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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) DEC 2008 : Data Communication and Computer Networks

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCS-042 D ATA C OMMUNICATIONND : A COMPUTER ETWORKS N T i m e: 3 h o u r s Note : 1. MaximumM arks: 7 00 Q uestion n umber 7 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt any t hree q uestionsf rom t he r est. ( a) A ssume a b inary s ignal i s s ent o ver a 8 K Hz channel, w here S /N R atio i s 2 0 d B. C an i t carry 48 kbps data rate ? Show relevant calculations. (b) Show t he c onstellation iagram o f Q PSK. d (c) Find C RC f or t he d ata p olynomial *9 + * 7 + * 3 + * 2 + 1 w ith g enerator p o l y n o m ix 3 + x + 1 . al MCS-042 P.T.O. (d) Consider the following network, with the indicatedl ink c ost. U se B ellman F ord A lgorithm to find the shortest paths from Source Node (A) to all other nodes. 70 (e) What is the advantage of QAM over ASK or PSK ? A constellation diagram consists of 8 e qually s pacedp oints o n t he c ircle.lf t he b it rate is 4800 bps, what is the baud rate ? (0 "Data link and Transport layer have some common functions like flow control and reliable delivery." I s i t a d uplication o f f unctions ? Explain your answer. (g) What i s t he m aximum c apacity o f a N oiseless channel whose bandwidth is 200 KHz and in which the value of the data transmitted may be indicated by one of 64 different amplitudes ? MCS-042 2 . ( a) Discuss L ink s tate r outing. W hat a re t he problems i n L ink s tate r outing ? (b) Assume t wo p rime n umbers a re p : 1 3 a nd e = 1 1. C alculatet he P ublic a nd P rivate k ey for R SA a lgorithm. (c) How i s t he e fficiencyi n t he u se o f b andwidth increasedb y S electiveR epeat A Re ? G ive a n example. 3. ( a) Show t he o peration o f E thernet p rotocol. (b) Explain the purposeof the following TCp header fields : (i) 10 SYN Flag (ii) F IN F las (iii) W indow s ize (iv) Urgent Pointer (v) SequenceNumber (c) C ompare S ynchronous T DM a nd S tatistical TDM i n t erms o f e fficiency, d ata r ate a nd hardware r equirement. MCS-042 P.T.O. 4. 20 Differentiate between the following : (a) P acket a nd C ircuit s witching (b) Bus and Star topology (c) I sochronous nd S ynchronousc ommunication a (d) Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA 5. ( a) Assume t he M aximum T ransfer U nit ( MTU) i s 1480 b ytes, 2 0 b ytes i s t he h eadera nd d ata i s 4980 b ytes. S how t he f ragmentation p roeess indicatingt he f ragmentationf ield v aluesa t e ach stage. Make s uitablea ssumptions. 10 (b) Why is traffic shaping needed ? Write an algorithm f or t raffic s hapingw hen t he d ata r ate is v ariable. 5 (c) 5 Explain h ow T CP p rovidesr eliability. MCS-042 9,000

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) December 2008 Question Paper - Data Communication and Computer Networks(Revised Course)
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