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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) JUN 2009 : Operating Systems

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MCA (Revised) Term-EndExamination \o fune, 2009 tg O) M CS-041 : OPERATING S YSTEMS Time: 3 hours Note : L. Maximum M arks : 100 (Veightage: 7 5%) Q uestiono ne is c ompulsory. A ttempt a ny t hree questionsro* the rest. f (a) State the Dining philosopher problem and with i ts s emaphoreb ased a lgorithm. A lso 10 explain a ll t he s teps a nd t he a ssumption take with algorithm. (b) Consider a p aging s ystem w ith t he p age table s tored i n m emory. C alculate t he following : (0 I f a m emory r eference t akes 1 00 nanosecond,h ow l ong d oes p aged memory reference take ? (ii) I f w e a dd a ssociativer egisters a nd 75 percent of all page table references are f ound i n a ssociativer egisters, what is the effectivememory reference time ? T he a ccesst o a ssociative registerst akes 1 -0 sec. n MCS-041 P.T.O. (iii) C onsidera s wapping s ystemi n w hich memory c onsistso f t he f ollowing h ole size i n m emory o rder : 1 0 k , 4 k, 2 0 k , 18 k , 7 k , 9 k , 1 2 k a nd 1 5 k . W hich hole i s t aken f or s uccessives egment requestso f : (u) 12k (b) 10k(.) ek for f irst f it, b est f it a nd w orst f it ? (irr) \Alhata re t he m ain a dvantageso f t he micro k ernel a pproach t o O S d esign as o pposed t o m onolithic k ernel approach ? (") ("i) 2. (a) Illustrate a 3 -dimensional h ypercube system a nd d escribei ts f eatures. Illustrate a nd d iscuss i nter p rocess communicationf eaturesi n W indow's. 2000 0 s. C omparet he m erits a nd d emerits o f v ariour 10 disk s cheduling a lgorithms. (b) T he q ueueo f p ending c ylinder r equesti s 8 0, 1-500, 00, 1 700,1501,'1,000 d isk h ead i s 9 t he 5 currently s erving a t c ylinder 1 40. C alculate the total disk head movements for FCFSand SSTF( ShortestS eekT ime F irst) b ased d isk scheduling a lgorithms. (c) MCS-041 D escribet he l attice m odel f or s ecufity...? 5 3. (u) B rief l y d escribe t he f o llowing C PU scheduling a lgorithms : 6 +4 (i) F CFS (ii) RR (iii) M ultilevel F eedback ueue Q Explain t he d ifference i n t he d egree t o which t he a bove s cheduling a lgorithms discriminate i n f avour o f s hort p rocesses. (b) Explain t he ] ob, P rocess, hread a nd F ibre. 4 +6 T AIso m ention h ow t he o perating s ystem handles t hese e ntities. 4. (u) What a re t he l imitation o f t he B ankers algorithm u sed f or D eadlock a voidance ? Explain. (b) An O S c ontains 1 0 u nits o f s ome s ources o f the resource class R,. There are three processes Pt,P, and P3. P"t requires maximum 10 units of R;, Pz requires maximum 6 u nits o f R , a nd P u r equires maximum 2 . I nitially P 1 h as b een a llocated 4, P zhas b een a llocated 4 a nd P 3, 2 u nits. Show t he p ossibility s equence o f e vents i n the s ystem f or b locked p rocesses a nd t he running p rocess. W ill t here b e a ny e xistence of a d eadlock s ituation a t t he e nd. MCS-041 P.T.O. ( .) Illustrate a nd e xplain d istributed s hared 4 +2 memory a rchitecture o f d istributed operating system. How is it different from the client - server model ? (d) What i s s ynchronization m echanism ? Discuss T est a nd S et m echanism f o r 5 multiprocessor s ynchronization. (a) Explain v irtual t o p hysical a ddressm apping with i llustration. A lso, e xplain t he s teps taken inserving the page fault. (b) Why must the bitmap for the file allocation be kept on mass storage rather than in main memory ? Explain. (c) 3. What are different kinds of file systems in Unix ? E xplain. -oOo- MCS-04L L0

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) June 2009 Question Paper - Operating Systems (Revised Course)
Tags : mca exam papers, mca question papers, ignou mca question papers, ptu mca question papers, mca sample question paper, mca mumbai university question papers, mca exam syllabus, mca exam question paper, online mca exam papers, online mca exam preparation, mumbai university mca question papers, ignou university mca question papers  

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