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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 1) JUN 2009 : Introduction To Software

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ws8 MCA 412 MCA 02 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE 2009. First Semester/First Year INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE Time : 3 hours PART A (5 Maximum marks : 75 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. What is meant by an imperative statement? 2. What are non terminal symbol? Explain. 3. Discuss the functions performed by a compiler. 4. Write short notes on device management. 5. What is meant by UNIX kernel? Is it a multitasking OS? Explain briefly. 6. Draw the UNIX architecture and explain briefly. 7. State the principles of software engineering briefly. ws8 PART B (5 10 = 50 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 8. Write an algorithm to find the factorial of a given number using recursion. 9. Write short notes on pass structure of a macro assembler. 10. Explain the functions of memory management scheme. 11. Discuss the features of UNIX operating system. 12. What is meant by Text manipulation? Explain briefly. 13. Discuss in detail the software development life cycle. 14. Illustrate briefly the qualities of software with an example. 2 MCA 412

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