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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - III (SEM 5) DEC 2009 : Computer Graphics and Multimedia

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MCS-053 MCA (Revised) Term-End Examination -14 December, 2009 ON MCS-053 : COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA 0 Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Note : Question Number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. 1. (a) What are diffference(s) between Gourand and phong shading ? 5 Explain Cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm. 5 Explain the working principle of plasma panel displays. Give its advantages and disadvantages. 5 Compute 2D transformation matrix for rotating a point (12,6) about the point (3,2) by an angle 30 in clockwise direction. 5 Compute coordinate points of circle drawn with centre at (0,0) and radius 5, using midpoint circle algorithm. 5 MCS - 053 1 P.T.O. Show that the simultaneous shearing shxy(a,b), is not same as the shearing in x-direction, shx(a) followed by a shearing in y-direction, shy(b). 5 Prove the following properties of Bezier curve. 5 P(u= 1) = P'(0)= n (P 1 Po) (h) Explain the formation of an image in vector graphics with the help of an example. Explain any two file formats that use vector graphics. 2. (a) List the features of the following multimedia tools : 5 8 Painting and Drawing tools Image editing tools 3D-modelling and Animation tools Sound editing tools Explain the scan line polygon filling algorithm with the help of suitable diagram. Define the term Ray casting. Explain any one method of ray casting. MCS-053 7 5 2 7 7 Given four control points Po (2, 2) P 1 (3, 4) P2 (5, 4) and P3 (4, 2) as vertices of Bezier curve. Determine four Points on Bezier Curve. 4. (a) Derive a transformation matrix for a perspective projection of a point P (x,y,z) onto a x = 4 plane as viewed from E (6,0,0). Why Bresenhams line drawing algorithm is better than DDA algorithm ? Draw a line segment joining (4, 8) and (8, 10) using Bresenham line drawing algorithm. 3. 6 (a) Explain the differences between the following : 8 Multimedia multimedia and interactive Hypertext and hypermedia. MIDI and digitized audio animation Procedural representational animation and Explain ambient and diffused reflection. Give general mathematical expression for the combined effect of ambient and diffused reflection. What is frame buffer ? How can you use frame buffer for putting colour and controlling intensity on the display device ? MCS-053 6 6 3 P.T.O. 5. (a) What is the advantage of using homogenous co-ordinate system ? Consider the square (0, 0), (0, 2) (2,0), (2,2). Perform a composite transformation of the square by using the following steps. (Give the coordinates of the square at each intermediate steps ). 8 Scale by using Sx =2 and Sy =3 Rotate of 45 in the anticlockwise direction (iii) Translate by using Tx =3 and Tx =5 Why are hidden surface algorithm needed ? Explain scan-line method for visible surface determination. 5 Derive a 30-transformation matrix for rotation relation matrices for about Z-axis, X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. 7 -o0o- MCS-053 4

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) December 2009 Question Paper - Computer Graphics and Multimedia (Revised Course)
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