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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) DEC 2008 : Advanced Database Design

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCS-O.ti} A DVANGED ATABASE ESIGN : D D Time' : 3 h ours MaximumM arks: 7 00 Note : Q uesfion n umber 7 i s c ompulgory. A nswer any t hree q uestionsf rom t he r est. 1. ( a) C onsider t he f ollowing r elation R ( A, B , C ) : R A B c 1 4 5 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 Which o f t he f ollowing dependencies oes n ot d hold ? G ive r easons. (il A-+B (ii) A -+ -+ B (b) What is a data warehouse ? Describe the ' process of ETL for a data warehouse MCS-043 5 P.T.O. (c) What is timestamp ordering ? Explain timestamp b ased p rotocol f or s erializable 5 schedule. Considert he f ollowing r equirements: ' A A c ar o r t ruck c an b e a r egistered-vehicle. person, b ank o r c ompany c an o wn a r egistered vehicle. M odel t his r equirement u sing E ER d iagram (e) C onsider t he f ollowing r elations': EMPLOYEE ( Eno, E name, A ddress,P hone, Salary, D num) DEPT ( Dnum, D location, D name) PROJECT ( Pno, D name, D num) Find t he. n ames o f e mployeesu sing r elational algebra who wor.k on all projects controlled by Department N umber 5 . How will you enforce Referential Integrity Constraint i n O racle ? E xplain w ith t he h elp o f one e xample. (g) Create an object-oriented database using ODL for' the following schema. Make suitable a assumptions bout a ttributes. MC5-043 5 (h) What are the common database security failures ? W hat a re t he S QL c ommands f or granting permission ? Why are statistical databases ore p rone t o d isclosure? . E xplain m with t he h elp o f a n e xample. 5 2. . (a) W hat i s t he s ignificance f c ursorsi n e mbedded o SQL ? E xplain w ith t he h elp o f a n e xample. (b) What are mobile databases ? Explain the ' characteristics f mobile databases. , o (c) What do you mean by deadlock ? How can we prevent them ? Write an algorithm that checks . whether the concurrently executing transactions are i n d eadlock. 10 3. ( a) What is data mining ? How is it different from OLTP ? What is classificationn context of data i mining ? 6 (b) What are data-marts? What is the significancg 4 of c reatingt hem ? (c) What is XML ? How is it different from HTML ? W hat a re t he a dvantages f X ML ? o Create an XML schema for list of studentsand their m arks. MCS-043 10 P.T.O. 4. (a) Compare dnd contrast Relational database management O bject-relational s ystems, databasemanagement systems,Object-oriented database m anagement s ystems. S uggest o ne application for each of these database 10 (b) E xplain J oin D ependencyw ith t he h elp. o f a n example. T o w hich n ormal f orm d oes i t correspond ? F unctional d ependencies a nd multivalued d ependenciesa re s pecial t ype o f Join d ependencies. ustify. 10 J 5.. ( a) E xplain t he c entralized T wo-phase C ommit Protocol i n D istributed E nvironment. G ive t he algorithm f or b oth c oordinatora nd p articipants. 1 2 (b) D evelop a q uery p lan f or t he f ollowing q uery and c ompute i ts c ost . .SALARY> 4OOOO (EMPLOYEE <DEPARTMENT)' D Make suitable assumptions of your own about the relation schema as well as the database statistics. MCS-043 9,000

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) December 2008 Question Paper - Advanced Database Design (Revised Course)
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