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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) DEC 2008 : Operating Systems

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MCA ( Revised) Term-End Examination o) (o December,2008 C\l rf (f MCS-041. O PERATING S YSTEMS : Time : 3 h ours Note : 1.. Maximum M arks : 1 00 (VVeightage-75%) n Q uestion umber1 i s c ompulsory. A ttempta ny t htee questionsrom the rest. f ( a) A s ystemc ontains1 0 u nits o f a r esource 1. 1 0 R The resourcerequirement of 3 user processes P1,,P2, P3 can be summarised as : P1 P2 P3 Max. Requirement 8 7 s Current Allocation 3 1 3 BalanceRequirement 5 .6 2 New Requirement Made 1 0 0 Is the current allocation state feasible and safe ? Explain. (Note : - Use Banker's algorithm) (b) Give solution to the Dining Philosopher's problem using semaphores.Give a suitable example to explain it. 10 ( c) Compare and contrast sharing of segments with sharing of pages. Explain the concept of page faults with an example. 10 (d) Explain any 2 disk scheduling algorithms. Calculate the total head movement with the 2 algorithms taken up. The block sequence 10 is as follows : r 51,,9 0, 8 ']..,152,190,140,72,00 Assume that the head is initially on block number 2 0. D raw t he d iagrams f or b oth the a lgorithms. A lso e xplain t he d iagrams. 2. (a) Explain " workingsef" m odel. E xplain i t's concept a s w ell a s i mplementation. (b) Compare Direct file with indexed sequential file organisation. (c) Discuss switching strategies in Distributed Operating System environment. Also give short notes on Reliability and overheads in 10 protocol design. (a) G ive a s hort n ote o n c onditional c ritical region. (b) Explain file processing in UNIX. Compare it with WINDOWS file processing. (c) Compare a nd C ontrast A ccess L ist a nd Capability List. Discussthe implementation of a security and protection algorithm in a distributed operating system environment. 10 4. (a) Explain R esource a llocation g raph f or multiple instances(with an example). Also explain t he p rocedures i n D eadlock recovery. 10 (b) For t he g iven 4 p rocesses rriving a t t ime a 0 (zero) in the order with length of CPU time 10 in milliseconds : Process P rocessingime t P1 10 P2 P3 1,2 30 P4 29 Obtain. average turnaround waiting time and time for SIF and Round Robin ( R R )- ( Q u a n t u m : 3 ) scheduling algorithms for above said processes. Which a lgorithm t akes l esser a verage waiting time ? (a) Explain t ake-grant m odel f or o perating system security with an example. 10 Also explain the mechanismsof security in WIN 2000 operating system. (b) Explain L amport's a lgorithm f or o rdering of events in a distributed environment with an e xample. -oOo- 10

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) December 2008 Question Paper - Operating Systems (Revised Course)
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