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KERALA UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) MAY 2009 : System Analysis And Design

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*1882* 1882 (Pages : 2) Reg. No. : .................................... Name : ......................................... Third Semester M.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2009 06.301 : SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 PART A Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks. 1. What are information systems ? 2. Explain factors to be examed in selecting a project. 3. What are the tools available in documenting procedures ? 4. What is meant by Application Prototyping ? 5. Explain importance of Input study. 6. What is cost benefit analysis ? 7. Explain the significance in input validation. 8. What is Data-structure-Diagram ? 9. Define shared modules. 10. What is the function of program structure chart ? (10 4=40 Marks) P.T.O . *1882* 1 882 PART B Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries 10 marks. Module I 11. How does an Information System act as a feedback mechanism in an automated system design ? 12. Explain the features of Data-Flow strategy and data dictionary. 13. How to reduce the system design complexity by project feasibility study ? Module II 14. What are the objectives in designing an information system ? 15. Explain features to be considered in input design, capturing data for input and validation. 16. Discuss the purpose of application prototyping and steps involved in prototype method. Module III 17. Explain the need and characteristics of interface stressing need of dialogue designing and strategies. 18. Discuss the file organisation, system engineering and quality assurance. 19. Explain the Hardware and Software selection and implementation of Software contracts. (10 6=60 Marks) ______________

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