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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2008 : Principles of Management and Information Systems

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MCA ( Revised) (.o rr) rr) Term-End Examination December,2008 O MCS-052: P RINCIPLES O F M ANAGEMENT A ND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Time : 2 hours Note : 1. Maximum Marks : 50 Questionnumber 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questionsrom the rest. f (a) I4/hat are office Automation system ? How do they help in improving productivity and efficiency ? N ame t hree c ommon o ffice automation p roducts a nd m ention w hat they do ? (b) Explain. the functionality of different levels of management. (") W hat do y ou m ean b y t erm "Organisation" ? How can you categorise it at macro level ? (d) lA/hat is meant by Total Cost of Ownership of a n i nformation s ystem ? D escribe i ts various components. J. W hat d o Y ou m ean b Y knowledge ? Compare a nd c ontrast Inferential V s Factual knowledge ? (u) What is the impact of web enabled ERP orr SCM ? How does IT applications helps in Disaster management ? (u) E xplain t he t erm " DiscountedC ashF Iow"' What is the relation between Discounted Present Value and Future Value ? (b) 4. How does IT assetshelPs management in Risk analysis ? (b) 3. (u) (b) 2. W hat a re p rinciples o f f air i nformation practices ? (a) E xplain d ifferent s tages o f B usiness Anatytics ? (b) W hat a re b usiness i ntelligence t ools ? Explain f ive o Pen s burce b usiness intelligence products ? -oOo-

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2008 Question Paper - Principles of Management and Information Systems (Revised Course)
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