1.5 pu Critical angle is given as, cr = cos 1 [( 2 0) sin 0 cos 0] 0 " steady state torque angle. Steady state power is given as ...(i) Pm = Pmax sin 0 where, So, EV X EV sin 0 Pm = X (1.5) (1) 0.5 = sin 0 1.5 Pmax = Pm = 0.5 pu sin 0 = 0.5 0 = 30c 0 = 30c # = 0.523 180c Substituting 0 into equation (i) In radian, GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 268 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 cr = cos 1 [( 2 # 0.523) sin 30c cos 30c] = cos 1 [(2.095) (0.5) 0.866] = cos 1 (0.1815) - 79.6c SOL 5.7 Option ( ) is correct SOL 5.8 Option (A) is correct. Negative phase sequence relay is used for the protection of alternators against unbalanced loading that may arise due to phase-to-phase faults. SOL 5.9 Option (C) is correct. Steady state stability or power transfer capability EV Pmax = X To improve steady state limit, reactance X should be reduced. The stability may be increased by using two parallel lines. Series capacitor can also be used to get a better regulation and to increase the stability limit by decreasing reactance. Hence (C) is correct option. SOL 5.10 Option (A) is correct. We know that 2 loss \ PG loss \ length Distance of load from G1 is 25 km Distance of load from G2 & G 3 is 75 km generally we supply load from nearest generator. So maximum of load should be supplied from G1 . But G2 & G 3 should be operated at same minimum generation. SOL 5.11 Option (B) is correct. Power angle for salient pole alternator is given by V sin + Ia Xq tan = t Vt cos + Ia Ra Since the alternator is delivering at rated kVA rated voltage Ia = 1 pu Vt = 1 pu = 0c sin = 0, cos = 1 Xq = 1 pu, Xd = 1.2 pu 1 0 + 1 (1) tan = # 1+0 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 269 =1 = 45c SOL 5.12 Option (B) is correct. The admittance diagram is shown below here y10 = 10j, y12 = 5j, y23 = 12.5j, y 30 = 10j Note: y23 is taken positive because it is capacitive. Y11 = y10 + y12 = 10j 5j = 15j Y12 = Y21 = y21 = 5j Y13 = Y31 = y13 = 0 Y22 = y20 + y21 + y23 = 0 + ( 5j) + (12.5j) = 7.5j Y23 = Y32 = y23 = 12.5j Y33 = y 30 + y13 + y23 = 10j + 0 + 12.5j = 2.5j So the admittance matrix is R Y Y V R 15j Y 5j 0V W S 11 12 13W S Y = S 21 Y22 Y33W = S 5j Y 7.5j 12.5j W S Y Y W S 0 12.5j 2.5j W W S 31 32 33W S Y XT X T SOL 5.13 Option (A) is correct. For generator G1 X mG = 0.25 # 100 = 0.1 pu 250 1 For generator G2 X mG = 0.10 # 100 = 0.1 pu 100 1 XL = XL = 0.225 # 10 = 2.25 For transmission lines L1 and L2 2 1 2 Z base = kV base = 15 # 15 = 2.25 100 MVA base X mL (pu) = 2.25 = 1 pu 2.25 2 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 270 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 X mL (pu) = 2.25 = 1 pu 2.25 So the equivalent pu reactance diagram 1 SOL 5.14 Option (D) is correct. We can see that at the bus 3, equivalent thevenin s impedance is given by Xth = ^ j0.1 + j1.0h || ^ j0.1 + j1.0h = j1.1 || j1.1 = j0.55 pu Fault MVA = Base MVA = 100 = 181.82 MVA 0.55 Xth SOL 5.15 Option (C) is correct. Given that, a a I > 0 so SOL 5.16 I >0 VAB > 0 since it is Rectifier O/P VCD > 0 since it is Inverter I/P VAB > VCD , Than current will flow in given direction. Option (A) is correct. Given step voltage travel along lossless transmission line. a Voltage wave terminated at reactor as. By Applying KVL GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 271 V + VL = 0 VL = V VL = 1 pu SOL 5.17 Option (A) is correct. Given two buses connected by an Impedance of (0 + j5) The Bus 1 voltage is 100+30c V and Bus 2 voltage is 100+0c V We have to calculate real and reactive power supply by bus 1 P + jQ = VI) = 100+30c ;100+30c 100+0cE 5j = 100+30c [20+ 60c 20+ 90c] = 2000+ 30c 2000+ 60c P + jQ = 1035+15c real power P = 1035 cos 15c = 1000 W reactive power Q = 1035 sin 15c = 268 VAR SOL 5.18 Option (C) is correct. Given 3- , 33 kV oil circuit breaker. Rating 1200 A, 2000 MVA, 3 sec Symmetrical breaking current Ib = ? Ib = MVA kA = 2000 = 34.99 kA - 35 kA 3 kV 3 # 33 SOL 5.19 Option (C) is correct. Given a stator winding of an alternator with high internal resistance fault as shown in figure Current through operating coil I1 = 220 # 5 A, I2 = 250 # 5 A 400 400 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 272 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Operating coil current = I2 I1 = (250 220) # 5/400 = 0.375 Amp SOL 5.20 Option (C) is correct. Zero sequence circuit of 3- transformer shown in figure is as following: No option seems to be appropriate but (C) is the nearest. SOL 5.21 Option (D) is correct. Given that A 50 Hz Generator is initially connected to a long lossless transmission line which is open circuited as receiving end as shown in figure. Due to ferranti effect the magnitude of terminal voltage does not change, and the field current decreases. SOL 5.22 Option (B) is correct. Given : 3- , 50 Hz, 11 kV distribution system, We have to find out e1, e2 = ? Equivalent circuit is as following 11 (6C) e1 = 3 = 11 # 6 = 3.46 kV 11 6C + 5C 3 e2 = 11 # 5 = 2.89 kV 11 3 SOL 5.23 Option (A) is correct. Given : 3- , 50 Hz, 11 kV cable C1 = 0.2 F C2 = 0.4 F GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 273 Charging current IC per phase = ? Capacitance Per Phase C = 3C1 + C2 C = 3 # 0.2 + 0.4 = 1 F = 2 f = 314 3 Changing current IC = V = V ( C) = 11 # 10 # 314 # 1 # 10 6 XC 3 = 2 Amp SOL 5.24 Option (B) is correct. Generator G1 and G2 2 XG1 = XG2 = X old # New MVA # b Old kV l New kV Old MVA 2 = j0.9 # 200 # b 25 l = j0.18 100 25 2 Same as XT1 = j0.12 # 200 # b 25 l = j0.27 90 25 2 XT2 = j0.12 # 200 # b 25 l = j0.27 90 25 X Line = 150 # 220 2 = j0.62 (220) The Impedance diagram is being given by as SOL 5.25 Option ( ) is correct. SOL 5.26 Option (C) is correct. We know complex power S = P + jQ = VI (cos + j sin ) = VIe j I = S j Ve a Real Power loss = I2 R 2 2 2 R R PL = c S j m R = S j2 # 12 a S j2 = Constant V Ve e e So PL \ 12 V GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 274 SOL 5.27 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Option (C) is correct. YBus matrix of Y-Bus system are given as R V S 5 2 2.5 0 W S 2 10 2.5 0 W YBus = j S W S2.5 2.5 9 4 W 4 4 8W S0 T X We have to find out the buses having shunt element R V Sy11 y12 y13 y14W Sy21 y22 y23 y24W We know YBus = S W Sy 31 y 32 y 33 y 34W Sy 41 y 42 y 43 y 44W T X Here y11 = y10 + y12 + y13 + y14 = 5j y22 = y20 + y21 + y23 + y24 = 10j y 33 = y 30 + y 31 + y 32 + y 34 = 9j y 44 = y 40 + y 41 + y 42 + y 43 = 8j y12 = y21 = y12 = 2j y13 = y 31 = y13 = 2.5j y14 = y 41 = y14 = 0j y23 = y 32 = y23 = 2.5j y24 = y 42 = y24 = 4j So y10 = y11 y12 y13 y14 = 5j + 2j + 2.5j + 0j = 0.5j y20 = y22 y12 y23 y24 = 10j + 2j + 2.5j + 4j = 1.5j y 30 = y 33 y 31 y 32 y 34 = 9j + 2.5j + 2.5j + 4j = 0 y 40 = y 44 y 41 y 42 y 43 = 8j 0 + 4j + 4j = 0 Admittance diagram is being made by as From figure. it is cleared that branch (1) & (2) behaves like shunt element. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 SOL 5.28 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 275 Option (B) is correct. We know that Shunt Capacitors are used for improving power factor. Series Reactors are used to reduce the current ripples. For increasing the power flow in line we use series capacitor. Shunt reactors are used to reduce the Ferranti effect. SOL 5.29 Option (C) is correct. We know that for different type of transmission line different type of distance relays are used which are as follows. Short Transmission line -Ohm reactance used Medium Transmission Line -Reactance relay is used Long Transmission line -Mho relay is used SOL 5.30 Option (C) is correct. Given that three generators are feeding a load of 100 MW. For increased load power demand, Generator having better regulation share More power, so Generator -1 will share More power than Generator -2. SOL 5.31 Option (A) is correct. Given Synchronous generator of 500 MW, 21 kV, 50 Hz, 3- , 2-pole P.F = 0.9 , Moment of inertia M = 27.5 # 103 kg- m2 Inertia constant H = ? Generator rating in MVA G = P = 500 MW = 555.56 MVA 0.9 cos N = 120 # f = 120 # 50 = 3000 rpm 2 pole 2 Stored K.E = 1 M 2 = 1 M b 2 N l 2 2 60 = 1 # 27.5 # 103 # b 2 # 3000 l MJ 2 60 = 1357.07 MJ Stored K.E Inertia constant (H) = Rating of Generator (MVA) H = 1357.07 555.56 = 2.44 sec SOL 5.32 Option (D) is correct. Given for X to F section of phase a GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 276 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Va -Phase voltage and Ia -phase current. Impedance measured by ground distance, Bus voltage = Va Relay at X = Ia Current from phase 'a' SOL 5.33 Option (D) is correct. For EHV line given data is Length of line = 300 km and = 0.00127 S rad/km wavelength = 2 = 2 = 4947.39 km 0.00127 l % = 300 So 100 = 0.06063 # 100 4947.39 # l % = 6.063 SOL 5.34 Option (B) is correct. For three phase transmission line by solving the given equation VRI V R V V R(X X ) 0 0 m WS aW S aW S s We get, 0 (Xs Xm) 0 WSIbW S VbW = S S V W S WS W S cW S 0 0 (Xs + 2Xm)WSIcW XT X XT T Zero sequence Impedance = Xs + 2Xm = 48 and Positive Sequence Impedance = Negative Sequence Impedance = (Xs Xm) = 15 ...(1) ...(2) By solving equation (1) and (2) Zs or Xs = 26 and Zm or Xm = 11 SOL 5.35 Option ( ) is correct. SOL 5.36 Option (B) is correct. SIL has no effect of compensation So SIL = 2280 MW SOL 5.37 Option (C) is correct. Given PG1 + PG2 = 250 MW C1 (PG1) = PG1 + 0.055PG12 and 4 C2 (PG2) = 3PG2 + 0.03PG22 from equation (2) dC1 = 1 + 0.11P G1 dPG1 ...(1) ...(2) ...(3a) GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 277 dC2 = 3 + 0.06P G2 dPG2 Since the system is loss-less dC1 = dC2 Therefore dPG1 dPG2 So from equations (3a) and (3b) We have 0.11PG1 0.06PG2 = 2 Now solving equation (1) and (4), we get PG1 = 100 MW PG2 = 150 MW and ...(3b) ...(4) SOL 5.38 Option (B) is correct. After connecting both the generators in parallel and scheduled to supply 0.5 Pu of power results the increase in the current. ` Critical clearing time will reduced from 0.28 s but will not be less than 0.14 s for transient stability purpose. SOL 5.39 Option (D) is correct. Given that the each section has equal impedance. Let it be R or Z , then by using the formula line losses = / I2 R On removing (e1); losses = (1) 2 R + (1 + 2) 2 R + (1 + 2 + 5) 2 R = R + 9R + 64R = 74R Similarly, On removing e2 ;losses = 52 R + (5 + 2) 2 R + (5 + 2 + 1) 2 R = 138R lossess on removing e 3 = (1) 2 R + (2) 2 R + (5 + 2) 2 R = 1R + 4R + 49R = 54R on removing e 4 lossless = (2) 2 R + (2 + 1) 2 R + 52 R = 4R + 9R + 25R = 38R So, minimum losses are gained by removing e 4 branch. SOL 5.40 Option (A) is correct. Given : V (t) = Vm cos ( t) For symmetrical 3 fault, current after the fault 2 Vm cos ( t ) Z At the instant of fault i.e t = t 0 , the total current i (t) = 0 i (t) = Ae (R/L) t + ` 0 = Ae (R/L) t + 0 2 Vm cos ( t ) 0 Z GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 278 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Ae (R/L) t = 2 Vm cos ( t 0 ) Z Maximum value of the dc offset current 0 Ae (R/L) t = 2 Vm cos ( t 0 ) Z For this to be negative max. 0 or ( t 0 ) = 0 t0 = ...(1) Z = 0.004 + j0.04 Z = Z + = 0.0401995+84.29c = 84.29cor 1.471 rad. and From equation (1) t0 = 1.471 = 0.00468 sec (2 # 50) t 0 = 4.682 ms SOL 5.41 Option (C) is correct. Since the fault F is at mid point of the system, therefore impedance seen is same from both sides. Z = 0.0201+84.29c 2 Z1 (Positive sequence) = Z = 0.0201+84.29c 2 also Z1 = Z2 = Z 0 (for 3- fault) ` 1+0c I f (pu) = 1+0c = Z1 0.0201+84.29c So magnitude If (p.u.) ` Fault current SOL 5.42 = 49.8 I f = 49.8 # 100 = 7.18 kA 3 # 400 Option (A) is correct. If fault is LG in phase a GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 279 Z1 = Z = 0.0201+84.29c 2 and Then Z2 = Z1 = 0.0201+84.29c Z 0 = 3Z1 = 0.0603+84.29c Ia /3 = Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 1.0+0c Z1 + Z 2 + Z 0 1.0 = = 9.95 pu (0.0201 + 0.0201 + 0.0603) Ia1 (pu) = and Ia1 Fault Current I f = Ia = 3Ia1 = 29.85 pu 100 So Fault current I f = 29.85 # = 4.97 kA 3 # 400 SOL 5.43 Option (A) is correct. a Equal Phase shift of point A & B with respect to source from both bus paths. So the type of transformer Y-Y with angle 0c. SOL 5.44 Option (C) is correct. Given incremental cost curve GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 280 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 PA + PB = 700 MW For optimum generator PA = ? , PB = ? From curve, maximum incremental cost for generator A = 600 at 450 MW and maximum incremental cost for generator B = 800 at 400 MW minimum incremental cost for generator B = 650 at 150 MW Maximim incremental cost of generation A is less than the minimum incremental constant of generator B. So generator A operate at its maximum load = 450 MW for optimum generation. PA = 450 MW PB = (700 450) = 250 MW SOL 5.45 Option (C) is correct. Here power sharing between the AC line and HVDC link can be changed by controlling the HVDC converter alone because before changing only grid angle we can change the power sharing between the AC line and HVDC link. SOL 5.46 Option (B) is correct. We have to find out maximum electric field intensity at various points. Electric field intensity is being given by as follows From figures it is cleared that at point Y there is minimum chances of GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 281 cancelation. So maximum electric field intensity is at point Y. SOL 5.47 Option (D) is correct. To increase capacitive dc voltage slowly to a new steady state value first we have to make = ve than we have to reach its original value. SOL 5.48 Option (B) is correct. Given that .045 2 # 50 1 1 Suspectance of Line = 1.2 pu & C = 2 # 50 # 1.2 Reactance of line = 0.045 pu & L = Velocity of wave propagation = 3 # 105 Km/sec Length of line l = ? We know velocity of wave propagation VX = l LC .45 1 1 l = VX LC = 3 # 105 2 # 50 # 2 # 50 # 1.2 = 185 Km SOL 5.49 Option (C) is correct. Due to the fault F at the mid point and the failure of circuit-breaker 4 the sequence of circuit-breaker operation will be 5, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2 (as given in options) (due to the fault in the particular zone, relay of that particular zone must operate first to break the circuit, then the back-up protection applied if any failure occurs.) SOL 5.50 Option (A) is correct. R V 1 1W S0 3 3 W RiaV S 1 W Si W R = [Van Vbn Vcn] S 1 0 S bW S 3 3 WS W S1 W SicW 1 0 WT X S S3 W 3 T X By solving we get R = ;Van (ib ic) + Vbn (ic ia) + Vc (ia ib)E 3 3 3 (i i ) R = 3 (VI) , where b c = I and Van = V 3 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 282 SOL 5.51 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Option (C) is correct. Here Since ` P1 " power before the tripping of one ckt P2 " Power after tripping of one ckt P = EV sin X Pmax = EV X here, [X2 = (0.1 + X) (pu)] P2 max = EX , X2 To find maximum value of X for which system does not loose synchronism P2 = Pm (shown in above figure) EV sin = P ` m 2 X2 as Pm = 1 pu, E = 1.0 pu,V = 1.0 pu 1.0 # 1.0 sin 130c = 1 X2 & & & SOL 5.52 X2 = 0.77 (0.1 + X) = 0.77 X = 0.67 Option (B) is correct. Given that FP = KAFS Rf V Rf V S aW S pW where, Phase component FP = SfbW, sequence component FS = SfnW Sf W Sf W S cW S oW R 1 1 1V X T TX S2 W and A = S 1W S 2 1W S W T X VP = KAVS ` 3 IP = KAIS GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 ...(1) ...(2) CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 283 VS = Zl [IS ] R0.5 0 0 V S W where Zl = S 0 0.5 0 W S 0 0 2.0W S W T X We have to find out Z if VP = ZIP From equation (2) and (3) VP = KAZl [IS ] 1 VP = KAZlb A l I p K ...(3) VP = AZlA 1 I p R 1 1 1V W S A = S 2 1W S 2 1W W S T AX Adj A 1 = A R 2V S1 W Adj A = S1 2 W S W S1 1 1 W T X A =1 3R 2V S1 W A 1 = 1 S1 2 W 3S W S1 1 1 W T X From equation (5) R 1 1 1VR0.5 0 0VR1 2V R 1 0.5 0.5V W S2 S WS WS 2 W Vp = 1 S 1WS 0 0.5 0WS1 W I p = S0.5 1 0.5W I p 3S S W S0.5 0.5 1 W W S S 2 1WS 0 0 2WS1 1 1 W WS W X T T XT XT X Comparing of equation (5) and (6) R 1 0.5 0.5V W S Z = S0.5 1 0.5W S0.5 0.5 1 W W S X T ...(5) and SOL 5.53 ...(4) ...(6) Option (A) is correct. Given that the first two power system are not connected and separately loaded. Now these are connected by short transmission line. as P1 = P2 = Q1 = Q2 = 0 So here no energy transfer. The bus bar voltage and phase angle of each system should be same than angle difference is = 30c 20c GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 284 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 = 10c SOL 5.54 Option (B) is correct. Given that, 230 V, 50 Hz, 3- , 4-wire system P = Load = 4 kw at unity Power factor IN = 0 through the use of pure inductor and capacitor Than L = ?, C = ? a IN = 0 = IA + IB + IC Network and its Phasor is being as ...(1) Here the inductor is in phase B and capacitor is in Phase C. We know P = VI 3 So Ia = P = 4 # 10 = 17.39 Amp. 230 V From equation (1) IA = (IB + IC ) a Ib - Ic ` IA = c IB # 3 + IC # 3 m 2 2 ` IA = IB Now XC and XC & C XL & So L 3 IB = 3 IC - IC = 17.39 - 10 Amp 3 V = 230 - 23 = 10 IC =1 2 fC 1 = 139.02 F =1= 2 # 50 # 23 2 fXC = V = 230 - 23 = 2 fL 10 IL 23 = XL = = 72.95 mH 2 # 100 2 f L = 72.95 mH in phase B C = 139.02 F in phase C GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 SOL 5.55 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 285 Option (A) is correct. Maximum continuous power limit of its prime mover with speed governor of 5% droop. Generator feeded to three loads of 4 MW each at 50 Hz. Now one load Permanently tripped f = 48 Hz ` If additional load of 3.5 MW is connected than f = ? a Change in Frequency w.r.t to power is given as drop out frequency f = # Change in power rated power = 5 # 3.5 = 1.16% = 1.16 # 50 = 0.58 Hz 15 100 System frequency is = 50 0.58 = 49.42 Hz SOL 5.56 Option (B) is correct. With the help of physical length of line, we can recognize line as short, medium and long line. SOL 5.57 Option (A) is correct. For capacitor bank switching vacuum circuit breaker is best suited in view of cost and effectiveness. SOL 5.58 Option (B) is correct. Ratio of operating coil current to restraining coil current is known as bias in biased differential relay. SOL 5.59 Option (B) is correct. HVDC links consist of rectifier, inverter, transmission lines etc, where rectifier consumes reactive power from connected AC system and the inverter supplies power to connected AC system. SOL 5.60 Option (C) is correct. Given ABCD constant of 220 kV line A = D = 0.94+10c, B = 130+730c, C = 0.001+900c, VS = 240 kV % voltage regulation is being given as (VR) Full load (V ) % V.R. = R No Load # 100 VR (Full load) At no load IR = 0 (VR) NL = VS /A , (VR) Full load = 220 kV GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 286 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 240 220 0.94 % V.R. = # 100 220 % V.R. = 16 SOL 5.61 Option ( ) is correct. SOL 5.62 Option (B) is correct. Given that, Vab1 = X+ 1 , Vab2 = Y+ 2 , Phase to neutral sequence volt = ? First we draw phasor of positive sequence and negative sequence. From figure we conclude that positive sequence line voltage leads phase voltage by 30c VAN1 = X+ 1 30c VAN2 = 4+ 2 + 30c SOL 5.63 Option (A) is correct. For system base value 10 MVA, 69 kV, Load in pu(Z new ) = ? (MVA) old kV 2 Z new = Z old # # b kVnew l (MVA) new old 2 Z new = 0.72 # 20 # b 69 l = 36 pu 10 13.8 SOL 5.64 Option (A) is correct. Unreliable convergence is the main disadvantage of gauss seidel load flow method. SOL 5.65 Option (C) is correct. Generator feeds power to infinite bus through double circuit line 3- fault at middle of line. Infinite bus voltage(V ) = 1 pu Transient internal voltage of generator( E ) = 1.1 pu Equivalent transfer admittance during fault = 0.8 pu = 1/X GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 287 delivering power( PS ) = 1.0 pu Perior to fault rotor Power angle = 30c, f = 50 Hz Initial accelerating power( Pa ) = ? Pa = PS Pm2 sin = 1 EV sin 30c = 1 1.1 # 1 # 1 = 0.56 pu 2 X 1/0.8 SOL 5.66 Option (B) is correct. If initial acceleration power = X pu Initial acceleration = ? Inertia constant = ? X (pu) # S 180 # 50 # X # S = = Pa = M S#S SH/180F = 1800X deg / sec2 Inertia const. = 1 = 0.056 18 SOL 5.67 Option (D) is correct. The post fault voltage at bus 1 and 3 are. Pre fault voltage. R V R1+0cV V W S 1W S VBus = S 2W = S1+0cW V S W S1+0cW W S 3W S V T X Z (T) = 0X r = 2 At bus 2 solid fault occurs , f Fault current I f = Vr c = V2 c Zrr + Z f Z22 + Z f Z f = 1+0c = 4j j0.24 Vi (f) V1 (f) V1 (f) V3 (f) V3 (f) = Vi c (0) Zir I (f), Vi c = Prefault voltage = Vi c Z12 I f = 1+0c j0.08 ( j4) = 1 0.32 = 0.68 pu = V3 c Z 32 I f = 1+0c j0.16 ( j4) = 1 0.64 = 0.36 pu GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 288 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 SOL 5.68 Option ( ) is correct. SOL 5.69 Option (D) is correct. Rating of -connected capacitor bank for unity p.f. PL = S cos = 12 3 # 0.8 = 16.627 kW reactive power QL = S sin = 12 3 # 0.6 = 12.47 kW For setting of unity p.f. we have to set capacitor bank equal to reactive power = 12.47 kW real power SOL 5.70 Option (D) is correct. Given that pu parameters of 500 MVA machine are as following M = 20 pu, X = 2 pu Now value of M and X at 100 MVA base are for inertia (M) (pu) new = (pu) old # old MVA new MVA (M pu) new = (M Pu) old # 500 = 20 # 5 = 100 pu 100 1 and for reactance ( X ) (pu) new = (pu) old # new MVA old MVA (X pu) new = (X pu) old # 100 500 (X Pu) new = 2 # 1 = 0.4 pu 5 SOL 5.71 Option (D) is correct. 800 kV has Power transfer capacity = P At 400 kV Power transfer capacity = ? We know Power transfer capacity P = EV sin X P \ V2 So if V is half than Power transfer capacity is 1 of previous value. 4 SOL 5.72 Option (B) is correct. In EHV lines the insulation strength of line is governed by the switching over voltages. SOL 5.73 Option (A) is correct. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 289 For bulk power transmission over very long distance HVDC transmission preferably used. SOL 5.74 Option (D) is correct. Parameters of transposed overhead transmission line XS = 0.4 /km , Xm = 0.1 /km + ve sequence reactance X1 = ? Zero sequence reactance X 0 = ? We know for transposed overhead transmission line. + ve sequence component X1 = XS Xm = 0.4 0.1 = 0.3 /km Zero sequence component X 0 = XS + 2Xm = 0.4 + 2 (0.1) = 0.6 /km SOL 5.75 Option (C) is correct. Industrial substation of 4 MW load = PL QC = 2 MVAR for load p.f. = 0.97 lagging If capacitor goes out of service than load p.f. = ? cos tan QL QC PL QL 2 4 = 0.97 = tan (cos 1 0.97) = 0.25 = 0.25 = 0.25 & QL = 3 MVAR = tan 1 c QL = tan 1 b 3 l = 36c 4 PL m cos = cos 36c = 0.8 lagging SOL 5.76 Option (D) is correct. Y22 = ? I1 = V1 Y11 + (V1 V2) Y12 = 0.05V1 j10 (V1 V2) = j9.95V1 + j10V2 I2 = (V2 V1) Y21 + (V2 V3) Y23 = j10V1 j9.9V2 j0.1V3 Y22 = Y11 + Y23 + Y2 = j9.95 j9.9 0.1j = j19.95 SOL 5.77 Option (C) is correct. F1 = a + bP1 + cP 12 Rs/hour F2 = a + bP2 + 2cP 22 Rs/hour For most economical operation GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 290 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 P1 + P2 = 300 MW then P1, P2 = ? We know for most economical operation 2F1 = 2F2 2P1 2P2 2cP1 + b = 4cP2 + b P1 = 2P2 P1 + P2 = 300 from eq (1) and (2) ...(1) ...(2) P1 = 200 MW , P2 = 100 MW SOL 5.78 Option (B) is correct. V1 A B V2 We know that ABCD parameters > H = > I1 C DH >I1H , C = I1 B = V1 I2 V = 0 V2 I = 0 V1 Z1 + Z 2 In figure C = =1 V1 Z2 Z Z1 + Z 2 # 2 1 or Z2 = 1 = = 40+ 45c C 0.025+45c 2 SOL 5.79 2 Option (D) is correct. Given Steady state stability Power Limit = 6.25 pu If one of double circuit is tripped than Steady state stability power limit = ? Pm1 = EV = 1 # 1 = 6.25 X 0.12 + X 2 1 = 6.25 0.12 + 0.5X & X = 0.008 pu If one of double circuit tripped than 1 Pm2 = EV = 1 # 1 = 0.12 + 0.08 X 0.12 + X Pm2 = 1 = 5 pu 0.2 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 291 SOL 5.80 Option (D) is correct. Given data Substation Level = 220 kV 3- fault level = 4000 MVA LG fault level = 5000 MVA Positive sequence reactance: 4000 Fault current I f = 3 # 220 X1 = Vph /I f 220 3 = = 220 # 220 = 12.1 4000 4000 3 # 220 SOL 5.81 Option (B) is correct. Zero sequence Reactance X 0 = ? 5000 If = 3 # 220 If 5000 = 3 3 3 # 220 220 Vph 3 X1 + X 2 + X 0 = = 5000 Ia1 220 # 3 3 Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = X1 + X2 + X 0 = 220 # 220 = 29.04 3 # 5000 X1 = X2 = 12.1 X 0 = 29.04 12.1 12.1 = 4.84 SOL 5.82 Option (B) is correct. Instantaneous power supplied by 3- ac supply to a balanced R - L load. P = Va Ia + Va Ib + Vc Ic = (Vm sin t) Im sin ( t ) + Vm sin ( t 120c) Im sin ( t 120c ) + Vm sin ( t 240c) Im sin ( t 240c ) = VI [cos cos (2 t ) + cos cos (2 t 240 ) + cos cos (2 t + 240 )] ...(1) P = 3VI cos equation (1) implies that total instantaneous power is being constant. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 292 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 SOL 5.83 Option (C) is correct. In 3- Power system, the rated voltage is being given by RMS value of line to line voltage. SOL 5.84 Option (B) is correct. In this figure the sequence is being given as RBY SOL 5.85 Option (C) is correct. In thermal power plants, the pressure in the working fluid cycle is developed by the help to feed water pump. SOL 5.86 Option (A) is correct. Kaplan turbines are used for harnessing low variable waterheads because of high percentage of reaction and runner adjustable vanes. SOL 5.87 Option (B) is correct. MHO relay is the type of distance relay which is used to transmission line protection. MHO Relay has the property of being inherently directional. SOL 5.88 Option (C) is correct. Surge impedance of line is being given by as L= 11 # 10 3 = 306.88 C 11.68 # 10 9 Ideal power transfer capability 2 (800) 2 P =V = = 2085 MW 306.88 Z0 Z= SOL 5.89 Option (D) is correct. Given that, Power cable voltage = 110 kV C = 125 nF/km Dielectric loss tangent = tan = 2 # 10 4 Dielectric power loss = ? dielectric power loss is given by GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 293 P = 2V2 C tan = 2 (110 # 103) 2 # 2 f # 125 # 10 9 # 2 # 10 4 = 2 (121 # 108 # 2 # 3.14 # 50 # 250 # 10 13) = 189 W/km SOL 5.90 Option (A) is correct. Given data Lightening stroke discharge impulse current of I = 10 kA Transmission line voltage = 400 kV Impedance of line Z = 250 Magnitude of transient over-voltage = ? The impulse current will be equally divided in both directions since there is equal distribution on both sides. Then magnitude of transient over-voltage is V = IZ/2 = 10 # 103 # 250 2 = 1250 # 103 V = 1250 kV SOL 5.91 Option (C) is correct. The A, B, C, D parameters of line A = D = 0.936+0.98c B = 142+76.4c C = ( 5.18 + j914) 10 6 At receiving end PR = 50 MW , VR = 220 kV p.f = 0.9 lagging VS = ? Power at receiving end is being given by as follows VS VR A VR 2 PR = cos ( ) cos ( ) B B VS # 220 0.936 (220) 2 = cos (76.4c ) cos 75.6c 142 142 ` VS cos (76.4 ) = 50 # 142 + 0.936 # 220 # 0.2486 = 32.27 + 51.19 220 VS cos (76.4 ) = 83.46 Same as QR = PR tan = PR tan (cos 1 ) = 50 tan (cos 1 0.9) = 24.21 MW VS VR A VR 2 QR = sin ( ) sin ( ) B B VS # 220 0.936 # (220) 2 = sin (76.4c ) sin 75.6c 142 142 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 ...(1) PAGE 294 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 (24.21) 142 + 0.936 # 220 # 0.9685 = VS sin (76.4c ) 220 from equation (1) & (2) VS 2 = (215) 2 + (83.46) 2 VS = SOL 5.92 53190.5716 = 230.63 kV Option (B) is correct. A new generator of Eg = 1.4+30c pu XS = 1.0 pu, connected to bus of Vt Volt Existing Power system represented by thevenin s equivalent as Eth = 0.9+0c, Zth = 0.25+90c, Vt = ? From the circuit given E Eth 1.212 + j7 0.9 I= g = 1.4+30c 0.9+0c = Zth + XS j (1.25) j (1.25) 0.312 + j7 = = 0.56 0.2496j j (1.25) Vt = Eg IXS = 1.212 + j7 (0.56 0.2496j) (j1) = 1.212 0.2496 + j (0.7 0.56) = 0.9624 + j0.14 Vt = 0.972+8.3c SOL 5.93 Option (C) is correct. Given that 3- Generator rated at 110 MVA, 11 kV Xdm = 19% , Xdl= 26% XS = 130% , Operating at no load 3- short circuit fault between breaker and transformer symmetrical Irms at breaker = ? We know short circuit current Isc = 1 = 1 = j5.26 pu Xdm j0.19 rating MVA of generator Base current IB = 3 # kV of generator 6 IB = 110 # 10 3 3 # 11 # 10 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 ...(2) CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 295 IB = 5773.67 Amp Symmetrical RMS current = IB # Isc = 5773.67 # 5.26 = 30369.50 Amp & Irms = 30.37 kA SOL 5.94 Option (A) is correct. + ve sequence current Ia = 1 [Ia + Ib + 2 Ic] 3 = 1 [10+0c + 1+120c # 10+180c + 0] 3 = 1 [10+0c + 10+300c] = 1 [10 + 5 j8.66] 3 3 = 1 [15 j8.66] = 17.32+ 30c 3 3 = 5.78+ 30c SOL 5.95 Option (D) is correct. Given data 500 MVA , 50 Hz, 3 generator produces power at 22 kV Generator " Y connected with solid neutral Sequence reactance X1 = X2 = 0.15 , X 0 = 0.05 pu Sub transient line current = ? E 1 Ia1 = = = 1 = 2.857j j0.15 + j0.15 + j0.05 0.35j Z1 + Z 2 + Z 0 Now sub transient Line current Ia = 3Ia1 Ia = 3 ( 2.857j) = 8.57j SOL 5.96 Option (B) is correct. Given: 50 Hz, 4-Pole, 500 MVA, 22 kV generator p.f. = 0.8 lagging Fault occurs which reduces output by 40%. Accelerating torque = ? Power = 500 # 0.8 = 400 MW After fault, Power = 400 # 0.6 = 240 MW a Pa = Ta # Ta = Pa Where = 2 fmechanical fmechanical = felectrical # 2 = felectrical # 2 4 P GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 296 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Pa = 400 240 = 160 MW 160 Ta = 2 # # 50/2 Ta = 1.018 MN SOL 5.97 Option (D) is correct. Turbine rate speed N = 250 rpm To produce power at f = 50 Hz. No. of Poles P =? a N = 120 f P P = 120 f = 120 # 50 = 24 250 N P = 24 Poles SOL 5.98 Option (C) is correct. In case of bundled conductors, We know that self GMD of conductor is increased and in a conductor critical disruptive voltage of line depends upon GMD of conductor. Since GMD of conductor is increased this causes critical disruptive voltage is being reduced and if critical disruptive voltage is reduced, the corona loss will also be reduced. SOL 5.99 Option (B) is correct. Given that no. of buses n = 300 Generator bus = 20 Reactive power support buses = 25 Fixed buses with Shunt Capacitor = 15 Slack buses (ns ) = 20 + 25 15 = 30 a Size of Jacobian Matrix is given as = 2 (n ns) # 2 (n ns) = 2 (300 30) # 2 (300 30) = 540 # 540 SOL 5.100 Option (B) is correct. Auxiliary component in HVDC transmission system are DC line inductor and reactive power sources. SOL 5.101 Option (C) is correct. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 297 a Exchanged electrical power is being given as follows P = EV 6sin ( 1 2)@ Xd ...(1) " Power supply by generator = 0.5 pu " Voltage for rotar generator = 2.0 pu " Voltage of motor rotor = 1.3 pu = X eq = Reactance of generator + Reactance of motor + Recatance of connecting line Xd = 1.1 + 1.2 + 0.5 = 2.8 1 2 = Rotor angle difference = ? from eq(1), 0.5 = 2 # 1.3 sin ( 1 2) 2.8 & 1 2 = sin 1 b 2.8 # 0.5 l 2. 6 Given that P E V Xd & 1 2 = 32.58 SOL 5.102 Option (B) is correct. Time period between energization of trip circuit and the arc extinction on an opening operation is known as the interrupting time of Circuit breaker. SOL 5.103 Option (B) is correct. Given that ABCD parameters of line as A = D = 0.9+0c, B = 200+90% , C = 0.95 # 10 - 3 +90% S . at no-load condition, Receiving end voltage (VR) = sending end voltage (VS ) ohmic value of reactor = ? We know VS = AVR + BIR VS = VR VR = AVR + BIR VR (1 A) = BIR VR = B = 200+90c IR 1 A 1 0.9+0c VR = 2000+90c IR The ohmic value of reactor = 2000 SOL 5.104 Option (A) is correct. Surge impedance of cable L; L = 0.4 mH/km, C = 0.5 F /km C GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Z1 = Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 298 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 0.4 # 10 3 = 28.284 0.5 # 10 6 surge impedance of overhead transmission line Z2 = Z 3 = L ; L = 1.5 mm/km, C = 0.015 F/km C = 1.5 # 10 5 = 316.23 0.015 # 10 6 Now the magnitude of voltage at junction due to surge is being given by as V l = 2 # V # Z2 V = 20 kV Z 2 + Z1 Z2 = Z 3 = 3 = 2 # 20 # 10 # 316.23 316 + 28.284 = 36.72 kV SOL 5.105 Option (D) is correct. Let that current in line is I amp than from figure current in line section PR is (I 10) amp current in line section RS is (I 10 20) = (I 30) amp current in SQ Section is (I 30 30) = (I 60) amp Given that VP and VQ are such that VP VQ = 3 V by applying KVL through whole line VP VQ = (I 10) 0.1 + (I 30) 0.15 + (I 60) # 0.2 & 3 = 0.45I 17.5 I = 20.5 = 45.55 amp 0.45 Now the line drop is being given as = (I 10) 0.1 + (I 30) 0.15 + (I 60) 0.2 = (33.55) 0.1 + (15.55) 0.15 + (14.45) 0.2 = 8.58 V The value of VP for minimum voltage of 220 V at any feeder is = 220 + Line voltage = 220 + 8.58 = 228.58 V SOL 5.106 Option (D) is correct. Given Load Power = 100 MW VS = VR = 11 kV GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 299 j0.2 # (11) 2 p.u. # (kV) 2 = = j0.242 100 MV VS VR sin PL = X Impedance of line ZL = We know 3 3 100 # 106 = 11 # 10 # 11 # 10 sin 0.242 100 # 0.242 = sin 121 = sin 1 (0.2) = 11.537c Reactive Power is being given by VS VR VR 2 QL = cos X X 3 3 = 11 # 10 # 11 # 10 cos (11.537c) 0.242 (11 # 103) 2 0.242 6 = 121 # 10 [cos (11.537c) 1] = 10.1 MVAR 0.242 SOL 5.107 Option (B) is correct. Given the bus Impedance Matrix of a 4-bus Power System R V Sj0.3435 j0.2860 j0.2723 j0.2277W Sj0.2860 j0.3408 j0.2586 j0.2414W Z bus = S W Sj0.2723 j0.2586 j0.2791 j0.2209W Sj0.2277 j0.2414 j0.2209 j0.2791W T X Now a branch os j0.2 is connected between bus 2 and reference RZ V ij 1 ShW Z g Z ZB(New) = ZB (Old) SW jnB Zij + Zb S W8 ji SZnjW New element Zb = j0.2 iT connected in jth and reference bus sX j = 2 , n = 4 so RV SZ12W SZ22W 1 ZZZZ Zij + Zb SZ23W 8 21 22 23 24B SW SZ24W R V TX Sj0.2860W Sj0.3408W 1 = S W8j0.2860 j0.3408 j0.2586 j0.2414B ...(1) 6j (0.3408) + j0.2@ Sj0.2586W Sj0.2414W T X Given that we are required to change only Z22, Z23 j2 (0.3408) 2 So in equation (1) Zl22 = = j0.2147 j (0.5408) GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 300 POWER SYSTEMS Zl23 = CHAP 5 j2 (0.3408) (0.2586) = j0.16296 0.5408 Z22(New) = Z22(Old) Zl22 = j0.3408 j0.2147 = j0.1260 Z23(New) = Z23 (Old) Zl23 = j0.2586 j0.16296 = j0.0956 SOL 5.108 Option (D) is correct. Total zero sequence impedance, + ve sequence impedance and ve sequence impedances Z 0 = (Z 0) Line + (Z 0) Generator = j0.04 + j0.3 = j0.34 pu Z1 = (Z1) Line + (Z1) Generator = j0.1 + j0.1 = j0.2 pu Z2 = (Z2) Line + (Z2) Generator = j0.1 + j0.1 = j0.2 pu Zn = j0.05 pu for L-G fault Ia1 = Ea 0.1 = j0.2 + j0.2 + j0.34 + j0.15 Z 0 + Z 1 + Z 2 + 3Z n = j1.12 pu generator MVA IB = = 3 generator kV Fault current 20 # 106 = 1750 Amp 3 # 6.6 # 103 I f = (3Ia) IB = 3 ( j1.12) (1750) = j5897.6 Amp Neutral Voltage and Vn = I f Zn Zn = ZB # Z pu (6.6) 2 0.05 = 0.1089 = 20 # Vn = 5897.6 # 0.1089 = 642.2 V SOL 5.109 Option (A) is correct. We know that Optimal Generation IC1 = IC2 , and P3 = 300 MW (maximum load) (Independent of load) IC 3 = 30 20 + 0.3P1 = 30 + 0.4 P2 0.3P1 0.4P2 = 10 P1 + P2 + P3 = 700 P1 + P2 + 300 = 700 P1 + P2 = 400 From equation (1) and (2) P1 = 242.8 MW ...(1) ...(2) GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 301 P2 = 157.14 MW SOL 5.110 Option (A) is correct. For transmission line protection-distance relay For alternator protection-under frequency relay For bus bar protection-differential relay For transformer protection-Buchholz relay SOL 5.111 Option (C) is correct. We know by equal area criteria PS ( m 0) = m # Pmax sin d C Pmax sin 0 ( m 0) = Pmax [cos 0 cos m] Pmax = 2 P0 = Pmax sin 0 = 1 0 = 30c max = 110c (given) Now from equation (1) 2 sin 30c (110 30) = 2 [cos c cos 110c] 180 0.5 # 80 = cos c + 0.342 180 cos c = 0.698 0.342 c = 69.138c SOL 5.112 Option (D) is correct. a Both sides are granted So, Ia = Ea = 10+0c = 5+ 90c 2j Za Ib = Eb = 10+ 90c = 3.33+ 180c 3j Zb Ic = Ec = 10+120c = 2.5+30c 4j Zc We know Ia = 1 [Ia + Ib + 2 Ic] 3 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia 1 Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 ...(1) PAGE 302 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 where = 1+120c & 2 = 1+240c Ia1 = 1 [5+ 90c + 3.33+ ^ 180c + 120ch + 2.5+ ^240c + 30ch] 3 Ia1 = 1 [5+ 90c + 3.33+ 60c + 2.5+270c] 3 = 1 [ 5j + 1.665 j2.883 2.5j] 3 = 1 [1.665 j10.383] = 3.5+ 80.89c 3 SOL 5.113 Option (B) is correct. Given data A balanced delta connected load = 8 + 6j = 2 V2 = 400 volt Improved Power Factor cos 2 = 0.9 1 = tan 1 ^6/8h = 36.85c 2 = cos 1 (0.9) = 25.84c 400 = 40+ 36.86c I = V = 400 = 8 + 6j 10+36.86c Z = 32 j24 Since Power factor is Improved by connecting a Y-connected capacitor bank like as Phasor diagram is being given by as follows In figure oa = I l cos 2 = I cos 1 I l cos 25.84c = 32 I l # 0.9 = 32 I l = 35.55 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS ac ab ab Ic PAGE 303 = 24 Amp. = I l sin 2 = 35.55 sin 25.84c = 15.49 Amp (ac = I sin 1) = bc = ac ab = 24 15.49 = 8.51 Amp KVAR of Capacitor bank = 3 # V # IC = 3 # 400 # 8.51 1000 1000 = 10.2 KVAR SOL 5.114 Option (B) is correct. Given power system with these identical generators G1 has Speed governor G2 and G3 has dr0op of 5% When load increased, in steady state generation of G1 is only increased while generation of G2 and G3 are unchanged. SOL 5.115 Option (A) is correct. R1 , R2 -Distance Relay Zone-1 and Zone-2 setting for both the relays Correct setting for Zone-2 of relay R1 and R2 are given as TZ2 R = 0.6 sec, TZR = 0.3 sec a Fault at Zone-2, therefore firstly operated relay is R2 , so time setting of R2 is 0.3 sec and R1 is working as back up relay for zone-2, so time setting for R1 is 0.6 sec. 1 2 SOL 5.116 Option (B) is correct. The reactive power absorbed by the rectifier is maximum when the firing angle = 30c. SOL 5.117 Option (D) is correct. Given a power system consisting of two areas as shown connected by single tie-line For load flow study when entering the network data, the tie line data inadvertently left out. If load flow programme is run with this incomplete data than load flow will not converge if only one slack bus is specified. SOL 5.118 Option (D) is correct. Given that XS = 0.2 pu GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 304 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 Mid point voltage of transmission line = 0.98 pu VS = VR = 1 Steady state power transfer limit P = VS VR sin = 1.1 sin 90c= 5 pu 0.2 XS SOL 5.119 Option (B) is correct. We have to find out the thevenin s equivalent zero sequence impedance Z 0 at point B.The zero sequence network of system can be drawn as follows equivalent zero sequence impedance is being given as follows Z 0 = 0.1j + 0.05j + 0.07j + (3 # 0.25) Z 0 = 0.75 + j0.22 SOL 5.120 *Given data : ZC l Pmax VS VS A = 400 (Characteristics Impedance) = 1.2 # 10 3 rad/km (Propagation constant) = 100 km (length of line) = ? If VS = 230 kV = VR cos ( l) + jZC sin ( l) IR = AVR + BIR = cos l = cos (1.2 # 10 3 # 100) = 0.9928+0c B = jZC sin ( l) = j400 sin (1.2 # 10 3 # 100) = j47.88 = 47.88+90c VS = 230 kV, l = 100 km Since it is a short line, so VS - VR = 230 kV again we know for transmission line the equation (Pr Pr0) 2 + (Qr Qr0) = Pr2 ...(1) 2 Where Pr0 = AVR cos ( ) MW B 2 Qr0 = AVR sin ( ) MW B GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 305 Pr = VS VR MVA B and maximum power transferred is being given by as Prm = Pr Pr0 Pr = VS VR = 230 # 230 47.88 B Pr = 1104.84 MVA 2 Pr0 = AVR cos ( ) MW B = 0.9928 # (230) 2 # cos (90c 0) 47.88 Pr0 = 0 MW So maximum Power transferred Prm = Pr Pr0 = 1104.84 MW SOL 5.121 *Given: two transposed 3- line run parallel to each other. The equation for voltage drop in both side are given as R R V VR V S0.15 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIa1W S Va1W S0.05 0.15 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIb1W S Vb1W S S V W WS W S c1W = j S0.05 0.05 0.15 0.04 0.04 0.04WSIc1W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.05 0.05WSIa2W S Va2W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.15 0.05WSIb2W S Vb2W S S W WS W S0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.15WSIc2W S Vc2W T T X XT X We have to compute self and mutual zero sequence impedance of the system i.e. Z 011, Z 012, Z 021, Z 022 in the following equation. V01 = Z 011 I 01 + Z 021 I 02 V02 = Z 021 I 01 + Z 022 I 02 We know that + ve , ve and zero sequence Impedance can be calculated as respectively. Z1 = j (XS Xm) Z2 = j (XS Xm) Z 0 = j (XS + 2Xm) So zero sequence Impedance calculated as Z 011 Z 011 Z 012 Z 012 Z 022 = j (XS + 2Xm) = j [0.15 # 2 (0.05)] = 0.25j = Z 021 = j (XS + 2Xm) = Z 021 = j [0.15 + 2 (0.04)] = 0.23j = j (XS + 2Xm) XS = 0.15 , Xm = 0.05 XS = 0.15 , Xm = 0.04 XS = 0.15 , Xm = 0.05 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 306 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 = j [0.15 + 2 (0.01)] = 0.25j SOL 5.122 *Given X = 0.2 pu For generator X' = 0.1 pu , El = 1.0 pu, H = 5 MJ/MVA Mechanical Power Pm = 0.0 pu, B = 2 # 50 rad/sec Initially generator running on open circuit, at switch closure = 0 B = d = init dt maximum init = ? , so that generator pulls into synchronism We know that swing equation H d2 = (P P ) pu ......(1) m e f dt2 EV sin = 1.1 sin = 3.33 sin Pe = 0. 3 X From equation (1) 5 d2 = 0 3.33 sin 3.14 # 50 dt2 d2 = 104.72 sin dt2 integrating on both side. d = 104.72 cos + 0 dt 0 = 0 (given) = d dt For ( init) max = b d l dt max d b dt l when cos = 1 max ( init) max = b d l = 104.72 rad/sec dt max SOL 5.123 Option (C) is correct. A lossless radial transmission line with surge impedance loading has flat GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 307 voltage profile and unity power factor at all points along it. SOL 5.124 Option (B) is correct. Given that 3 - transformer, 20 MVA, 220 kV(Y) - 33 kV( ) Xl = leakage Reactance = 12% X = reffered to LV in each phase = ? (LV side voltage) 2 Reactance of Leakage = 3# MVA Rating # = 3# SOL 5.125 (33 kV) 2 0.12 = 19.6 20 MVA # Option (D) is correct. Given 75 MVA, 10 kV synchronous generator Xd = 0.4 pu We have to find out (Xd ) new at 100 MVA, 11 kV ^kVhold 2 ^MVAhnew H # > MVA H ^kVhnew ^ hold 2 = 0.4 # b 10 l # 100 = 0.44 pu 11 75 (Xd ) new = (X d) old # > (Xd ) new SOL 5.126 Option (A) is correct. Given Y-alternator: 440 V, 50 Hz Per phase Xs = 10 , Capacitive Load current I = 20 A For zero voltage regulation load p.f = ? Let Load Z = R + jX Zero voltage regulation is given so E Ph IXs I (R + jX) = 0 440 20 (j10) 20 (R + jX) = 0 ...(1) 3 separating real and imaginary part of equation (1) 20R = 440 3 R = 22 3 and 20 (X + 10) = 440 3 22 10 = 4.68 X= 3 3 4.68/ 3 1 4.68 = tan 1 X = tan 1 f p = tan b 22 l R 22/ 3 GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 308 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 cos = cos b tan 1 4.68 l 22 and power factor cos = 0.82 SOL 5.127 Option (B) is correct. Given 240 V, 1- AC source, Load Impedance Z = 10+60c Capacitor is in parallel with load and supplies 1250 VAR The real power P by source = ? from figure current through load IL = I + IC I = V = 240 = 24+ 60c Z 10+60c IC = VAR = 1250 = 5.20j 240 V IL = 24+ 60c + 5.20j = 12 15.60j a apparent power S = VI = P + jQ = 240 (12 + 15.60j) = 2880 + 3744j = P + jQ Where P = Real Power , Q = Reactive Power P = 2880 W SOL 5.128 Option ( ) is correct. SOL 5.129 Option (C) is correct. We have to find out maximum voltage location on line by applying KVL in the circuit VS VR = 0.05j , where VS = 1 voltage at voltage at voltage at VR = 1 0.05j P1 = VS = 1 pu . P2 = 1 0.1j (by applying KVL) P3 = 1 0.1j + j0.15 (by applying KVL) ..(1) ...(2) ...(3) = 1 + 0.05j From equation (1), (2) and (3) it is cleared that voltage at P3 is maximum. SOL 5.130 Option (B) is correct. GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 309 two generators P1 = 50 (50 f) P2 = 100 (51 f) total load = 400 MW than f = ? P1 + P2 = 400 50 (50 f) + 100 (51 f) = 400 50 + 102 8 = 3f f = 48 Hz Given: SOL 5.131 *Given 132 kV transmission line connected to cable as shown in figure Characteristics impedance of line and cable are 400 and 80 250 kV surge travels from A to B than (a) We have to calculate voltage surge at C. (b) Reflected component of surge when reaches A. (c) Surge current in cable BC Vi = 250 kV , ZC1 = 400 , ZC2 = 80 (a) Voltage surge at C Vt = Z # ZC2 # Vi = 2 # 80 # 250 = 83.34 kV 400 + 80 ZC1 + ZC2 (b) Reflected voltage at A Vr = b ZC2 ZC1 l Vi = 80 400 # 250 = 166.67 kV 400 + 80 ZC2 + ZC1 (c) Surge current in cable BC It = Ii + Ir = Ii Ii = (1 ) Ii , Here = ZC2 ZC1 ZC2 + ZC1 It = b1 ZC2 ZC1 l Vi = b1 + 320 l 250 480 400 ZC2 + ZC1 ZC1 = b1 + 4 l 25 = 1.04 kAmp 6 40 SOL 5.132 *We have to draw reactance diagram for given YBus matrix R V S 6 2 2.5 0 W S 2 10 2.5 4 W YBus = j S W S2.5 2.5 9 4 W 4 4 8W S0 T X GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 310 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 a It is 4 # 4 matrix (admittance matrix) as R V Sy11 y12 y13 y14W Sy21 y22 y23 y24W YBus = S W Sy 31 y 32 y 33 y 34W Sy 41 y 42 y 43 y 44W T X Here diagonal elements y11 = y10 + y12 + y13 + y14 = 6j y22 = y20 + y21 + y23 + y24 = 10j y 33 = y 30 + y 31 + y 32 + y 34 = 9j ...(1) ...(2) ...(3) ...(4) y 44 = y 40 + y 41 + y 42 + y 43 = 9j and diagonal elements y12 = y21 = y12 = 2j _ b y13 = y 31 = y13 = 2.5j b b y14 = y 41 = y14 = 0j b .....(5) ` y23 = y 32 = y23 = 2.5j b y24 = y 42 = y24 = 4j b b b y 34 = y 34 = 4j a from equation (1) y10 = y11 y12 y13 y14 = 6j + 2j + 2.5j + 0j = 1.5j Same as from equation (2) y20 = y22 y21 y23 y24 = 10j + 2j + 2.5j + 4j = 1.5j from equation (3) y 30 = y 33 y 31 y 32 y 34 = 9j + 2.5j + 2.5j + 4j = 0 from equation (4) y 40 = y 44 y 41 y 42 y 43 = 8j + 0 + 4j + 4j = 0 Now we have to draw the reactance diagram as follows SOL 5.133 *Given synchronous generator is connected to infinite bus through loss less double circuit line GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 CHAP 5 POWER SYSTEMS PAGE 311 Pd = 1+30c pu sudden fault reduces the peak power transmitted to 0.5 pu after clearance of fault, peak power = 1.5 pu Critical clearing angle ( cr ) = ? 0 = 30c = 0.52 rad From equal area criteria cr # (PL11 Pmax 11 sin ) d = # max cr 0 (Pmax 111 sin Pm) d ...(1) max = sin 1 b Pm l Pmax 111 Where max = 0.8729 = 2.41 rad By integrating equation (1) max 6Pm + Pmax 11 cos @ cr Pmax 111 (cos max cos cr ) = 0 & Pm ( cr ) + Pmax 11 (cos cr cos 0) + Pm ( max cr ) + Pmax 111 (cos max cos cr ) = 0 P ( 0) Pmax 11 cos 0 + Pmax 111 cos max & cos cr = m max Pmax 111 Pmax 11 1 (2.41 0.52) 0.5 cos (0.52) + 1.5 cos (2.41) = 1.5 0.5 cos cr = 0.35 cr = cos 1 0.35 = 1.21 rad SOL 5.134 *Given: L - G fault on unloaded generator Z 0 = j0.15 , Z1 = j0.25 , Z2 = j0.25 pu, Zn = j0.05 pu Vprefault = 1 pu If = ? Fault Current 3Vprefault 3#1 I f = 3Ia1 = = Z1 + Z2 + Z 0 + 3Zn (j0.25 + j0.25 + j0.15) + 3 (j.05) = 3 = 3.75j 0.80j Sequence network is being drawn as follows GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ISBN: 9788192276243 PAGE 312 SOL 5.135 POWER SYSTEMS CHAP 5 *Given power system has two generator 2 Generator - 1; C1 = 0.006P G1 + 8PG1 + 350 2 Generator - 2; C2 = 0.009P G2 + 7PG2 + 400 Generator Limits are 100 MW # PG1 # 650 MW 50 MW # PG2 # 500 MW PG1 + PG2 = 600 MW , PG1, PG2 = ? For optimal generation We know for optimal Generation 2C1 = 2C2 2PG1 2PG2 2C1 = 0.012P + 8 G1 2PG1 2C2 = 0.018P + 7 G2 2PG2 from equation (1) 0.012PG1 + 8 = 0.018PG2 + 7 0.012PG1 0.018PG2 = 1 PG1 + PG2 = 600 From equation (2) ...(2) ...(3) 0.012PG1 0.018 (600 PG1) = 1 & 0.03PG1 = 9.8 & PG1 = 326.67 MW PG2 = 600 PG1 = 600 326.67 = 273.33 MW *********** GATE Previous Year Solved Paper By RK Kanodia & Ashish Murolia Published by: NODIA and COMPANY Visit us at: ...(1) ISBN: 9788192276243

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