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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) JUN 2008 : Internet Programming

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Wk 6 MCA 659 MCA-19 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE 2008. Fourth Semester INTERNET PROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 60/75 Answer for 5 marks questions should not exceed 2 pages. Answer for 10/15 marks questions should not exceed 5 pages. PART A (4 5 = 20)/(5 5 = 25) Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4MCA and C5MCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 1 to 6 another should answer any FIVE from an questions 1 to 7 in Part A. 1. Distinguish between LAN and WAN. 2. Explain how does the internet work. 3. What are the tags used for styling text? Wk 6 4. Give the commands used to insert the VB script into HTML document. 5. What do you mean by Rollover image and how do you create one? 6. What is the purpose of final keyword? 7. What is meant by package? How will you create a package in Java? PART B (4 10 = 40)/(5 10 = 50) Candidates with Enrolment number starting with A4MCA and C5MCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 8 to 13 and should answer any FIVE from the questions 8 to 14 in Part B. 8. Explain the OSI Reference model in detail. 9. Explain Internet Protocol Control Protocol in detail. and Transmission 10. Discuss the HTML tags that are used for creating a web page and explain them. 11. List any five String objects in Java Script and explain them with examples. 12. Explain properties and methods of the ERR object in VB Script. 2 MCA 659 Wk 6 13. What is meant by interface? Explain it with an example in Java. 14. What are the commands used to add graphics to web pages? 3 MCA 659

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 4) June 2008 Question Paper - Internet Programming
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