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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) SEP 2010 : Management Information System

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Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0506] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (201) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 2nd) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) What is EDP? b) Distinguish between data and information. c) What are important characteristics of information? d) What is systems approach? e) What are the sub-systems of information systems? f) What is Robert Anthony s hierarchy of management activity? g) What are the components of MIS? h) How information varies with hierarchy of management? i) What are characteristics of MIS? j) What are the activities in the Simon s model of decision making? k) What are the pitfalls in MIS development? l) What is the main difference between design and implementation of MIS? m) What are the types of information provided by financial MIS? n) o) A-524 What are the objectives of system design? What are the major activities in analysis of MIS? P.T.O. Section - B Q2) (9 5 = 45) What are the types of information? What is the role of information in decision making? Explain. Q3) What is a system? What are its elements? Q4) What are the various steps in processing a transaction? Explain. Q5) Explain the various components of DSS. Q6) What are the objectives and characteristics of MIS? Q7) Distinguish between structured and un-structured information. Q8) Discuss the Simon s model of decision making. Q9) Discuss Robert Anthony s model of management hierarchy. Q10) Discuss the difficulties in MIS development. Q11) Discuss production MIS in detail. Q12) Explain the various evaluation approaches of MIS. Q13) What is system implementation? Explain the various types of implementation. kbkb A-524 2

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 2) September 2010 Question Paper - Management Information System
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