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KERALA UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) MAY 2009 : Compiler Design

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*1887* 1887 (Pages : 2) Reg. No. : ..................................... Name : ........................................ Third Semester M.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2009 06.305.2. : COMPILER DESIGN (Elective I) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions :a) Answer all question from Part A. b) Answer any two questions from each Module of Part B. PART A (10 4=40 Marks) 1. What is a preprocessor ? What are the functions performed by preprocessors ? 2. Write notes on various compiler construction tools. 3. What are the four components of a context-free grammar ? 4. What is bootstrapping ? Explain. 5. What is DFA ? 6. What are the reasons for using regular expression to define the lexical syntax of a language ? 7. Write an algorithm to construct an SCR passing table. 8. What are DAGs ? Explain its use in compiler design. 9. What are the methods used for evaluating semantic rules ? 10. Give the structures of address descriptors and register descriptors. P.T.O. *1887* 1 887 PART B MODULE I 11. Give an algorithm to translate an infix expression into postfix and prefix form. 10 12. Explain various phases of compilation with an example of IF statements. 10 13. Explain predictive passing in detail. 10 MODULE II 14. Explain how to eliminate ambiguity is grammar. 10 15. Write short notes on the following a) Handler 5 b) Handle Pruning. 5 16. Explain lookahead-LR-technique in detail. 10 MODULE III 17. Explain how to eliminate left recursion from a translation scheme. 10 18. What are the different types of intermediate code generally used ? Give suitable example for each. 19. Explain recursive evaluators in detail. 10

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