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ICSE Class X Prelims 2018 : Computer Applications Prelim 2 (Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai)

4 pages, 35 questions, 24 questions with responses, 37 total responses,    3    0
Minu Joshi
Jamnabai Narsee School (JNS), Mumbai
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. SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2018 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Class: X Marks: 100 Time: 2 Hrs. Date: 10/01/2018 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing answers. This Paper is divided into two Sections. Attempt all question from Section A and four question from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This paper consists of 4 printed pages. SECTION A (40 MARKS) (All questions are compulsory) Question 1. a) [4] Give one word for the following. i) The keyword that is used to distinguish between instance and local variables. - this ii) The conversion of a bigger data type to a smaller data type. typecasting iii) The operator used to create an object of the class. new iv) The variable whose single copy is made for all the objects of a class. static b) What is Java Byte code? [2] c) State the output of the following code segment : [2] int a = 5 , b; b=2 * a - - + - - a; System.out.println (a+ , +b); d) Differentiate between compareTo( ) and equals( ) methods with the help of an [2] example. Question 2. a) Write an equivalent java expression for the following. [2] a+b2/+c4 b) What is a package? How can you include java package in your application? [2] c) How do objects communicate with each other? [2] d) Differentiate between primitive and non-primitive data types. [2] (1) e) Explain with the help of an example, significance of the default in switch [2] statement. Question 3. a) State the output of the following code when : [2] int a=30 and b=30; int i= 10 , j=10; if (a< 100) if(b>50) ++ i; else ++ j; System.out.println( i +i+ j +j); b) Analyze the following program. Write the output and determine how many [3] times the body of the loop will be executed. Show the working. int m = 10 , n = 7; while(m % n > 0) { m=m+1; n=n+2; System.out.println(m); System.out.println(n); } c) What will be the output of the following? [2] i) Math.ceil(-12.78); ii) Math.floor(-12.78); d) What will be the default data type for 3.14? [2] e) Given int Ar[ ] = { 23 , 2 , 4, 11, 6, -4} [3] Write the position of elements in array Ar after 3rd pass while sorting the array using bubble sort technique. Do the working. Note: 1 pass of the array indicates passing through all the elements once. f) Give 2 points of difference between charAt( ) and substring( ) function. [2] g) What is constructor and how it is executed in the java program? [2] h) What do you mean by function prototype? Give one example. [2] i) What do you mean by modifier in java? Explain with the help of an example [2] (2) SECTION B (60 MARKS) (Attempt any four questions) Question 4. [15] Write a program to input a number and print the following. i) Total number of even and odd digits present in the number. ii) The reverse of the number. Question 5. Question 6. Write a menu driven program giving user choice to print one of the given series. (Use switch case ) i) To print the series 2, 5, 10 , 17,26 up to N terms. ii) To calculate the sum of the given series. S = 1 + (1 * 2) + (1*2 * 3) + (1*2*3*4) .(1*.2*3*4 .*N); Write a program to input a string. Convert the string entered to Uppercase and [15] [15] shift each letter of English alphabet one step towards right. Characters other than alphabet remain as it is. Print original and new string in different lines. Eg. Original : ANIMALS ARE KEPT IN THE ZOO FOR 7 DAYS. New Question 7. : BOJNBMT BSF LFQU JO UIF APP GPS 7 EBZT. [15] Define a class Taximeter having the following description: Data members/instance variables int taxino : to store taxi number String name : to store passenger's name int km : to store number of kilometres travelled Member functions: Taximeter ( .) : parameterized constructor to initialize data members. calculate() : to calculate bill for a customer according to given conditions kilometers travelled(km) Rate/km < = 1 km Rs 25 1< km <= 6 Rs 10 6 < km <= 12 Rs 15 12 < km 18 Rs 20 >18 km Rs 25 display()- To display the details in the following format Taxino - Name Kilometres travelled - - (3) Bill amount - Write a main ( ) function to create the object of the class and call the above functions in the required order. Question 8. Write a program in java to input 10 integer numbers in an array X [ ]. [15] Shift all the prime number of array X [ ] to array A [ ] and all the composite numbers to array B [ ]. Print the array A [ ] and array B [ ]. Question 9. Write a program in java to accept 10 names in descending order and store it in an array. Ask the user for a name to be searched. Search the name in an array using Binary Search technique. If the name is present in the list print the message name found with its position in array and if not found print the message Name not found . ________________________ XXXXXX _________________________ (4) [15]

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