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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) SEP 2010 : Visual Basic Programming

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Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0513] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (303) (S05) (O) (LE) (Sem. - 3rd) VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) Write various properties of VB forms? b) Differentiate between Radio Button and Check Box. c) Explain static, public and local variables. d) How you can open and run a VB project? e) How you can create time events in VB? f) Explain features of Visual Component Manager. g) What are control arrays? h) What do you mean by client and server architecture? i) Discuss types of ActiveX components available in VB. j) Differentiate between a function and a procedure. k) How can I access a record by record-number? Explain with example. l) How you can update data in a data source? Discuss with example. m) What are Built-in ActiveX controls? n) o) A-531 How objects are created and referenced in VB? Write advantages of OLEDB. P.T.O. Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) Explain various data types in Visual Basic. Q3) What do you mean by event procedure? How do we attach code to events? Explain. Q4) Explain how the pop-menus are created in VB. Q5) Explain the following control structures by giving syntax and one suitable example. (a) Do ...... Loop while structure. (b) Exit For and Exit Do statements. Q6) Describe the different types of error handling techniques in VB. Q7) How user defined ActiveX components are created and managed in VB? Q8) How you can create class modules? Explain how properties and events are added to created class module. Q9) Explain how debugging of a new project is done in VB? Q10) What is a cursor? How it is used? Explain its types. Q11) How you can create ActiveX DLL Component? Explain the steps. Q12) What is ADO Data Control? Explain with example. Q13) How you can add properties, methods and events to your own ActiveX control? kbkb A-531 2

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 3) September 2010 Question Paper - Visual Basic Programming
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