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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 2) JUN 2009 : C++ And Object Oriented Programming

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ws8 MCA 419 MCA 09/ PGDCA 07 M.C.A. DEGREE/P.G.D.C.A. EXAMINATION JUNE 2009. Second Semester/First Year C++ AND OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours PART A (4 Maximum marks : 60/75 5 = 20/5 5 = 25 marks) Candidates with enrolment number starting with A5BCA and C5BCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 1 to 6 and all others should answer any FIVE from the questions 1 to 7 in Part A. 1. What are the Applications of Object Oriented Programming? 2. What are the characteristics of Arrays? 3. Explain Overloading Binary Friend Function with an example. Operator 4. Discuss if statements. 5. Explain Class Templates with an example. 6. Explain Pass by Reference with an example. 7. Discuss the Benefits of Modeling in UML. using ws8 PART B (4 10 = 40/5 10 = 50 marks) Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4MCA and C5MCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 8 to 13 and all others should answer any FIVE from the questions 8 to 14 in Part B. 8. Explain how will you declare and initialize a Class and explain with example. 9. Create a program for EB-Bill preparation using Static Member Functions. 10. Explain different types of Operators with example. 11. Explain in detail about Multiple Catch Statements with an example. 12. Create a function template program for sorting list of elements using Bubble sort method. 13. Describe Virtual Base Class with an example. 14. Explain any 5 UML class diagrams. 2 MCA 419

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