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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 1) SEP 2010 : Systems Analysis and Design

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Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0505] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (105) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 1st) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) What special skills the system analyst should possess? b) What is economic feasibility? c) What is the output systems analysis phase? d) What are the objectives of preliminary investigation? e) What data is gathered during preliminary investigation? f) What is the difference between logical and physical design? g) What are the characteristics of a DFD? h) What is the use of decision tables? i) What are the major advantages and disadvantages of interviews? j) What are the limitations of sequential file organization? k) What are the objectives systems testing? l) What is test data? m) How can system analyst combat the resistance to change? n) o) A-523 Distinguish between alpha and beta testing. Distinguish between replacement and modified implementation. P.T.O. Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) Distinguish between : (a) Physical and abstract systems. (b) Open and closed systems. Q3) Explain the role of a system analyst. Q4) Distinguish between initial investigation and feasibility study. Q5) Describe any five attributes of a system analyst. Q6) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of interviews? Explain. Q7) Explain various steps in the construction of a DFD. Q8) Explain the concept of structured design. Q9) Explain chaining and inverted list organization. Q10) Explain the procedure for hardware selection. Q11) What are the types of system implementation? Explain. Q12) How for software the decision for in-house development and outsourcing is taken? Q13) Explain various activities in system implementation. kbkb A-523 2

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 1) September 2010 Question Paper - Systems Analysis and Design
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