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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) JUN 2009 : Advanced Database Design

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MCA (Revised) CD () Term-EndExamination lune/ 2009 @ c\l s"{ MCS-043 : A DVANCED D ATABASE D ESIGN Maximum M arks : 1 00 Time : 3 h ours Note : L. n Q uestion umber1 -i s c ompulsory. A nstaera ny t hree questions f ro* t he r est. (a) Consider the following three transactions T1 T2 T3 read( X) r ead( X) r ead( X) ( X) X=X- 1 000 d isPtaY Write (X) Y: = X ( disPlaY X) Insert s hared a nd e xclusive l ocks i n T 1, T 2 and T 3 s uch t hat t he t ransactions w hen executed concurrently do not encounter any concurrency r elated P roblem. MCS-043 P.T.O. ( b) C onsider t he f ollowing E ER D iagram Derive r elations f rom t he a bove E ER diagram. (c) Define s imple H ash-Join a nd e xplain t he process a nd c ost c alculation o f H ash-Join with t he h elp o f e xample. Make s uitable a ssumptions o f y our o wn about t he r elation s chema a s w ell a s t he database s tatistics. (d) Explain the characteristics of mobile databases. G ive a n a pplication o f m obile databases. MCS-043 (b) How O LAP s upport q uery p rocessing i n dataware h ouse ? (") Differentiate b etween e mbedded S QL a nd dynamic S QL. G ive a n e xample of embedded S QL. 5. Explain t he f ollowing w ith t he h elp o f a n e xample diagram, if any : (u) S emanticd atabases (b) A pplications o f d ata g rid (") S ecurity f eatures o f o racle (d) C hallengesn d esigno f m ultimedia-database i (e) B enefits o f d ata d ictionary (0 S tepso f d atabased esign (g) Clustering in data rnining (h) A pplication o f d ata m ining -oOo- MCS-043 20 (") The d ecision r egarding i ndexing i s a t rade off b etween r ead-only q ueries a nd u pdate queries. E laborate t he s tatement w ith t he help o f e xample. (0 Consider t he f ollowing r elational s chema emp ( e-no, e -name, t itle) pay ( t itle, S al) Let P 1 : S al < 3 000 a nd P 2 : S al > 3 000 b e 2 p redicates Perform a h orizontal f ragmentation o f relation pay, with respect to these predicates, t o o btain p ay l a nd p ay 2 . U sing this f ragmentation o f p ay,perform f urther derived h orizontal f ragmentation o f E mp based o n t itle " Dr" . (g) W hat i s E TL ? W hat a re d iff e rent transformationst hat a re n eeded d uring t he ETL P rocess? MCS.043 P.T.O. (h) Given the following semi structured data in XML create the DTD (Document Type Declaration) for it: (document> <employee> <Name> R ameshJ ain < /Name> <Address>H -1, 2 5, D elhi < /Address) <Address> B -1, N ew o ffice, D elhi < /Address) </employee> <employee> <Name> A nuj </Name> <Address> 2 5, Curgoan, H anyana< A ddress) / </employee> </document> 2. (u) IuVhati s d ata m ail a nd h ow i t i s d ifferent from d ataware h ouse. (b) Consider t he f ollowing q uery : Select s tudent-id, s tudent-name, s ubject, marks form STUDENT, RESULT WHERE S TUDENT. = RESULT.,Student-id id S tudent- AND R ESULT, M ARKS>60 Assume s uitable r elation a nd s tatistics. Createa q uery e valuationp lan f or t he a bove.. MCS-043 P.T.O.

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) June 2009 Question Paper - Advanced Database Design (Revised Course)
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