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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) MAY 2008 : Data Communication and Computer Networks

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Roll No. ........................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 03 Paper ID [A0508] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (203) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 2nd) DATA COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER NETWORKS Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous signals? b) How is interference avoided by using FDM? c) How is redundancy related to error detection and correction? d) Explain the difference between Telephone and leased line communication channels. e) Give examples of where star and ring topologies will be useful. f) What is the role of CSMA/CD Protocol? g) Why we need network reference models? h) Why we need multiplexing in communication channels? i) Differentiate between pure Aloha and slotted Aloha. j) What are important characteristics of STDM? k) How leaky bucket algorithm is different from token bucket algorithm? l) List the major design issues at transport layer level. m) Why network standardization is too important in today s world? n) How fourier analysis is important in data communication? o) Differentiate between STP & UTP Cable media. D - 337 P.T.O. Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) What is meant by terms addressing and naming in Computer Networks. Q3) What are the IP addresses used or spanned by the CIDR address Q4) Differentiate between guided media and unguided media. Q5) Consider a point-to-point link 50 km in length. At what bandwidth would propagation delay (at a speed of 2 10*8m/s) equal transmit delay for 100-byte packet. What about 512 byte packet? Q6) Discuss the architecture of TCP/IP Model. Q7) Explain the working of cable modems. Q8) What is the hamming distance for the following codes (a) (b) (c) (d) d (10000, 01000) d (0000, 0000) d (10000, 01000) d (0000, 0000) Q9) A router has the following routes in its routing table Route Outgoing Interface e1 e0 e1 s0 s1 s0 e1 s2 A packet arrives at the router with a destination address of Which interface will the router use to transmit that packet? Justify your answer. Q10) Write a short note on Optical Fiber Communication. D - 337 2 Q11) Discuss the working of distance vector routing algorithm. Q12) Explain the working of leaky bucket algorithm with the help of suitable example. Q13) Write a short note on flow control and buffering. ZZZ D - 337 3

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) May 2008 Question Paper - Data Communication and Computer Networks
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