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IGNOU UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) JUN 2010 : Advanced Database Design

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-043 re) MCA (Revised) (NI Term-End Examination June, 2010 1.' 1 MCS-043 : ADVANCED DATABASE DESIGN Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Answer any three questions from the. rest. 1. (a) The ABC. Bank offers five types of Accounts : loan, checking, savings, daily interest saving and money market. It operates a number of branches within the country. A client of the bank can have any number of accounts. Accounts can be self or a joint account. 10 Draw an EER diagram for the ABC bank identifying various entities, attributes and cordinality. Show meaningful relationships that exist among the entities. Translate the EER diagram to schema Relational Model. MCS-043 1 P.T.O. (b) Explain the following protocols for 10 concurrency control in transactions with the help of an illustration for each : Tree - protocol Timestamp - Based Protocol. (c) With the help of a process diagram, explain 10 the various tasks involved in the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process. Explain the role of ODBC and JDBC with the help of an example. 6 Is the following XML document well formed ? Justify your answer : 4 ?xml version = "1.0" standalone ="yess" ? > employee > name > Amit </name > position > Professor </position > </employee > employee > name > Sumit </name > position > Reader </position > </employee> . (a) What are multimedia databases (MMDBs) ? 10 List some of the applications of MMDBs. Describe various contents of MMDBs. Also, mention the challenges in designing of MMDBs. MCS-043 2 Define Multi - valued dependencies and Join dependencies. Give an example of each. State fourth and fifth normal form. 6 Consider a relation R (A, B, C) with functional dependencies AB - C and 4 C --> A . Decompose the relation R into BCNF relations. 3. (a) With the help of a diagram, explain the 10 reference architecture of Distributed DBMS. How is this different from component Architecture of DDBMS ? (b) Explain the following two ways to 10 implement the object - oriented concepts in DBMS: To extend the existing RDBMS to include object orientation. To create a new DBMS that is exclusively devoted to OODBMS. What is a (DW) Data Ware house ? Explain the basic components of a DW. Consider a Supply Data of an organization having three dimensions as Supplier, Part and Project. Draw a star schema with supply as the fact table. Make suitable assumptions. MCS-043 6 6 3 P.T.O. (c) Explain the following in the context of ORACLE/ POSTGRESQL : Triggers Security 8 Data Dictionary Indexing 5. (a) With reference to special Databases and GIS explain the following : Application of Geographic Databases 3 Requirements of a GIS 4 3 (iii) Operations on the data captured in GIS Consider the following query : 5 SELECT Empld, EmpName, DeptName, DeptLve FROM Employee, Department WHERE Employee. DeptNo = Department. DeptNo AND Employee, Salary > 10000 Create a query evaluation plan for the query given above. Make suitable assumptions about the relation and statistics. Explain Cursors. Explain the role of cursors in Embedded SQL with the help of an example. MCS-043 5

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) June 2010 Question Paper - Advanced Database Design (Revised Course)
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