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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) DEC 2008 : Object Oriented Analysis and Design

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination December, 2008 MCS-032 : OB|ECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : L00 Note 1 Q uestionN o. 1 i s c ompulsory. A ttempt a ny t hree questionsrom the rest. f (u) Explain the concept of information hiding. How it is different from data eniapsulation ? (b) C ompare a nd c ontrast D DBMS a nd ODBMS. (c) Give brief description of characteristicsof object oriented modelling. (d) W hat a re i ntegrity c onstraints ? B riefly discussthe type of.integrity constraints. (e) H ow d o w e i mplement t he c oncept o f assogiationin object oriented programming languages ? (q C ompare o bject o riented a nalysis f or software d evelopment w ith s tructured analvsis. (g) What is an activity diagram ? Explain how activity diagram focuses on flows driven by internal processing with the help of suitable example. (h) Draw a c lass a nd i nstance d iagram f or looping s tatements i n C -programming language. Explain h ow c lasses an b e d esigned. c 7 Explain t he v arious c onsiderations w hile using dynamic model. Prepare a dynamic model for Airlines Reservationsystem. 8 (c) What is meant by object interoperability ? Where is it used and whv ? ( a) With an example explain aggregation. 5 (b) 3. ( a) (b) 2. Explain the elementsand notations of UML 7 class diagram in detail. (c) 4. Discusst est p lans a nd t est c ases. (a) Give the guidelines for developing usability test and user satisfaction test. (b) Explain various components used in DFD by using suitable example such as billing svstem. (c) J. W ith a n e xample e xplain n oun p hrase approach for classification. Write short notes on : (u) Multiplicity and its types (b) State diagram (c) P ersistance (d) OMT models. -o0o- 5x4=24

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 3) December 2008 Question Paper - Object Oriented Analysis and Design (Revised Course)
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