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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 1) JUN 2008 : Data Structures Through In C

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Wk 6 MCA 643 MCA-03/ PGDCA-02 M.C.A./P.G.D.C.A. DEGREE/DIPLOMA EXAMINATION JUNE 2008. First Year/First Semester DATA STRUCTURES THROUGH C Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 60/75 Answer for 5 marks questions should not exceed 2 pages. Answer for 10/15 marks questions should not exceed 5 pages. PART A (4 5 = 20)/(5 5 = 25) Candidates with Enrolment Number starting with A4 MCA and C5 MCA have to answer any FOUR from the Questions 1 to 6, all other candidates have to answer any FIVE from questions 1 to 7 in Part A. 1. List the various types of constants available in C . Explain with examples. 2. Explain the syntax and use of do-while loop with an example. Wk 6 3. What is a Queue? How will you check whether the Queue is full or empty? Discuss. 4. Define Sorting? What are the factors to be considered while choosing a sorting technique? 5. Explain storage classes in C with examples. 6. What is meant by binary tree traversal? Explain any two traversals with suitable examples. 7. State the advantages, applications of linked list. disadvantages and PART B (4 10 = 40)/(5 10 = 50) Candidates with Enrolment Number starting with A4 MCA and C5 MCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 8 to 13 and all other candidates should answer any FIVE from the questions 8 to 14 in Part B. 8. List out the logical operators and relational operators available in C and explain their use with suitable examples. 9. Describe in detail the various performed on a stack with algorithm. 10. operations Develop an algorithm for Binary Search. 11. What is meant by traversing a graph? Write the algorithm for Depth-first search and explain. 2 MCA 643 Wk 6 12. What are the standard files that are accessed when a program begins its execution? List out the important file handling functions available in C . 13. With relevant example discuss call by value and call by reference. 14. Explain by giving suitable examples Balanced binary Trees and B-Trees. 3 MCA 643

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