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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) JUN 2010 : Advanced Internet Technologies

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No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-051 I MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination C\1 tr) June, 2010 MCS-051 : ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES 0 Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. 1. (a) Write a web application for a online support 20 of a video library. This application should have the following features : Add a new video information in the library. Check in / check out process for renting purpose. Status report containing the current status of videos in the library. You are required to use the following tables for your online video library. VIDEO_INFO I VIDEO_NAME IGENRE I ID 1YEAR_OF_RELEASE ITOTALCOPIES I CUSTOMER I CUST_ID I NAME I ADDRESS 1REG_DATE TRANS I ID !OPERATION TRANS_DATE I CUST_ID 1 MCS-051 1 P.T.O. Use JSP, servlet and JDBC to develop the application. Also develop a first page that will contain the links to access the functionality mentioned above. Please make the necessary assumption. What is web security ? Explain with suitable examples. 5 Explain the different procedure of Recovery after system failure. 5 (d) Briefly describes the two important 10 interfaces included in the servlet API Http Servlet Request and Http Servlet Response along with servlet life cycle. (a) Explain different types of JDBC drivers with 10 their advantages and disadvantages. (b) Create a custom JSP tag that accepts a name 10 (first name and surname) and converts that into a title case. The conversion should take care of special names such as McDuff. INPUT - brian mcduff OUTPUT - Brian McDuff (a) Write a MDB (Message Driven Bean) that 10 calculates the monthly salary of an employee based on the attendance of the employee. Assume that you have EMP_ATT database available that contains the attendance of the employee. MCS-051 2 (b) Explain the followings : Two way SSL - Authentication with JNDI. Two - way SSL Authentication with servlets. 10 (a) Explain four basic mechanism through which a web client can authenticate a user to a web server during Http Authentication. (b) Discuss the advantages / disadvantages of EJB Architecure in terms of application management, security and inter operability. 10 (a) Explain the life cycle of a stateless session -bean and stateful session bean with diagram. Also discuss where we use which type of bean. (b) Why do we use DTD/XSD ? Explain the advantages of XML over HTML. 10 10 10

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) June 2010 Question Paper - Advanced Internet Technologies (Revised Course)
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