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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) DEC 2008 : Database Management Systems

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. MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2 OO8 MCS-023 D ATABASE ANAGEMENT : M SYSTEMS Time : 3 h ours Note : l. MaximumM arks: 7 00 (Weightage 50/o) 7 Q uesfion n umber 7 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt any t hree q uestionsf rom t he r est. ( a) C onsider " Library M anagementS ystem,,w hich keeps the following tables. Book ( !:br=no, b ook_title,a uthor, p ublisher, edition, y ear) Book_Access(access_no,sbn_no, i date_of_purchase) Member (m_name,m_id, m_address,m_phone) Issue_Return acceslno, mid, ( expected_return_date, ctualreturn_date) a MCS-023 P.T.O. Specify the following Queries in SQL. (i) Find m-id & m-name of the memberswho have got at least one book issued to themselves. (iil List the book details for the books which were purchasedafter January 2OO7. (iii) List all the books on title "Software Engineering". This list should be sorted on author's n ame. (iv) Find the members who have not got any book i ssued. 10 (b) Describe the relationship.betweenData Security and Data Integrity, with the help of a diagram. (c) J ustify t he s tatement " BCNF i s s trong 3 NF" with the help of an example. (d) Why is data replicationuseful in DDBMS ? What are complete and selective replication ? (e) How can system log be used for recoverywhen multiple concurrent transactionsare going on ? Explain with the help of an example. MCS-O23 5 (f) For t he r elation g iven b elow, c heckw hether t he given f unctionald ependencies old o r n ot. G ive h proper j ustification. X X Y Y z 1 1 1 1 '2 P 4 (i) J-+K (ii) K+J (iii) J , K - + L s 2 3 4 3 5 7 (g) Draw an E - R diagram for the situation given below : A c ompany d atabase n eeds t o s tore information a bout e mployee ( identified b y emp_id, s alary a nd p hone a s departments ( identified b y d no, w ith d name and b udget a s a ttributes); hildren o f e mployees c (with n ame a nd a ge a s a ttributes).E mployees work i n d epartments; e ach d epartment i s managed b y a n e mployee; a c hild m ust b e identified u niquely b y n ame w hen t he p arent (who i s a n e mployee; a ssume t hat o nly o ne parent w orks f or t he c ompany) i s k nown. T he company is not interested in information about a c hild o nce t he p arent l eavest he c ompany. s MCS-023 P.T.O. 2. ( a) C onsider t he r elation s upplier w ith k ey S , P #, given b elow, t he f unctional d ependency s et governing t he g iven r elation i s, s ay, FD = {SP# -+ City; S -+ City} Citv) SUPPLIER X 1 Delhi X 2 Delhi X 3 Delhi Y 1 Bombay Y 2 Bombay Keeping in mind the details given, now answer the f ollowing q uestions: (i) Find the highest normal form in which the relation suPPlieris. (ii) Normalize the given relation to next higher normal form. (iii) Briefly discuss the Deletion and Insertion anomalies, which can occur in the above relation. (b) Explain ANSI SPARC 3 Level Architecture of a DBMS. w ith t he d etailso f l anguages ssociated at d ifferent l evels a nd t he t ype o f d ata independence i nvolved i n b etween d ifferent levels. MCS-023 ( c) W hat i s t he r ole o f v iews i n D BMS ? C an w e perform delete, modify or insert operations if the v iew c ontainsg roup f unction ? J ustify' 3. ( a) W hat i s L oss-less oin D ecomposition? J Say E mP-DePt ( emPno, e mpname' j ob, deptno, d eptname, d eptloc)i s a r elation a nd F is a f unctional d ependencys et o n t he r elation where p = { deptno - + d eptname;d eptno - + d eptloc; empno - + e mPname;e mpno - + j ob; empno - + d eptno) If r elation E mp-Dept i s d ecomposedi nto t wo relations Emp ( empno, e mpname,j ob, d eptno) a nd Dept (dePtno, dePtname,dePtloc) then c heck w hether t he d ecomposition i s o loss-less r n ot. (b) Draw the ER diagram for the situation given below : Hospital consists of many departments each of which has its own set of doctors, nurses and wards. Patients consult doctors for treatment; patients could be out-patients or in-patients' Further a ward has general as well as special rooms for stay. MCS.O23 P.T.O. Draw .the precedence graph for the following schedule a nd c heck w hether t he s chedule i s serializable r n ot ( T T T , a re t ransactions o 7, 2, participating i n a c oncurrent s chedule, g iven below) : Schedule Tt T2 T2 Read(Z) n""a tZf T2 Bead (Y) T3 Read (Y) T2 Write (Y) Write ffi T3 ReadM Read(Y T3 Read( Z) Re,ad(Z) T 1 Read(X) ReadX) T 1 Write (X) Write (X) T^ J Write (Y) Write (Y) T3 Write (Zl Write (Zl T2 Read(X) T1 Read(Y) ReadM T1 Write (Y) Write (Y) T2 Write (X) MCS-023 Write (X) 4. ( a) W hat i s t he n eed o f i ndex i n a D atabase system ? M ention t he c ategories o f i ndexes available i n a D BMS, g enerally. W hich d ata structure is suitable for creating indexes, and why ? (b) Consider the concurrent scheduleof transactions T, and T, given below : Schedule T1 T1 Read(SUM) SUM Read(SUM) T1 SUM : S UM- 200 T2 SUM=SUM-200 500 T2 Read(SUM) Read(SUM) T2 S U M = S U M + 5 0 0 SUM=SUM+500 T1 Write (SUM) T2 Write (SUM) Write (SUM) Write (SUM) g Referring to the schedule iven aboveanswer the following questicns : (i) 5 Which property of transaction is violated ? (ii) Identify the final status of SUM. (iiil The above schedule contributes to which problem in Database? MCS - 0 2 3 P.T.O. (c) What d o y ou m ean b y f ragmentation i n a DDBMS e nvironment ? W hat i s t he n eed o f fragmentinga r elation ? E xplain d ifferent t ypes of f ragmentations ith t he h elp o f a n e xample. w 5. ( a) Compare a nd c ontrastt he f ollowing : (i) 8 3 x4:72 RelationalAlgebra and SQL (ii) Centralizedand DistributedDBMS (iii) Waitdie and Wait-wound protocols (b) Explain the following with the help of an example : 2 X4:8 (i) Integrity constraints (ii) Deadlock and its prevention in database systems MCS-023 11 , O O O

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) December 2008 Question Paper - Database Management Systems (Revised Course)
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