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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) JUN 2010 : Advanced Discrete Mathematics

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCS-033 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination June, 2010 MCS-033 : ADVANCED DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Time : 2 hours Maximuth Marks : 50 Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. 1. (a) Find the order and degree, for each of the following recurrence, and determine for each whether it is homogeneous or not : 3 a n' 3a n-i + n2 an' a2n-1 + a n-2 a n-3 an-4 (b) Find the complement of the given graph : MCS-033 1 3 P.T.O. Build a generating function for the 4 geometric progression (ar n : n 0}, i.e, for fa, ar, ar2 1. Construct a 5 regular graph on 10 vertices. Solve the recurrence relation : 3 3 a n -5a n-1 +6a n-2 =0 where a 0 =2, a l = 5 Show that the graphs G and G 1 are isomorphic : (a) Define the concept of a spanning tree for a given graph G. Give a suitable example to illustrate the concept. 3 (b) Define each of the following concepts supported with a suitable example : 2. 4 4 Edge connectivity Cut set Bipartite Graph Component Graph MCS-033 2 3 (c) Find an Eular path in the graph : V1 V2 V4 V3 (a) The n th fibonacci number is defined as follows : f1=1, f2 =1, and fn =fn- +fn-2 Using induction or otherwise, show that : 5 fn 2 L 2i Define the concepts of Eulerian and Harmiltonian graph supported with an example for each. Find the chromatic number of the following graph : 3 (a) Define the concept of a complete graph. Draw complete graph each for the case when number of vertices is given by : n=3, n=4. 3 MCS-033 3 2 P.T.O. Show that the number of r - permutations of n objects, denoted by : 5 P(n, r)=n!/ (n r) !, satisfies the recurrence relation : P(n, = P(n 1, r) + rP(n 1, r 1) Show that for a subgraph H of a graph G, 2 A(H) A(G), where A(P) denotes the maximum vertex degree for a graph P. 5. (a) For what values of n is I<n Eulerian. Using substitution method, solve the recurrence : an = n 1 n 1 n an_i + ,n > 1 and a 0 = 5 Verify that the generating function for the binomial coefficients : {C(k, 0), C(k, 1)a, C(k, 2)a 2, MCS-033 3 3 4 is (1 +az)k. 4

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 3) June 2010 Question Paper - Advanced Discrete Mathematics (Revised Course)
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