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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) JUN 2009 : Advanced Internet Technologies

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MCA ( Revised) \o Term-End E xamination ro June, 2 0A9 -<f trO O MCS-05L : A DVANCED I NTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Time : 3 h ours Note: L. Mnxirrutm arks : 1 00 M r Q uestiorrro. 1 i s c ampulsory. A ttewtpta ny t hree questions f rrnn t he r est. (a) Exprlain 3 different types of JDt3C SQL statements i n t erms o f t heir u sage. (b) Write a c ode i n J SP t o i nsert a r ecord i n product table with f ields : prod_id, 10 prod._name, q uantity, p rice. A ssume t hat product table is created in MS-access database. Create a d atabase t able w ith t he f ollowing structure : Product Prod_id Prod_name ary Price Write a p rogram t hat w ill c reate a connection a nd i nsert r ecords i nto t he product t able u sing J DBC. A ssume t hat table w ill b e c reatedi n M S-Accessd atabase and D SN i s P ROD D SN. MCS-05L P.T.O. ( .) Explain t he d esign a nd d evelopment g oals of X ML . (d) What c riteria s hould a d eveloper k eep i n mind w hile c hoosirrg b etween a s essioir bean a nd a n e ntity b ean ? (") Explain u nder w hat c ircumstances M essage driven b ean s hould b e u sed. D iscuss f ew advantages o f M essage c lriven b ean. (f) Compare a nd c ontrast C omputer S ecurity and N etwork S ecuritv. Assume that you are managing a university's w ebsite a nd y ou t o d esign H ttp security a spects o f i t. E xplain h ow c an y ou implement f orm b ased a uthentication f or youl' w ebsite. 2. (u) Explain t he a dvantages a nd d isadvantages of 4 d tfferent t ypes o f J DBC d rivers. (b) What i s D TD ? H Ihy d o w e u se i t ? W rite a 12 Java c ode t hat w ill u se a D TD t o c reate a XML that will contain the marksheet information o f s fudent. 3. (a) D escribet he l ayered a rchitectureo f E IB a nd L0 explain a ll i ts c omponentsb riefly. 0r) MCS-051 C reate a H TML R eader J SPt ag t hat r ead the HTML page from a link and will display the content on the JSP. Do not use 'include' directive. 1_0 4. ( u) W hat a re t he a dvantages o f u sing J ava's muitiple-layer s ecurity' i mplementation ? 10 Explain with the help of an example program. (b) F or a s hopping w ebsite y ou h ave t o s elect 10 Entity b eans o ver s tateful s ession b eans. Justify y oul s election c riteria. 5. ( u) D ifferentiate b etween t he f oilowing : 3 x4='L2 (i) S ervlet c ontext a nd s ervlet c onfig. (i0 S ession b ased t racking a ncl c ookie based t racking. (iii) (b) F rowad( ) v s s end R edirect( ) . W hat i s J NDI a uthentication ? E xplain w ith suitable e xamples. -oOo- MCS-05L B

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) June 2009 Question Paper - Advanced Internet Technologies (Revised Course)
Tags : mca exam papers, mca question papers, ignou mca question papers, ptu mca question papers, mca sample question paper, mca mumbai university question papers, mca exam syllabus, mca exam question paper, online mca exam papers, online mca exam preparation, mumbai university mca question papers, ignou university mca question papers  

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