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KERALA UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) MAY 2009 : Theory Of Computation

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*1888* 1888 (Pages : 2) Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : .......................................... Third Semester M.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2009 06.305.3 : THEORY OF COMPUTATION (Elective I) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 PART A Answer all questions : 1. What is Chomsky s hierarchy ? 2. State the pumping lemma for regular sets. 3. Show that L ={am bn cm dn/m > 0, n > 0} is not a CFL. 4. Design a Moore machine which computes mod 4 for a binary input string treated as binary integer. 5. Explain the working of a two way finite automa. 6. What do you understand by ambiguous grammar ? 7. Define Greibach normal form. 8. Show that if a language L and its complement are both recursively enumerable then L is Recursive. 9. What is PDA ? 10. State Myhill-Nerode theorem. (10 4=40 Marks) P.T.O. 1 888 *1888* -2- PART B Answer any two questions from each Module. Module 1 11. Write a brief note on application of pumping lemma. 12. Describe the method to convert NFA to DFA with examples. 13. Distinguish between Mealy and Moore machines. Module 2 14. Find a deterministic finite state automation that accept the set consisting of all strings with exactly one a on {a, b} * 15. Write a brief note on normal forms of CFG with examples. 16. Write a note on Chomsky classification of languages. Module 3 17. Design a Turing machine to compute log2 n. 18. What are TMs ? Prove the equivalence of single tape and multi-tape TMs. 19. Show that the universal language is recursive. (6 10=60 Marks)

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