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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) JUN 2010 : Data And File Structures

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 I MCS-021 I MCA (Revised) cV Term-End Examination 14 "1" June, 2010 O MCS -021 : DATA AND FILE STRUCTURES Maximum Marks : 100 (Weightage 75%) Time : 3 hours Note : Question number 1 is Compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. All algorithms should be written nearer to C language. 1. (a) Write a program to store the roll numbers and names of students in a binary search tree. Write a function to accept a number and display the name of the student, whose roll number matches with this number. Give suitable messages if the roll number does not exist in the binary search tree. (b) Consider the algorithm given below : Scanf ("%d"; & max); {for (int i =1; i< = max; i + + ){ for (int j =1; j<= max; j + + ) Printf ("%d", i * j); Calculate the complexity (both space and time) of the above code by using Big '0' notation. MCS-021 1 15 10 P.T.O. Write a program to simulate a circular queue using pointers with functions for insertion, deletion. (Use singly linked list). 10 Write an algorithm for pushing an element into a stack. 5 (a) Write a program to find the frequency of 15 words in a given text. The list of words and their corresponding frequency should be in the alphabetical order of words. (b) Explain the properties and operations of AA trees. 5 (a) What is a sparse matrix ? What is its 3-tuple 10 representation ? Also, write an algorithm that accepts 5x4 sparse matrix and outputs its 3 tuple representation. (b) Find minimum cost spanning tree from the 10 following graph using Prim's Algorithm. MCS-021 2 (a) Show step by step construction of an AVL 10 tree resulting from the inserting of the following sequence of keys. 10, 3, 18, 4, 6, 8, 16, 14 Now, Delete key "8" from the constructed AVL tree and show the resultant tree. (b) What are the essential features of a binary 10 tree ? Explain, how a general tree can be converted into a binary tree ? (a) Pre-order traversal of a certain binary tree 10 produces ADFGHKLPQRWZ and in order traversal produces : GFHKDLAWRQPZ Using Pre-order and in-order traversal, draw the corresponding binary tree. (b) Write an algorithm to balance a Red-Black 10 tree after deleting a node.

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) June 2010 Question Paper - Data And File Structures(Revised Course)
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