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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) DEC 2008 : Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCS-024 O BJEGT RIENTED O : A ND TECHNOLOGIES J AVA PROGRAMMING : MaximumM arks 1 .04 Time : 3 h ours Nofe : Q uestion n umber 7 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt any t hree q uestionsf rom t he r est. ( a) What is the difference between Polymorphism and Encapsulation? 4 (b) Write a program that displays a diamond using asterisks(*) as follows : 1. 6 *** ** ** :N. Y (c) Name * are created automatically by the Java virtual machine and discusst he p urpose o f e ach t hread. MCS-024 three threads that 4 P.T.O. Explain the following and their usage using suitablee xamples: (i) Extends (ii) I mplements (iiO Final Find the errors in the following Java programs and c orrect t hem : (i) int go { ( system.out.println"lnside m ethod g "); int h o { ( system.out.println"lnside m ethod h "); l (iil int sum (int x,. int y) t int result; result = x *V; l What is a package in Java and what are the accesscriteria ? Fxplain with suitable examples. MCS-O24 k) W hat i s e xplicit c asting ? E xplain w ith s uitable example. What is the difference between declaring a variable and defining a variable ? Explain with the h elp o f e xample. 2. (a) What is the dillerence between the boolean operator & and the && operator ? Explain with suitable example. (b) Find the errors in the following Java program, and c orrect t hem : Class E xamination; { public v oid m ain ( argsl]) { system.out.println("java is an OOL") int i = 1 0; for(i>0;i--) ( system.out.println"i = I I ) (c) Write a program to implement Quick Sort technique. MCS-024 3 P. (d) Find and correct the error in each of the following segments: (i) 4 final int A-size = 5; A_size = 1 0; (ii) A ssume int a [ ] [ ] : { {1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }}, a[1',1 ] = $ t 3. (a) Write a Java applet to show a sine wave with v ariablef requencyo n a w eb p age. . (b) What do you mean by "this" keyword ? 6 Explainw ith e xample., (c) What is an event ? Explain different components of an event. (d) What gives Java it's "write once and run anywhere" nature ? 4. ( a) What ? Explain two advantagesof multithreaded programs. Write a program in Java to explain how different priorities can be assignedto different threads. 1 0 is multithreading (b) What i s a s ervlet? E xplain t he u se o f G ET a nd POST m ethods. (c) What is the use of 'synchronize' keyword ? MCS-O24 4 3 (d) What is a datagram socket ? Explain the use of datagram s ocket t hrough a n e xample o f a program w ritten i n J ava. 5. 3 ( a) Compare a nd c ontrast b reak . and c ontinue staternent. 3 (b) What h appensw hen a r eturn l ype, e ven,voidi s specified f gr a c onstructor ? W hat d o y ou understand by parameterized constructors ? Explain w ith o ne e xample. (c) F ind t he e rrors i n t he f ollowing J ava p rogram and c orrect t hem : (i) !=1; while ( i.= 1 0); i++; l (ii) f or ( k : 0 .1; k ! = 1 .0; k + = 0 .1) ( k); System.out.println (d) Write a program that calculatesthe product of the o dd i ntegersf rom 1 t o 1 5. (e) C ompare a nd c ontrast J ava B eans a nd J ava Servlets. MCS-024 11 , 0 0 0

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) December 2008 Question Paper - Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming(Revised Course)
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