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PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) MAY 2008 : Software Engineering

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Roll No. ........................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0517] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (402) (S05) (O) (Sem. - 4th) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) What are the differences between a software life cycle model and a process model? b) Draw a diagram that represents an iterative life cycle model. c) What is the difference between a process approach and project approach? d) Calculate the COCOMO effort, TDEV, Average staffing and productivity for an organic project that is estimated to be 39, 800 lines of code. e) Explain in brief about product Metrics. f) What is the advantage of a DFD over other diagrams? g) What criteria should be used to evaluate scenarios and state diagrams? h) Explain the difference between a database that services one or more conventional business applications and a data warehouse. i) Differentiate between the terms Architectural Pattern and Frameworks. j) What are the important goals of Domain Analysis? k) If a program has two integer inputs and each can be 32-bit integer, how many possible inputs does this program have and if one test can be run every millisecond, how long would it take to execute all of the possible inputs? D - 605 P.T.O. l) Software testers have sometimes said errors happen in corners . What could this mean? m) What is the difference between verification and validation? n) Why is a highly coupled model difficult to unit test? o) Give at least two examples in which black-box testing might give the impression that everything is O.K. but white-box test might uncover an error. Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) Draw a process model for the task of painting the walls in a room. Include the following tasks; choose color, buy paint, clean the walls, stir the paint, paint the wall. Q3) Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable to the prototyping model. Q4) Discuss in brief about Coding and Validating Principles. Q5) How does problem based estimation differs from Process based estimation? Q6) Draw scenario for the interaction between a customer trying to buy a particular music CD with cash and a clerk in music store. Be sure to cover all possibilities. Use the state machine model with the events being the arc. Q7) Explain the difference between user s requirements and specifications. Q8) Discuss in brief the role of Data Dictionary with the help of suitable example. Q9) Explain how the functional testing of object-oriented software is done? Q10) Do you design software when you write a program? What makes software design different from coding? Q11) How can project scheduling affect integration testing? Q12) Explain the strategy which can be used for testing of real-time systems. Q13) Discuss in brief the important characteristics which a good test should have. ZZZ D - 605 2

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) May 2008 Question Paper - Software Engineering
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