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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) JUN 2009 : Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming

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MCA (Revised) Term-End E xamination \O june, 2009 oo N O MCS-024: O BIECT O RIENTED TECHNOLOGIES A ND IAVA PROGRAMMING Time : 3 h ours Note; 1. Maximum M arks : 1 00 Q . N o. 1 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt a ny t hree q uestion fro* t he r est. ( u) W hat a re t he m aior c haracteristicso f t he following : (i) p rocedure o riented a pproach. (ii) o bject o riented a pproach. (b) c ompare a nd c ontrast a bstraction a nd encapsulationt echniques ? A lso, g ive a n example f or c omparision. (c) W rite s tepst o c reatea j ava a pplet d isplaying "Global W arming". (d) W rite t he d escriptiory u se a nd o perations used for "Right Shift" and "Left Shift'. (e) Differentiate between "Final" , "Finally" ar:.d " Ftnalize" statements. (f) IzVhatis RMI ? How can you create stub & skeleton ? Write the steps involved. MCS-024 P.T.O. ( u) Describea ny f ive c onstructorsu sed t o c reate string o bjectsa nd a ny f ive m ethodsu sed f or handling s tring o bjects. (b) L0 Describe t he " j ava .io" h ierarchy a nd classify t he i nput s tream c lass. (c) 2. Write t he d ifference b etween t hrow a nd throws. 3. ( u) What i s l istener ? W rite a p rogram t o 10 implement m ouse m otion l istener. (b) 1.0 (a) DiscussL ayout a nd L ayout M anager a long five c lasses i n j ava p ackages w hich implement i t. 10 (b) Explain t he s ignificance o f C ONTAINER for | ava G UI p rogram. (.) 4. Write a j ava p rogram t o s how i nter t hread communication. Write a p rogram t o s how h ow a c lass implements t wo i nterfaces. s. ( a) Write programs to send and receive UDP 10 datagrams. ( Make s eparate s ender a nd receiver p rogram) (b) Explain the life cycle of a servlet along with program w hich c reates a s imple s ervlet generating H TML t o w rite " Welcome t o IGNOU" ? -oOo- MCS-024 2 1.0

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) June 2009 Question Paper - Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming(Revised Course)
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