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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2008 : Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination o) Decemberr.2008 CO F-l Lr) C:) MCSE-OO3 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND : KNOWLEDGEMANAGEMENT Tirne: 3 haurs Note : (") Maximum Marks : L00 n is A Q uestion umber'1. compulsory. ttemptany three questionsrom the rest. f Describe the Turing Test. If the Turing Test is passed, does this show that computers 10 exhibit intelligence ? State your reasons. Suggest some advances you think need to , be made in order for the Turing Test passed ? (b) Translate the following sentencesinto first (i) All dogs are mammals. (ii) Tomy is a dog. (*) Tomy is a mammal. (iv) All mammals produce milk. (") There is a dog which doesnlt produce milk. 10 ( c) D iscuss h ow t o d eal w ith t he incompleteness, inconsistency, fuzziness, change and non-monotonic reasoning. 10 (d) Discussthe Hill-climbing algorithm with an example. Mention at least one real world 10 situation w here y ou u se H ill-climbing method to solve your problem. 2. Explain t he a rchitecture o f a n E xpert System with the help of a diagram. (b) Distinguish b etween N atural L anguage Processing ( NLP) a nd N atural L anguage Generation. (") 3. (a) Illuskate at least two hard problems that Artificial Intelligence research has not yet been able to solve. (u) Define the following in PROLOG : (0 Parent (X,Y) (ii) Grandparent ("t Sibling (iv) Both-parent of sibling (b) Define a fuzzy function "Tflll-mnn" (c) Use a t ruth t able t o s how t hat, i n propositional logic, P -+Q can be rewritten as - rPVQ. 1,0 4. (u) Set-up a small rule-based system to advise 10 graduates as to what courses they need to take to satisfy requirementsfor MCA. It will be necessary o consult an expert advisor to t get all the requirements.Use PROLOG/LISP (or any other language like C, C++, Java)as programming l anguage. I nclude explanations for user. (b) W hat b asic o perations m ust a p rogram perform in order to accessspecific chunks of knowledge ? (c) 5. Under what conditions would it make sense to u se b oth f orward a nd b ackward chaining ? Give an example where both are used. (a) Give two examples of analogical learning you have experiencedrecently. (b) IA/hat do you mean by a Truth Maintenance System (TMS) ? (c) W hat d o y ou u nderstand b y s upervised learning a nd u nsupervised l earning i n a neural network model. 4 (d) Explain the term "knowledge"with respect to a knowl.edge based system. Distinguish between p rocedural a nd d eclarative knowledge. -o0o-

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2008 Question Paper - Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management (Revised Course)
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