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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2008 : Computer Graphics and Multimedia

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCS-053: C OMPUTER RAPHICS ND A G MULTIMEDIA Time:3 hours Nofe : 1. Maximum M arks : 7 00 Q uestion n umber 7 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt any t hree q uestionsf rom t he r est. (a) Write a transformation matrix for a 3-D rotation, i n h omogenous c o-ordinate s ystem with. r espectt o X , Y a nd Z a xesr espectively. (b) What is the limitation of DDA line generation algorithm ? H ow d oes B resenham l ine generation algorithm overcome this limitation ? (c) Define an "oblique. projection". Derive a general transformation matrix for an oblique projection. (d) How can frame buffer be used to put colour and intensity control on the screen ? MCS-053 '(e) Explain the term "sweep representation". How can a cylinher be produced by using the ? concept o f s weep r epresentation What is the need of the concept of "Shading" in Computer Graphics ? List the merits and demeritso f P hong S hading. k) Explain the terms "Cel animation" and "sprite animation". W hich. o f t he t wo t echniques i s better f or c reating a nimation ? J ustify y our answer. Define the use of the following file formats : (i) G IF (ii) J PEG (iiil W PG (iv) M PEG (v) T IFF 2. (a) Write pseudo code for Bresenham circle generation algorithm. . Use this algorithm to produce a circle of radius r : 4 units, in the firstquadrantfromx:0tox = g. (b) Write the pseudo code for DDA line drawing .a : line segment with nggative algorithm for slope. MCS-053 2 10 (c) Differentiate between the following (attempt any turo) : . (0 Drawing and Painting (ii) C AD a nd C AM (iii) Printer and Plotter 3. ( a) Determine the final coordinates of the perspective projection of an object, when the object i s f irst r otated w .r.t. t he Y -axis b y - 3 0' and w .r.t. X -axis b y 4 5e, a nd f inally i t i s projected onto Z = 0 plane with the centre of projectiona t ( 0, 0 , - 5 ). 10 (b) Find the general transformation matrix for the reflection about the line v : - x. (c) 4. "simultaneous s hearing i s n ot t hg s ame a s shearingi n o ne d irection, f ollowed b y'shearing in a nother d irection." J ustify t he s tatement mathematically. 5 ( a) Write the pseudo code for the ZSuffer algorithm f or v isible s urfaced etection. W hat i s the m axifnum n umber o f o bjects t hat c an b e handled by Z-buifer algorithm ? Give two advantages and two disadvantagesof Z-buffer algorithm. MCS-O53 10 What is the differencebetween ray tracing and ray casting ? Explain, how a ray tracing method cirn be used to achieve realism in computer graphics. What is the problem of aliasing ? How does the technique of anti-aliasing'work to get rid of the Broblem of aliasing ? 5. (a) Explain any four of thb following : (i) 10 Compressionin Digital Video (ii) Morphing . (iii) StochasticAnimation (iv) Icon basedauthoring tools (v) Panning 'of (b) Discuss the role image editing tools in creating and editing multimedia elernents. Briefly describethe criteria behind the selection 1( of a n i mage e diting t ool.

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2008 Question Paper - Computer Graphics and Multimedia (Revised Course)
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