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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2008 : Advanced Internet Technologies

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination rl December,2008 o.) (o o MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Maximum Marks : L00 Time: 3 hours n 1 Note : Question umber is compulsory.Attemptany three questions from therest. 1. (a) Write a MDB (Message Driven Bean) for news agency that has to capture the data from v arious n ews s ources. T he n ewly written MDB should accept the XNIL format of t he n ews. T he X ML d ata n eeds t o b e parsed a nd s tored i n t he d atabase. T he news format is as follows : <news i d> < /newlid> (source) < /source> <date> </ date> <type-of-news> </type-of-news> <priority> </ ptiority> (news-content> </news-content> (b) What is Java Servlet ? Draw, to represent the different phases of servlet life cycle. (") Explain the different types of Enterprise beans. (d) Explain SessionBeansand Define their life cycle. (") \A/hat is a custom tags in JSP ? What are the components that make up a tag library in ISP ? (0 z. What are the different recovery procedures in security implementation ? (a) What do you mean by session tracking ? Also, e xplain i n b rief d ifferent w ays t o handle sessiontracking in servlet. 10 (b) Explain SSL and TLS with their working and'security measures. 10 (a) Differentiate between the following : (i) (ii) Context init Parameter and Servlet init Parameter (ii| Servlet Engines and Servlet Chaining (t") (b) GET and POST Data Integrity and System lntegrity Create a custom JSPtags named as " Sorted 1 0 Iterate Tags" that can iterate or process any ]ava c ollection. F or e xample i t s hould accept the list of telephone numbers and print them in sorted manner. 4. ( a) W rite a n a pplication t o c reate a X ML document f rom a t elephone d irectory database. T he X ML d ocument s hould 10 contain t he n ame o f a c ustomer, a ddress, telephone n umber a nd t he l ast t welve months bill payment summary. (b) " t. E xplain d atabase h andling i n J SP u sing type 2 and Wpe 4 drivers. 10 (u) What a re t he d ifferent t ypes o f i mplicit 10 objectsused in JSP? Explain all in brief. (b) What a re t he d ifferent d esign a nd developmentGoalsfor XML and explain the usage of )GD/DTD in XML documents. -oOo- 10

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2008 Question Paper - Advanced Internet Technologies (Revised Course)
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