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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) DEC 2008 : Design and Analysis of Algorithms

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MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination o) December,2A08 @ r-l o) c) MCS-031:D ESIGN A ND A NALYSIS O F ALGORITHMS Time : 3 hours Note : Maximum Marks : L00 n Q uestion umber1 ,i s c ompulsory.A ttempt a ny t hree questions s from therest. All algorithrns houldbewritten nearerto C/C++ language. Parts of the samequestion should be attemptedtogether. 1. (a) (0 (ii) W hat i s t he d ifference b etween a O(big-oh) a nd O (little-oh) n otations. Which o f t hese n otations i s n ot asymptotically tight Arrange the following in the order of worst to best efficiency : (b) (c) O O(nIogn), O (Zn),O (tog n 21, 1n27 Write an algorithm (an informal algorithm is sufficient) to find the ith order statistic, which ensures that the worst caserunning time to selectan element isO(n), i.e., linear. (0 D iscuss i nformally t hat a r ecursive solution to matrix-chain multiplication is exponential in nature. (ii) If, both dynamic programming and grebdy approaches are applicable to a g iven p roblem, t hen w hich approach w ould g enerally g ive a faster solution, and why ? (d) W hat i s t he b enefit o f r andomization i n quicksort algorithm ? (e) What are non-regular languages ? Can we use c ontext f ree g rammar t o g enerate regular as well as non-regular languages ? (f) 2. If yes, then give an example of each. \tVhat is the difference between polynomial time and non-polyriomial time algorithms ? (a) D iscuss t he r ole o f o ptimal s ubstructure property in applying a greedy algorithm to solve a given problem. (b) (0 Analyze the worst case running time of merge sort on n numbers. (ii) Given an array of elements : 5 12 , 9 , 4 , 3 , 7 ,6 , 8 If we apply quick sort algorithm on the a bove a rray t hen, w hat i s t he minimum and maximum number of times, e ach e lement w ould b e (c) compared to others. Write Dijkstra's Algorithm to find shortest path t o a g iven n ode i n a n u ndirected weighted graph. 3. ( u) E xplain h ow b inary s earch a lgorithm . performs more efficiently than linear search algorithm. Compare their running times. (b) Write a recursive function to find/calculate the sum of all elementsin an integer aftay. (") Describe,how alpha betapruningsaves time as c ompared t o m inimax-procedure i n a two player game. You can use an example. (d) 4. W hat i s p reconditioning ? E xplain h ow preconditioning i s u seful i n f inding a solution to a problem. ( a) Design a t uring m achine t hat a ccept collection of all strings with an even number of a's and an even number of b's over the alphabet2 : { a, b }. (b) Using K ruskal's a lgorithm, c onstruct a minimum spanning tree from the following graph: (") W tite a c ontext f ree g rammar t hat c an generate the language represented by the regular e xpression( b*a b *a ! *)* J. (u) (b) W hile a pplying D epth F irst S earch i n a directed g raph, h ow d o w e d ifferentiate between a cross edge and a forward edge with respect to the discovery time (i.e., the time at which a vertex become known) of its end vertices. (r) What language is represented by the (ii) (c) (d) regular e xpression6 *a ! *(ab*ab*)*. Define pumping lemma for regular languages. \A/hat is the difference between divide and d ynamic conquer a pproach a nd programming approach to solve.problems. Define a n N P-hard p roblem. G ive a n example also. -oOo-

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 3) December 2008 Question Paper - Design and Analysis of Algorithms(Revised Course)
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