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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSTY MCA - I (SEM 2) MAY 2008 : Introduction To Microprocessor

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Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0510] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (205) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 2nd) INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSOR Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) Define terms BIT, BYTE, NIBBLE, and WORD. Give suitable example of each. b) Draw the block diagram of microprocessor based system. c) What do you mean by addressable memory. If a microprocessor is having 20 address lines what will its addressable memory? d) How many lines are required for 8K memory? e) What is the function of ALE, HOLD, HLDA, TRAP in 8085? f) Explain the function of DAD, LDA, ORA, PCHL. g) What is an assembler? h) Draw the resister structure of 8086/8087? i) What is the roll of SIM, RIM, DI, and EI? j) Draw the timing diagram of OUT instruction. k) Write an assembly language program to add two decimal numbers. l) How long an INTR pulse can stay high? m) Draw the pin diagram of 8085. n) Define the terms, T-state, machine cycle, instruction cycle. o) Define the term word length. What is its significance? D-435 P.T.O. Section - B Q2) Discuss the various features of RISC & CISC processors. (9 5 = 45) Q3) Draw and explain the flag registers of 8085 and 8086. Q4) Draw and explain the block diagram of interrupt controller. Q5) Write a program to arrange a given data in ascending order. Q6) Draw and explain the pin structure of 8086. Q7) What do you mean by addressing modes Explain the addressing modes of 8085with the help of suitable examples. Q8) Write a complete note on 8284. Q9) Draw and explain the block diagram of 8085. Q10)Compare the various features of 8085,8086,80186,80286,80386,80486. Q11)Discuss the architecture of 80486. Q12)Write a program to add a set of data. Q13)Write a program to transfer sixteen bit data which are stored memory location from XX50H to XX5FH to new locations starting at XX70H. kbkb D-435 -2-

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