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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) DEC 2008 : Data And File Structures

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M CA ( Revised) Term-End E xamination ' @ C\I rl @ O D ecembet,2}D8 M CS-02L: D ATA A ND F ILE S TRUCTURES Time : 3 hours Nate : MaximumM arks : 100 7 frVeightage 5%) Q uestionn umber1 i s e ompulsory.A ttempta ny t hree s questions from therest. All algorithms houldbezaritten t nearer o'C'language. (u) (b) (") Write algorithms for the following : (i) To insert a node at a given position in a circular linked list. (i1) To d6lete the first node frorn circular linked l ist. Write an algorithm to create a Binary Tree. The algorithm should accept elements and display Binary Tree with those elements. ' C' l anguage t o Write a p rogram i n implement Heap Sort. Also, apply heap sort algorithm to sort the following sequencein descendingorder : 4 2 , 3 , 8 1 , 6 4 ,4 , 2 5 , 3 6 , ' l - 6 , ' 9 ,9 Show different steps of the heap during the processof sorting. 10 10 (d) IA/hatis a linear queue ? Write an algorithm for adding an element to a linear queue. 10 (u) Write a 'C' p rogram t o i mplement p riorify queue using affays, check for overflow and underflow c onditions. 10 (b) Write an algorithm to convert a given INFIX 10 expressiont o P REFIX e xpression. A pply algorithm for the following expression : A*(B + C ) 3. (a) (b) 4. (a) (b) Construct a binary tree from the following traversals: POSTORDER: EBIFGCA IHD INORDER:DIHBEAFICG Define AVL tree. Write an algorithm for insertion of a node into AVL tree. Write an algorithm for the implementation of multiple stacks in an array. Write PRIM'S algorithm to find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. Draw the Minimum Cost Spanning Tree using Prim's Algorithm for the Graph given below : 10 10 10 10 J. (a) Write a p rogram i n ' C' f or t he implementation of a Doubly Linked List. 10 (b) Explain sequential file organisation. I4/hat are v arious o perations t hat c an b e performed o n i t ? A lso, l ist a nv t wo 10 disadvantagesof it. -oOo-

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) december 2008 Question Paper - Data And File Structures(Revised Course)
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