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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2008 : Parallel Computing

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M CSE-O11 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCSE-011 P ARALLEL OMPUTING : C Time : 3 h ours Maximum M arks: 7 00 Nofe : Q uestion n umber 7 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt any t hree q uestionst 'rom t he r est. 1. ( a) D efine t he f ollowing i n b rief : (i) Fine grain (ii) C oarseg rain (iii) Grain packing (iv) Communication latency (v) Node duplication (b) W rite t he s alient f eatures o f t he p arallel computer seriesPARAM and MARK developed by I ndia. MCSE-o11 6 P.T.O. (c) A w orkstationu sesa 1 5 M Hz p rocessorw ith a claimed 1 0 M IPS r ating t o e xecute a g iven program m ix. A ssumea 7 c ycled elay f or e ach memory a ccess.F ind t he e ffectiveC PI o f t his computer. (d) Discuss t he p arameters u sed t o a nalyse a generic a lgorithm. W rite a p arallela lgorithm t o rank t he e lements o f a l inearly l inked l ist i n terms of distance from each node to the last element o f t he l ist. 9 (e) Compare a nd c ontrastt he f ollowing : 9 (i) Vector processingand Array processing (ii) Instruction pipelines pipelines and Arithmetic (iii) Superscalar processor and Multithreaded processor. 2 . ( a) Elaborate the following in context of parallel algorithms : (i) Merge Sort circuit (ii) C RCW a nd C REW (b) Give the output of following instruction in HPF : (i) ! H PF$ p nocrssoRsQ (s,r ) (ii) ! H PF $ P ROCESSORS P 1(5) ! H PF $ r eUplRrE T r ( 22) ! HPF $ DISTRIBUTE 1 (CYCLIC) T ONTOPl MCS E - O 1 1 2 ( c) W hat i s t he f unction o f O pen M P d irective ? Write its syntax and meaning of the following directives: (i) First private clause (ii) Private clause (iii) Work sharing construct (iv) COPYIN clause 3. ( a) D ifferentiate b etween c ontrol f low c omputing concept a nd d ata f low c omputingc oncept. G ive example o l e ach. (b) W hat i s F lynn's c lassification of p arallel computer s ystems? L ist s alient features o f a ll categorieso f p arallels ystems. 4. ( a) L ist v arious v isualisation t ools employed i n performancea nalysis. (b) Briefly discuss the following laws to n-reasure the s peed-upp erformance: (i) A mdahl's L aw (ii) Gustafson'sLaw (c) (i) - Write a shared memory program for p arallel s ystems, t o a dd e lements o f a n array using two processors. (ii) Write a program for p'um (parallel virtual ' machine),to give a listing of the "slave" or spawned program, MCSE-O11 P.T.O, Elaborate any four of the following : (i) Grid Computing (ii) Intel Architecture IA - 64 (iii) G antt C hart (iv) Parallel Virtual Machine (v) Multithreading M C S E - O1 4x5:20

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2008 Question Paper - Parallel Computing (Revised Course)
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