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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) JUN 2009 : Theory Of Computer Science

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Ws 6 MCA 420 MCA 10/ PGDCA 08 M.C.A. DEGREE/P.G.D.C.A. EXAMINATION JUNE 2009. Second Semester / First Year THEORY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75 PART A (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. Prove that R (S T) RS 2. Show that the language L regular. RT . 0 m1m ; m 0 is not 3. Write short note on non-context free language. 4. Explain briefly universal turing machine. 5. Show that plus-prod is primitive recursive. 6. Show that n 2 7. f (x) 3 log n O (n 2 ) . x 2 3x 1, g( x ) 2x 3 find f g, g f , f f , g g . Ws 6 PART B (5 10 = 50 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 8. If the string automata? Justify. abab accepted by the finite state 9. Construct NDFA for the regular expression r a / b ab and convert it into DFA. 10. Construct the grammar for the language L(G ) { a n ba n / n 1} . 11. Design Turing machine to accept the language L { b n d n / n 1} . 12. Explain various types of problems. 13. Discuss about pushdown automata. 14. Discuss about the application of context free grammar. 2 MCA 420

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