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Roll No. .......................... Total No. of Questions : 13] [Total No. of Pages : 02 Paper ID [A0530] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) MCA (503C) (S05) (Sem. - 5th) VISUAL BASIC.NET Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: 1) 2) Section - A is Compulsory. Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B. Section - A Q1) (15 2 = 30) a) What is a sub procedure. b) How do I mimic a toggle button. c) How do I get my application on top? d) Is there a way to break long lines in VB code? e) How do one remove/change the picture property of a control at design time? f) How do I make my applications screen-resolution independent? g) What is a message box. h) How do I implement an accelerator key for a text box? i) How data is passed to a procedure. j) Can a VB application be an OLE server? k) What is an icon. l) What is an user interface. m) What is a system name space. n) What is a system exception class. o) What is an event driven programming. D - 506 P.T.O. Section - B (9 5 = 45) Q2) What are the different user interfaces available in VB. Explain. Q3) What is a MDI form. How is it created. Q4) What is a class and object. How are they defined in visual programming languages. Explain with an example. Q5) What are the major constructs of visual programming. Explain with example. Q6) How a data base is interfaced with VB. How SQ1 statements are used in VB. Q7) How structured exception handling is done. Explain with an example. Q8) Explain the following (a) Message Box (b) Dialog Box (c) Context Menu Q9) What are the various methods of passing parameters to function in Visual Basic. Explain with example. Q10) What are the various operators available in VB. Explain with example. Q11) What are the various data types available in VB. Explain with example. Q12) What are the various control structure available in VB. Explain with example. Q13) How an application is designed in .NET. What is the anatomy of a .NET application. xxxx D - 506 2

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Additional Info : Mca - III (sem 5) May 2008 Question Paper - Visual Basic . NET
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