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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) JUN 2010 : Artificial Intelligence and

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I MCSE-003 I No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCA (Revised) oz:t. 00 CY) wzr Term-End Examination O June, 2010 MCSE-003 : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. (a) Mention three areas in which computers are better than human beings. 3 Explain briefly the following definition of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) given by Eline Rich by explaining the underlined technical terms involved in the definition : 1. 5 Artificial Intelligence is the study of techniques for solving exponentially hard problems in polynomial time exploiting knowledge about the problem domain. In context of objections to Turning Test, briefly discuss Chinese Room Test. MCSE-003 1 3 P.T.O. (d) For each of the following sentences, tell whether it is a proposition/statement or not : 2 The sun rises in the West Please, give me a glass of water (e) Define the following concepts, each with a 10 s ital-s le example : Sound Argument Interpretation of a formula Consistent formula Conjunctive Normal Form Enumerate five characteristics of the programming language LISP. Define a function in LISP language that reads three numbers and returns the sum of the squares of these numbers. 4 4 Explain the sequence of steps in processing by a PROLOG system, of the following query ? prefix ( [ c, d ], [ c, d, e] ) Draw a Semantic Network for the representation of the following sentence : Albert struck Lucy in the garden with a sharp knife last month. MCSE-003 2 5 2. (a) Construct Truth Table for the following formula : 7 (- (- P Q) n (- Q v P)), Where P and Q are statement symbols Transform the following into Disjunctive Normal Form : ( P 7 Q) --> R , Where P, Q and R are statement symbols. Obtain a Prenex Normal form of the formula 6 (ex) PO ( 3z ) ((- P (x, y) A Q (x, z)) v R (x, y, z)). 3. (a) Translate the following statements into First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL) : 9 Everyone who saves money earns interest If there is no interest then nobody saves money (b) Using Resolution Method, deduce (ii) from 11 (i) of Q. No. 3 (a). MCSE-003 3 4. (a) Explain the effect of execution of the following statements : 5 * (+ (setq x 8) x) (+ (setq y 11) y)) ' ( (+ (setq p 12) (setq s 8)) (*p s)) (b) 5 Evaluate the following LISP expressions : (i) '( + 9 3 ) ( expt 2 5 ) ( even p ( + 9 6 ) ) (or 'Cat nil ( ) ) (v) ( equal '(two one) '(one two)) (c) Write a recursive function in LISP that finds the factorial of n for a natural number n. 5 (d) Represent the following statement in PROLOG : 5 Rita reads a book 5. (a) Discuss briefly the following components of an expert system shell : 5x2=10 Inference Engine Explanation subsystem of MYCIN MCSE-003 4 P.T.O. Briefly mention some characteristics of EMYCIN. 5 Discuss any one of the following general categories of an agent : 5 Simple Reflex Agents Model Based Agents Goal Based Agents Utility Based Agents MCSE-003 5

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) June 2010 Question Paper - Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management (Revised Course)
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